East Indies: March 1633

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies and Persia, Volume 8, 1630-1634. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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'East Indies: March 1633', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies and Persia, Volume 8, 1630-1634, ed. W Noel Sainsbury( London, 1892), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol8/pp371-391 [accessed 21 September 2024].

'East Indies: March 1633', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies and Persia, Volume 8, 1630-1634. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury( London, 1892), British History Online, accessed September 21, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol8/pp371-391.

"East Indies: March 1633". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies and Persia, Volume 8, 1630-1634. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury(London, 1892), , British History Online. Web. 21 September 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol8/pp371-391.

March 1633

Mar. 1–4. 404. Court Minutes, E. I. Co. Report of Sir John Wolstenholme of two complaints made by Mr. Attorney-General, the one that executors can never receive the estates of their friends deceased in the Indies, pretending that none of their estates are ever brought home; the other that when their servants come home the Company pretend some offence against them, and so abate part of their wages. To which the Court answered that if the first be true the Company at home is not to be blamed, who ever use all possible care to prevent such abuses, and for the latter, whatever abatement has been made at home, either by mulct, freight, or otherwise, the Company are always ready to give a sufficient reason. Discontent of Capt. Alnutt about the great cabin, and the two articles 28th and 32nd, wherein it is ordered that if any of the Company's goods be purloined and the offender cannot be found, and if any of the Company's goods be damnified by default in stowage, the damage shall be levied upon all the ship's company proportionably. The Court satisfied him they intended not to prosecute the rigour of those two articles, but to incite the Commanders and others by their care and vigilance for prevention of such abuses; but for the great cabin, they insisted that their President should have prime accommodation of a cabin and closet, and left the second to the Captain and the third to Mr. Chewe, wherewith Capt. Alnutt seemed satisfied. Petition of Robert Freeman, Gunner's Mate of the Reformation, showing how long he had served the Company, craving pardon for his offence of private trade, and promising never so to offend again, but the Court resolved to make him an example by dismissing him their service. Request of Mr. Chewe to be made one of the Council at his arrival at Surat, granted, the Court resolving to increase the number to five if it be already full.
Mar. 4. Ordered that the President and Council at Surat invest 40,000 ryals for the southwards, and inquire what commodities are vendible there to profit besides calicoes, and to send some. Gratuity of 10s. to Rachel Stitch in regard her husband was slain in the Company's service. 2 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk., XIII., 217–219.]
Mar. 5.
405. Jno. Norris and Tho. Clarke to Raphe Cartwright, &c. Find the musters sent exceeding dear. Conceived their money so long since delivered to Ananto, would have produced better pennyworths, but know no remedy but patience, seeing the times are so averse. Will very shortly decide on their future investment, meantime desire Cartwright's speedy repair to assist them in council about matters of greater import; what "wachars" (washers ?) can be spared may accompany him till times are better. Have used the gunnie and packthread sent in making bags for rice for ships' provision, and therefore desire another speedy supply. Mirza Shim Shaw writes of 50 bales cotton yarn he has bought, desire them to deliver the bearer a muster of that contracted for with Ananto, that if correspondent he may receive the like price. 1 p. [O. C., Vol. XIV., No. 1497.]
Mar. 6. 406. Court Minutes, E. I. Co. Petition of Thomas Reignolds, late Purser of the London and now Purser of the Palsgrave, to be restored 20l. deducted from his wages for freight of 800 lbs. pepper of private trade, but the Court remembered he brought home 1,600 lbs., yet, he having been their servant 18 years, bestowed upon him a gratuity of 10l. to set him to sea. Relation of Mr. Treasurer that Harman, the jeweller, hath not yet found the Company's emerald, which he pretends to have lost, and is so far from intending to give the Company satisfaction that he had used uncivil and disgraceful speeches against some Alderman of this Court; whereupon resolved to confirm their late order that if before Lady Day next he restore not the jewel or give contentment for same, Mr. Acton forthwith proceed against him by course of law. On reading the general letters from the Company to Surat, some discourse fell concerning the trade of Persia, whether, considering the new King of Persia is not so well affected to merchants and merchandising as his father was, and the small benefit made by the return of silk, and the great charges it puts the Company to, by the wearing out of their ships and lengthening their voyages, it were not better to give over that trade, and only apply themselves to that of India, which is more profitable and certain, it being also remembered that their chief inducement to embrace the trade of Persia was the hope to vent yearly 5,000 broad cloths and 100 tons of tin, which is not made good, there being yet on their hands a great quantity sent the last two years of each kind. But it was answered that the trade of India cannot subsist without continuing the trade of Persia, and that the charge would be as great whether they went to Persia or not, by reason the Company must be forced to go strongly manned against the power of the Portugals, whose strength daily increases, otherwise they will beat the English out of the Indies; having largely disputed this point, and the Court being divided in opinion, it was thought fit to defer the further arguing of this business to a more fit opportunity. A further 5l. bestowed on Mr. Crossethwaite, who goes preacher in the Palsgrave, over and above the 10l. formerly given, to set him to sea. Bill of charges expended by Richard Swinglehurst and Philip Dumarisq for post horses and diet in the journey to Portsmouth and back, amounting to 7l. 8s. 5d., to be paid. 2½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk., XIII., 219–221.]
Mar. 6.
407. Wm. Gibson, John Sherland, Rich. Cooper, and John Willowby to the President and Council of Surat. The fleet arrived here 18th past, since which most of the goods are received on shore. Of the two Indian commodities the sugar candy proves wondrous bad, being foul and coarse cannot get any money for it, and for the other, though reasonable good, cannot get its cost in India, so that were they not much bestreighted of moneys, would send it back to help lade the Mary. Have had much travail this year to bring some effect to their business, yet by reason of late disturbances in this Kingdom, the fruits have been so little that at the ship's arrival they were quite out of hopes of receiving any silk this year, but on 25th past, received letters from Mr. Fall, in Spahan, advising of the receipt of 271 bales; which advice somewhat troubled their resolutions, because the President so urgently required speedy dispatch of the ships, but by general consultation have concluded that the Mary and Dolphin shall be dispeeded about 10th or 12th present for Surat, and the Jonas and Hart await the coming of the silk, which may be here by the end of this month, and then if it be thought requisite, endeavour to gain Surat; otherwise to go directly for Masulipatam to meet there, which course they conceive the better, for that they shall pleasure a great many powerful friends, and gain a good freight. Some two days agone arrived a ship from Masulipatam of Meere Com Alladeen's, guarded both by nation and colours of the Dutch; goods she brought nothing in quantity, but very many passengers. Much mortality this year, but four surviving of the nine appointed for this place. Endorsed, "per the Dutch. Rd 5 April, 1634 overland." 1½ pp. [O. C., Vol. XIV., No. 1498.]
Mar. 8–13. 408. Court Minutes, E. I. Co. Mr. Acton's bill of 8l. 11s. 10d. for law charges to be paid. Report of Mr. Governor that he had received a relation in writing from a Scottishman, who had been in the Dutch service in the East Indies of the trade of China and of the means how the English may attain to have commerce as well as the Hollanders, that he likewise offered himself to be employed in effecting the same if they shall think his discourse probable and himself worthy their acceptation; but the Court thought not fit at present to fall to consideration thereof, intending hereafter to appoint a time purposely for this business, and therefore said party was called in and thanked, and was told that if on his return out of Scotland he will repair to the Court again they would resolve whether to embrace his overture and accept his service. Report of Mr. Treasurer that he hath provided and packed up 55 chests of silver amounting to 55,000l., and two chests of gold amounting to 11,4591. 7s. 11d., which he hath sent down to Gravesend and are laden aboard their ships. Order concerning the difference between the Company and Jas. Bignoll and Robt. Mellershe for 20 barrels of powder sold for a debt owing by Edward Collins, the Company's late powder maker. Ordered that Ellam "break up the letter" and directions left by Capt. Weddell for the rendezvous of their ships to be sent out this year, and to write two copies with his own hand, and keep the contents from any man whatsoever, to seal up same and send one in the Palsgrave and the other in the Discovery; but the letter to be kept and reserved here. Ordered that Mr. Barlowe be written to forthwith to accept the offer for all the Company's saltpetre remaining in his hands at 60 gilders the cwt., and advertise if he can contract for a greater quantity at that or a higher rate. Security of James Ruddyard for 120 bags of pepper, allowed by the balloting box; as of Alderman Fenn and Robert Fenn for 100 bags; and Sheriff Perry and Warwick Fowndes for 100; and Job Harby and others for 400 bags in several parcels. Bond of Nicholas Bix who came home in the London to be cancelled. Bill of Edmond Chambers for 3l. 1s. for taking the Committees to and from Gravesend, to be paid. Order to John Spiller to bespeak 30 new buckets, 18 having been lost at the late unhappy accident of fire at the bridge, and five at a fire in St. Helen's. Sheriff Andrewes permitted to send two suits of hangings to the Indies on his own adventure, and to be paid the proceeds at the rate of 6s. per ryal. Notice by Mr. Governor of the decay of their trade, the staple commodities now returned from India, of which they make profit, being only indigo and calicoes from Surat, and in regard of the quantity of indigo brought from Spain, and the badness of the calicoes now sent home these commodities like to fall in estimation if the care of their Factors be not greater; and therefore he recommended to Mr. Methwold, as is expressed in their general letters, that directions be given to the Factors not to trust to the brokers, but to take the course William Martyn did by accepting no piece of calicoes unless on examination it were answerable to the pattern in fineness, length and breadth, whereas now they take all "hand over head" without examination, and yet put the Company to pay as great, if not greater, prices than formerly; which Methwold promised to observe, and took occasion to declare his intention not to tie himself to stay longer in this employment than five years including his passage outward, which the Court held reasonable.
Mar. 13. Mr. Smethwicke made known that having let fall some words on the Exchange to some Committees concerning the trade of Japan, they desired him to digest some reasons alleged by him into writing and offer them to the consideration of this Court, which he now presented, having made a brief collection out of the Company's letters from their late President Hawley and other Factors at Bantam and in the Indies of their advices to the Company for prosecuting said trade, but he first read their late printed remonstrance to Parliament whereby they had tied themselves to undertake and prosecute that trade, affirming that of the cloth they sent to Japan they made four for one, and that in regard that country is colder than England there is probability of venting a larger proportion there than either at Surat or Persia. It was observed by a Committee that there was nothing in said collection of letters but what they knew; that President Hawley's opinion that so many thousand cloths might be vented in Japan was merely ridiculous and an impossibility, for though it be true that the Dutch, after the expense of much treasure and blood and many other disasters obtained a trade of China and thence to Japan, yet it is far short of that proportion and not above 150 cloths yearly; and although it be granted that the Company vented their cloths at Japan at good advantage, yet by reason of the long stay there, the wearing out of their ships, customs, wages, and other expenses it will be found the Company are rather losers than gainers by that trade, and therefore had good cause to withdraw from thence until they might receive better encouragements; which now understanding they may do by the relation lately given by a Scottishman, who hath long served the Dutch in those parts, the Court have not been negligent in taking the same into their thoughts. Said Committee took notice of a passage in Smethwicke's paper which he conceived was infamous, in regard it layeth an aspersion upon the Governor and Committees of letting the trade be lost for want of men and moneys, for which their Factors lament and grieve; to which Smethwicke answered he thought himself much wronged in having the imputation of a defamer laid upon him, when he comes to inform them of no more than what is expressed in their letters and when he aims not at his own but at the general good of the Company; but said Committee advised the Court should hold no further dispute upon this paper, but answer it at a General Court. Mr. Governor made known with what difficulty the Company got themselves out of Japan, and that they lost by that trade at least 1,700l., nevertheless if any new overture be made to encourage the Company to resume the same, God forbid, but it should, in his opinion, be accepted and cheerfully maintained, but withal he conceived thus much, that without the Company can obtain a trade to China, the trade to Japan will not be worth the following, for the profit to be expected is not by commodities to be sent from England to Japan, but from China to Japan and thence to the southwards and home. That the Court have also not only considered the trade of Japan and China, but also to return to their Island of Pooloroon, where they doubt not to be supplied with good quantities of nuts and mace, by all which Mr. Smethwicke may see the Court of Committees do not neglect any fair opportunity for the good of the Company, and Mr. Governor advised them first to consider the means to perform any new trade, for without stock it cannot be effected, and remonstrated their great debt and the small stock they have at present, being far short of what they expected, and yet divers have not brought in their moneys. Smethwicke still insisted on his proposition for the trade of Japan, and was persuaded he could find a way to raise a sufficient stock if men would not purposely oppose it, by uniting the three particular voyages into the Joint Stock; but to this was answered that the Court much wondered he should have so much as a thought to bring this to pass, considering how many times it hath been propounded at Courts of Committees and at General Courts and utterly rejected, and therefore to expect the adventurers would now give way to unite the voyages is but vain and idle, and the Court held it not fit to entertain a thought thereof. Upon this Smethwicke ingeniously confessed that he was one of those behind in bringing in his moneys to the Third Joint Stock, which hath been occasioned by reason of a relation of Mr. Governor at a General Court, that the adventurers are not to expect any dividend these four or five years, which he wished had been concealed, for that the adventurers are thereby much discouraged, which is a chief cause they have not brought in their moneys. The Court having at large argued and disputed all the particular passages, Smethwicke in the last place demanded whether their resolutions were to follow the trade of Japan, and if so, that a select committee be forthwith appointed to consider his paper and such other matters as he would propound; if not, that they would make answer to his paper in writing. But he was answered that his request was both unmannerly and unreasonable, for they are not bound to answer every proposition in writing, for so they may have work enough to do, and seeing he had done his part by making his propositions it became him to leave the consideration to the wisdom of the Court, who are better able to judge what was fit to be done than any one man "that shall abound in his own sense and think himself wiser than they all." After Smethwicke's departure, motion was made that his request for a select committee to consider his paper might not be denied, as well for giving satisfaction to the Generality as to free the Court from clamour in regard he hath access to divers noblemen, whose ears he may possess with untruths; but answer was made that if the Court should give way to Smethwicke they should then be subject to all men who demand the like for their propositions, and Mr. Governor remembering the late directions he received from a Privy Councillor by order from his Majesty that that Company should not suffer any innovations in their government to weaken their power or alter their ancient customs, the Court utterly refused to appoint any committee; nevertheless the Auditors and Accountants were required to look into the accounts and inform the Court what quantity of cloth they sent to Japan, what benefit was made, how long before it was sold, and the charges the Company were at, and because Mr. Bownest hath taken some pains about this trade; the Court desired his opinion, whereupon he declared that the Company gained four for one for certain cloths at Japan, but took the money at too high a rate, as there was a fourth part loss, but the people are fickle and inconstant sometimes, liking one colour the next year another, so as it will be very difficult to please them and be certain of venting their cloths; his opinion was that one ship would be enough for a trial, in regard there is no fear of enemies that way, but of necessity she must go with a present of good value, and if the Company shall put off their cloth in time the trade may make good profits, otherwise it may be doubtful. A calculation was then made of the charges, it was conceived they cannot send less than six Factors, who, with their diet, salaries, merchandises, and other things, could not come to less than 5,000l. a year over and above the ship's ordnance and other furniture, and therefore how the profits of 400 or 500 cloths will be able to bear all this charge was worthy consideration; yet if the trade of China can be joined, no question but it will be profitable, but not otherwise. The relation of the Scottishman, whose name is Wm. Cambell, concerning the trade of China read in the presence of Smethwicke, that he might see they had taken the same into consideration before his exhibiting of his said paper; 5l. bestowed on said Cambell for his pains. Understanding of the disaster befallen Tho. Reignolds, Purser in the Palsgrave, in losing all his apparel and other provisions for the voyage, by reason that the hoy wherein he and others sent their goods to be put aboard said ship was robbed by thieves about Greenhythe; 20l. impressed to him on account of wages to enable him to make new provision. 10½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk., XIII., 221–231.]
Mar. 15.
Aboard the Mary (Gombroon).
409. Wm. Gibson, John Sherland, and Rich. Cooper to (the President and Council at Surat). Send copy of a few lines they wrote by the Dutch. Would willingly send an exact list of the quantity and values of Indian commodities requested, were not the times beyond all expectation so strangely altered, and most commodities grown in such general disesteem that they will not yield their prime cost in India, for as they have grown to extraordinary rates there, so is their price here much impaired, wherefore they must have patience for that at present are at a stand what to require of them. Strongly reconfirm their former many good reasons for altering the Company's resolution and theirs in making this their first port for the fleet out of England if the President and Council's opinion still hold to the contrary, as by their advices it seems it does, all the Company's servants here are unwilling to remain, and will not be drawn to such apparent ending of themselves. Wonder the mortality that so heavily befalls us doth no more move them. Hitherto that the Company might not suffer by some men's obstinate opinion, have enforced themselves to the inconvenience, and those that have suffered have accused them that have ordered them thereto as accessory to their ends. Again, the time proposed might be regained, is no such matter, for the goods cannot be transported from hence till the usual time in March and April, or our silks be here before Jan. or Feb. But must not altogether blame the President and Council who are confirmed in their opinion by Mr. Kirkham in his letter from hence strongly invited them thereunto. Wonder his experience in these parts should have so much improved itself, that in so small a time he should so suddenly resolve of such a matter of import as that may be, if he had lived t'would have been performed by himself, for know not any one that would have borne him company. Are sensible of the impossibility of being furnished with the Company's "requires" yearly from Surat, and except the times were better it matters not, for 'tis as bad with us for selling as 'tis with you for buying. Cannot put off the goods now sent but at loss of their prime cost in India, price of indigo, at which the Company will but make a poor business of it. Are persuaded the sending two ships yearly for Masulipatam would bring good gains to the Company, both by freight and merchandises of that place, which might be yearly sent hither, but if they arrive in September or October the inconvenience will be all one as if the fleet from England made this their first port; if they could arrive at the same time as other shipping, would a great deal better like the project. Will do their endeavours to put off the cloth sent, though have small encouragement at present, nothing being now requested but money. Have not yet delivered any Rix dollars, and cannot inform of their value here, but fear they will not be so well taken as the other, having seen some small quantity taken notice of by these people not to be so good silver. The project for Muscat is quite dissolved, as also the chief instrument their ancient friend the Duke of Shiraz and his three sons who were by this King's command in Cosbeene [Kasbin] most miserably executed; besides all forces are bent towards the wars of Georgia, who lately, upon some discontent with this King, made great insurrections in this Kingdom. Were they so fortunate as the Dutch in these dead times to be supplied with southern commodities, 'twould have been a great help to the loss they suffer in their northern. Wonder the Company so much neglects the benefits they might make in those parts and let the Dutch eat it, who yearly with those commodities gain three and four for one here, a business which ought to be better looked after. Besides, in all the time of their trade in these parts the Company have not gained one place of hold to keep their servants from being insulted over, as they are in divers places, especially in Surat, where they say they dare not dispose of the ships as they would, for fear of giving discontent to "that rogue, your Governor." "Think you the Company's business is not at a fine pass when such a rascal as he shall thus domineer over us, yes we know you are too sensible thereof by your forced suffrance both there and in other places," where, on the contrary, had they some place of refuge as the Dutch and Portugal have, should make all these ports stand in awe of us, and bring them almost to what conditions of trade they would, and not suffer themselves to be thus grossly abused and insulted over by these villains as they are. Although far better treated in Persia than at Surat, yet many times pass by discourtesies if it were otherwise they could mend them. Agree as to the unthankfulness of many of their passengers, though never so great courtesies shown them, and heartily wish they might no more be troubled with them, 'tis so great a travail for so little gain, besides, 'tis a business the Company desire a dissolution of, for, as they say, why may they not reap the benefit of their trade themselves; but at Surat, they will be forced thereto, and in Persia they would endanger losing their Customs and the respect they have now with these people by carrying them yearly to and fro. Have had much travail to bring this year's business to some effect, but with little fruit, by reason of the late great disturbances of State, so that at coming down to port were quite out of hopes of receiving any silk for this year, but since are advised by Mr. Fall of the receipt of 271 bales, which is but half they should have had by contract. Are sorry they shall so much deceive expectation for help towards the Mary's lading. Must confess the Company's business in these parts was never at such a stand, but from the strange alteration of State that has happened in less than 12 months, it is much to be admired it is no worse. The cutting off of the Duke with all his children that were with him, put them in fear they should have found it a great deal worse; but for matter of privileges, find them rather enlarged than restrained, yet purpose on their next voyage to Court to gain it under the King's particular express firmand, and also to get some better certainty in their business than as yet had since his coming to the Crown, intending to press it so far in his own hearing, which hitherto they have been debarred of, as either to mend it or end it, yet not so rashly but shall look before they leap, the state it is in now and hath for many years continued not being any longer to be endured; the Company were better have no business here at all than remain at this pass; do not enlarge on their grievances, conceiving their meaning is known. Are much grieved at the extraordinary want of weight in silk the Company so much complain of, and have much endeavoured the reformation, but have little prevailed; the cause is the Dutch and theirs striving for it, which makes these people believe they will be glad to take any weight rather than part with it. On next receipt will endeavour a stricter course, but if upon wrangling it be taken from them and given to the Dutch, they must be held blameless. Something fear the weight of what is now coming with Mr. Fall, for it was procured with such difficulty, and shortness of time would not suffer them to look after it so strictly as they would have done. Enclose a perfect invoice of the grain sent last year, for which their account is to be given credit. Must intreat their patience till next year for the accounts of this factory of the second voyage, for the King's Ministers could not be drawn this year to come to any account for goods delivered a year before. Amongst the passengers yearly shipped from Surat find divers privileged for Custom, who prove their goods to be Ambassador's and presents for the King; pray them to inquire of every man before shipping their goods, who except they will promise to pay Custom as well as freight, know no reason why they should ship them. Here is a man come now with no less than 500 bales sugar and 30 cloth, which he says are the goods of Mahomet Allebeage, Ambassador in India for this King, by which name and title are out of hopes of getting a farthing of Custom. To provide them against next year some toys of that country for presents, for want whereof the Company are forced to buy them at dear rates, viz., gold sashes of Ahmedabad, fine chintz of Masulipatam, fine white broad bafties, and some preserves. The gross and apparent wrong done the Company by private trade is grown so incorrigible, that do what they can to suppress it, yet is still continued, especially by seamen and Pursers, for though they got 16 men to watch the Custom House and landing-places, such quantities of goods, especially of Europe, have been landed and sold and at such strange rates that they wonder it is possible they could possibly afford them, which if not suddenly prevented will much prejudice the Company in sale of their commodities, for when the King's officers understand that such commodities are to be had at such cheap rates, they will hardly be drawn to continue the contract, much less advance their prices as the Company would have it. Cannot yet learn who owned these goods, neither is it possible to catch them, the houses being so near the waterside that a man coming ashore may presently "slope" into one and find chapmen for all he has in an hour, if he will sell a little under hand; this must be remedied by the Company in England. Pearls cannot now be provided, there being none to be had in town except at extraordinary rates; or if there were, they want means, for all their moneys being carried up for Spahan, much ado have they had to maintain ships and house expenses; but last year, had they known it, might very well have performed the Company's desire, for then the place abounded in that commodity. Have been able also to send them but a small quantity of wheat, for this last year the want of food amongst these poor people has come very little short of the dearth at Surat. The unheard of mortality befalling their new comers has caused them by consultation to take ashore Mr. Wylde, Tho. Waldoe, and Constantine Younge, the latter "a Chirurgeon," God having taken their own from them since their coming down, with proviso if they be found unserviceable to be turned back on next ship. Have sent for provision of the factory 6 chests good Shiraz wine 4 chests of rose water, 100 hens, and pistachoes, and in requital desire next year 16 or 20 good handsome chairs for their house at port, of which at present they are much destitute. Their order for over-viewing the Pursers' accounts shall be observed; as also the sums paid them at their last, and now being here shall be sent, with an account of all bales of cloth received here on shore. Divers foreigners go on these ships, who were mostly licensed by the Company out of England for passage hither, and now desire their return; refer their further disposal to the President and Council. Most of the Company's servants by reason their times are expired, and the small encouragement for future service, desirous to return for their country, but by reason of the Company's want of men are forced to stay; pray them seriously to consider their case, for the means they receive from the Company here does not comply with half their unavoidable expenses. Will be enforced, as they will perceive by copy of consultation, being neither the Company nor themselves will grow sensible thereof, to make some allowances amongst themselves. Is it not a miserable thing that men shall be forced to stay here and beggar themselves? Mr. Cooper, whose covenant was for one year, has been stayed here four years, and to maintain himself with the third of 20l. a year; Mr. Sherland, whose covenant was not for any set time, seeing his expenses to be far beyond his expectation, was wondrous earnest to have taken passage home on these ships; and divers others have pressed for license, but are enforced to a longer residence. Gibson, himself, also has served these seven years for the small means he first covenanted for, and the solicitations of this Council on his behalf have been put off with promises. This last year, to maintain the port which others in this place have done, has driven him to the expense of three times what the Company allows him, and will this year also; pray them to take some course herein, or else give them license all for their country, for this cannot hold out. They may wonder why the expense here should be so great over what it is at Surat. Their nation is in great respect with the King and nobility whom they often visit about their business, and if they come not in that decency as others have formerly done they shall not be admitted, for they will judge us mean persons, and they will be slighted and their business will suffer; again their yearly travels to and fro are none of their least expenses. Have sent a parcel of cubebs belonging to the estate of Capt. Morton deceased, understanding they are better requested at Surat than here. A bale of cloth wanting from the Jonas; they say it was delivered at Surat. Refer to anything forgotten to their next advice by Capt. Weddell. Endorsed, "Copy of a letter to Surat by the Mary." 8 pp. [O. C., Vol. XIV., No. 1499.]
Mar. 15–18. 410. Court Minutes, E. I. Co. On consideration of a petition of John Salter to succeed his mother-in-law, Widow Joan Perkins, as one of the Company's wine coopers, he having served Widow Perkins 16 years, and of a petition of John Whicker, who had served the Company as cooper 24 years, the Court conferred said place on Whicker, on the decease or resignation of Widow Perkins. John Towse and others allowed security for 100 bags of pepper by the balloting box, also Richard Leigh and Thos. Jennings for 200 bags. The Court having written into India at the instance of Capt. Crispe for a parcel of shells, being a commodity which vends in Guinea, to be spoken withal to know what rate he will give for them at their arrival. Ordered that 10l. on account of wages be paid to Nathaniel Kingsland, Factor, who had received a great loss by the robbing of the hoy (see ante, p. 377). Alderman Garwaie and his brother William allowed security for 200 bags of pepper by the balloting box.
Mar. 16. Mr. Governor made known that Mr. Smethwicke came to his house yesterday, and presented a paper he said he had been directed by the Attorney-General to deliver him, which was copy of a petition to the King against the Company, read, with his Majesty's reference to Mr. Attorney-General, who had directed Mr. Governor and others of the Company to attend him at his chambers in Lincoln's Inn on Tuesday morning next, at 8 o'clock, that Smethwicke came to Crosby House this morning and pressed to have access to and take copies of such letters as he should think fit, but was referred to this Court. Smethwicke being called in, answer was given that they would attend Mr. Attorney-General accordingly. Smethwicke then insisted upon his former demand to have freedom to peruse and take copies of their letters, which by erection of hands the Court willingly condescended unto, so as Ellam be present to observe what he extracts. The Court then fell into consideration of parts of the petition, and observed that the ground thereof is from President Hawley, which they had ever held ridiculous and an impossibility, and remembered their ill success in Japan, having not vented in 22 months above 32 cloths, and in five years not above 165, and many of them by retail, as appears by their Factors' letters, which Ellam was ordered to look out, and also the Auditors the accounts of that factory, to be produced to Mr. Attorney-General for justification of the Company's proceedings; and because the petition consists of many particulars of so high consequence as touching the honour and reputation of the Governor, Deputy, and Committees, Mr. Mun was desired to assist their Secretary in framing said answer. 17l. 3s. 10d. charged on Sir Francis Crane's account for interest on debts and stock to be remitted and the account cleared, the Court being informed that owing him 2,000l. for his tapestry sold in India, they paid 1,000l. in July 1629, and the other 1,000l. not till January following, so as the forbearance thereof is more than said interest.
Mar. 18. The answer to Smethwicke's petition read and seriously debated, and with some small alterations and additions confirmed and ordered to be engrossed and made ready to be presented tomorrow to Mr. Attorney-General, and 14 Committees named intreated to accompany Mr. Governor to be present at the delivery thereof. 5 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk., XIII., 232–236.]
Mar. 19.
411. Raphe Cartwright to Thos. Colley, Chief at Pettapoli. Much marvels that since his last with other things we have received no advices from him. Desires him to give the agent a good reason why his advices are not more frequent, and now that Cartwright cannot be there to further him, to be circumspect and careful and lose no opportunity in prosecuting his business. The agent is discontented, and has willed him to write; will to his power stand his friend. On receipt of his next he may expect further order; in the interim 'tis suspended. To endeavour the supply of "15 sere gold" for ready money from their merchants. The value of new pagodas here is 29 per cent., and with him he supposes 25 or 26 at most; so order the business that the Company are rather gainers by the exchange and 'twill give good content. What gold he can procure, send by this bearer accompanied with soldiers for safe convoy, and he shall have returned the like sum of pags. Mr. Norris would have sent him "a million of waters," but they are not here to be had; he must send them one or two "pingas laden with the greatest and best may be had," believing Ananto will supply him with all or part. Desires him to procure what ducatts or chickeenes he can of Ananto or Nyranna at 14 fa. old per piece, of weight and good. If he intends to have arrack and sugar, he must send vessels to put it in. His own stay is not intended here above 10 or 12 days. In few days will return the medecine formerly required. Is sorry brother Dick was not here to succour his sister Antonyca yesterday afternoon; had Cartwright not come to help the poor wench, her husband had spoilt her with a St. Lawrence lance, which Cartwright took from him and made them seeming friends, but he swears he will turn her home to her mother, because she called her daughter whore and him cuckold; this was done near their garden, and the mother and daughter well basted before he came. Hopes he has no such quarrels there; if so, he will give him some of his admonitions Their sloop is now in sight. 1 p. [O. C., Vol. XIV., No. 1500.]
Mar. 20. 412. Court Minutes, E. I. Co. Report of Mr. Governor that himself, Mr. Deputy, and 12 Committees had attended Mr. Attorney-General, who having read Smethwicke's petition to the King, and the Company's answer, and the abstracts of many letters concerning the trade of Japan, and heard both sides, he rested fully satisfied that the complaints suggested in the petition against the Governor and Committees were unjust, nor did he in the least approve of anything proposed or objected by Smethwicke, and in fine promised without further trouble to the Company to make certificate to his Majesty of his proceedings, Mr. Sherburne being directed to attend Mr. Attorney-General for said certificate. The Company's case concerning their difference with Lord Wentworth about the land at Blackwall presented by Mr. Acton, who was directed to go with Mr. Governor tomorrow to attend Counsel to know absolutely what the Company ought to do. A clause in the Company's letters read in presence of Mr. Methwold licensing the President and Council at Surat to take credit for 15,000l. to 30,000l. at the utmost to make seasonable investments when there may be apparent expectation of profit, and in conference with him the Court represented the many inconveniences of "riding at interest," and left it to his care and judgment; he was also advised to use his best care for the early dispatch of their ships for Europe, that they may arrive before the winter and not lie half a year by the way, wearing the ships, wasting provisions, and increasing wages. The clause in their general letters increasing the number of the Council to five, viz. the President and four more, and taking away from the President a double voice, read, to which Methwold readily promised conformity. Offer of Benjamin Stone, cutler, of 100 sword blades made according to a pattern of wood sent from the Indies, but the Court refused to buy them having no advice to send any, yet gave him leave to adventure them, the proceeds to be paid into the Company's cash, and repaid here per bill of exchange at 6s. per ryal. Petition of Wm. Howell for the estate of Sandy Gowne deceased, who was indebted 25l. to John Drake, and Drake being indebted 32l. to petitioner, assigned Gowne's debt to petitioner; letters of administration had been unduly procured, but petitioner intended to reverse them and administer as a creditor; answered if he can procure a new administration they will pay to such as give the Company a sufficient discharge. Agreed that Capt. Crispe take all the shells brought home on his advice from the Indies at 10s. per ryal upon the prime cost, and pay over and above 40l. per ton freight. Indigo to be considered after Lady Day, the contract time being then expired. 2½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk., XIII., 237–239.]
Mar. 21.
413. Robert Carpenter to Thomas Colley in Armagon. Much joyed to hear by the bearer, John Godbehere, of his safe arrival in England and return to these parts, where doubts he will not see him, but prays God he may in England. Sends in token of remembrance a chest of wine, and has spoken to Capt. Weddell for the carriage; at the drinking let him not be forgotten. Takes his passage for England at the return of this ship, where he may command any service. ½ p. [O. C., Vol. XIV., No. 1501.]
Mar. 22.
414. Jno. Norris, Raphe Cartwright, Thomas Clarke to Thomas Colley in Pettapoli. Desire him to deliver to Mr. Hudson his accounts and remains repairing to them with all possible expedition, for they intend he shall accompany Mr. Cartwright into Bengala, to assist in all things necessary for their masters affairs. The vessel that must transport him is to depart on Monday next, wherefore greater haste will be required. Return the musters, they are unreasonable dear, so as at no hand they may meddle with them, but will rather yet attend the future. ½ p. [O. C., Vol. XIV., No. 1502.]
Mar. 22–23. 415. Court Minutes, E. I. Co. Three Committees intreated to make speedy repair to the Downs to expedite the ships' departure; and Mr. Methwold, coming to Court to take his leave, promised next morning to depart, the Court promising to assist him with the Lord Treasurer for recovery of 700l. due to him, which he hath taken order shall be made up 1,000l. and put into stock for his adventure; that 400l. of his wages be yearly put into adventure, and dividends, if any, paid to whom he should authorise, and lastly, he recommended to the Committee the care of his wife. Petition of Anthony Verneworthy read; the Court ordered delivery of his chest of silks, notwithstanding the objection against him concerning Short's estate and his private trade, but his request for 300l. due upon account referred to next Court. Ordered to call a Court tomorrow, and Stevens to be warned to bring a "module" of the small ship formerly proposed to be built. Resolved that some of the Committees, as from themselves, should confer with Mr. Haslewood on the Exchange and discover how he stands affected to his overture to buy 100 barrels of indigo at 6s. per lb. The Auditors required, as formerly, to make up the accounts of the three voyages, and set down what they severally owe at interest for freight, wages, &c.
Mar. 23. The "module" of a pinnace of 288 tons "for the Indiea," presented by Stevens, approved, and Stevens ordered forthwith to proceed with the building thereof, and to be careful in husbanding the charge of workmanship; he could give no computation what she will stand in per ton. The building of the greater ship, whereof a "module" was also presented, referred to further consideration. Stevens to search the London, and if found fit to be repaired, to present the estimate to the Court. Proposition presented to heat glass to powder and mingle it with the tar and hair between the sheathing, to prevent the worm eating the sheathing. Two suckles of mace, weighing 10 lb. a piece, sent from Malachi Martin to his friends at Exeter, and one barrel of china roots and 100 lb. weight of pepper to be delivered to Mr. Verneworthy. Mountney ordered to bring all the private trade in the Custom House up to Crosby House, to prevent the secret conveying thereof away. Mr. Verneworthy "demanded" concerning 1,000l. belonging to Gregory Clement, and supposed to be brought home by Verneworthy; he acknowledged there were sent from Clement by Richard Preddis to the southwards tappachindaes and baftaes, which were sold at Jambi for 6,000 ryals, and the proceeds delivered by Henry Sill to him, 4,000 Rs. whereof Verneworthy lent to Hoare for the Company at his going to Macassar, wherewith Hoare bought 100 tons of pepper, and at his return Hoare paid him in gold and turtle shells, and on Mr. Skibbowe's coming to Bantam in the Great James, Verneworthy paid him the 6,000 Rs. according to Clement's direction, and hath receipt from Skibbowe for same; he promised to present in writing on Friday all that he knows concerning this business. 3 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk., XIII., 239–242.]
Mar. 23.
416. Wm. Gibson, John Sherland, Rich. Cooper, and Wm. Fall to the East India Company. Their last was of 12th and 14th Dec. by way of Aleppo, with postscript of 6th Jan. by way of Constantinople; since which little has offered, and were it not they might unhappily gain the Company's censure in letting a ship come hence without some notice from them, would have omitted this, for the Mary going to the southwards to gain her full lading will questionless have a very tedious voyage, and purpose suddenly to dispeed advices overland, which will sooner arrive. Find no alteration in the state of the country since their last advice, therefore have no cause to complain. Were furnished, according to the Company's orders, with India commodities to the amount of what coin they could lawfully send away from these parts without the least molestation, both of silver and gold, which is transported yearly from hence into India in great quantities by merchants of these parts. Their late departure from Spahan put them quite out of hopes of receiving any silk this year, but 25th past received news from Mr. Fall, who was left in Spahan on purpose to see the utmost event, of the receipt of 271 bales, which caused them by general consultation to conclude the separation of the fleet, one-half to stay for the silk, and the other to go for Surat, in that letters from hence have earnestly instanced the fleet's sudden dispeed. Presume however the event may happen, they will not incur the Company's bad construction. The silk is since safely arrived, and this day hope it will he all aboard, though not embaled as promised, for regaining of time in its dispeed from Spahan, and here also; but have sent the materials aboard, that the sailmakers may do what they can betwixt this and Surat, and the rest may be effected there. Fear this commodity being received with such difficulty and want of time, may come somewhat short in its weight, and coming down so late it has suffered much by extraordinary rains this year, but being fresh water, hope it will not prejudice it; on receipt of the next they will observe the Company's order more punctually. Sixteen loads of silk more came for their account, but those roguing Hollanders by bribing, as always their custom is, got it from them, but the fellow that delivered it is in prison, by the King's slave's command. It being so small a matter, have pressed their discourtesy but little to the Dutch Commander here, but some speeches have passed about it, and the Dutch perceiving their discontent have altered their resolution, for their ships departing some days before ours they desired assistance in bringing it to Surat, but conceiving we something stomacked it, and fearing we should have sent it home instead, gave order for its stay in Lar till next year; must plainly say, had they got it aboard 'twould have been called into consideration a good many times before it would have been delivered them back once; but doubt not hereafter to be even with them for that and many things more. Find the Company desire to be informed of the amount the Dutch may yearly transport out and in this country, so they may gain their Custom rights of them; but cannot absolutely inform by reason the Dutch are as free as themselves; yet dare affirm that these eight years together the Dutch have transported out and in to the amount of 30,000 or 40,000 tomans a year. The Company's order for pearls should have been effected, but for two main obstacles, there is but little in town and at extraordinary dear rates, and if there had been, want means to accomplish it, all their moneys being long since dispeeded towards Spahan by Mr. Kirkham, insomuch that a great ado have they had to get wherewithal to maintain their present occasions. Last year could very well have done it, the place abounding in that commodity and being well furnished with means; but now must desire the Company's patience till next year. A small box delivered to Capt. Slade containing jewels belonging to the estate of Edward Heynes deceased, whose will and inventory are herewith sent; his accounts shall follow as soon as finished. Will, by reason of the unheard of mortality this year, enforcedly omit sending home the persons the Company required; of these but three are living, and have had much ado to procure their stay, being at a non plus to answer their many reasons to the contrary. All the Company's strict courses for the prevention of private trade it seems startle not their seamen and pursers, for though on arrival of the ships they procured 16 men to watch the Custom House, yet has there been store of commodities, especially of Europe, landed and sold at such strange prices, that we wonder they can afford them so; which, if not prevented at home, will breed the Company much prejudice, for when the King's officers understand that such commodities are to be had at such easy rates, will have much ado to continue their contract, much less to raise their prices according to the Company's order. The Company must think it a hard matter for them to prevent this abuse, when notwithstanding the strict course taken at home such commodities shall be got aboard. Cannot inform them of the parties names, they are so cunning and all houses of merchandising are so near the waterside that it is impossible to catch them bringing their goods ashore. Are sorry they are enforced to detect herein one whom the Company have had so good an opinion of, Mr. Kirkham, who presently after his coming ashore ran into the greatest error in that kind of any man that ever came into these parts, for with divers merchants that came in our ships from Masulipatam he struck up a bargain for 1,000 tomans and upwards of the Company's cash, the greatest presumption that ever was heard of, whereby he has much blemished his own reputation and become a great hindrance to the Company's business for want of those moneys, for the goods he bought were at such dear rates that they cannot put them off but at great loss, whereby the Company may judge at what a strait they will be for moneys to comply with the King's contract. Will, if it be possible, with a little loss put them off here, otherwise must carry them to Spahan, which for these three years has been such a base place for all commodities, that God knows when they shall be rid of them. How Kirkham meant to come off herein if he had lived, God knows; and if any loss come, know no reason the Company should suffer, if he has any estate in their hands to make it good. Prices of goods have grown so bad in this kingdom that they will not yield their prime cost in India. Cannot sell the small cavidal this year sent from Surat for what it cost, so except they be better encouraged in future, 'twere no great matter whether they had any from thence or not. The indigo, which is the greatest part of what they have sent, were it not that they shall have a want of moneys, would willingly afford to help the Mary's lading, for scarce any one asks after it but at base prices. Wonder the Company have not yet bethought themselves of some place of hold, for neglect whereof conceive they much suffer and are made to stoop by many whom otherwise they would not endure, the Dutch in the meantime laying hold of all places that are any way convenient. Are certainly informed that the fleet the Dutch had here, with others expected out of Europe, are bent for taking in Mumbasse, a place they understand by Capt. Weddell the Company have much aimed at, so that whilst they are resolving they are bereft of their purpose. Had we liberty, as the Dutch have from Holland, for seizing any such place, if by joint council it might be thought fitting, would not suffer the Dutch thus to outreach them. The Company may pay to Hugh Tottell as sole executor 338l. 4s. 7d. received here long since of the estate of Robt. Tottell deceased, from Heynes and Cooper. Have sent by the Purser of the Mary the true weight of a maund shawe required. The dispatch of their ships will not allow of any further enlargement, if anything omitted will insert it in their next advice overland, which they hope will be with the Company before this. Endorsed, "Mr Kirkham's private trade." 6 pp. [O. C., Vol. XIV., No. 1503.]
Mar. 24.
417. Capt. John Weddell to the East India Company. Since their going to Surat, such an alteration has been in these parts as is wonderful in so short a space. The Agent, Mr. Kirkham (died), in his journey to Spahan, and but six of 12 are living that were left on shore with him. The Khan of Serash (Shiraz) with three of his sons are beheaded by the King of Persia, and his country disposed of to others. Some of his sons are escaped to the Arabs, and his brother, whose revolt to the Georgians was the cause of this tragedy is now up in arms with the people against him. The Turk is come or coming with a mighty army to besiege Babylon. Against all these the King of Persia's forces are not above 10,000, the rest of his Princes not daring to come in for the same entertainment with the Khan, and professing a rendition of their countries to the enemy in case they may not quietly enjoy them, rather than undergo the certain loss of their heads; insomuch that the kingdom of Persia is in danger to be lost or divided. Cannot overslip mention of the innocent suffering of the Duke of Shiraz, and the barbarous cruelty of the King. The Duke's brother, feasting with the King, let fall some over-liberal speeches, and by the King's command was instantly had forth and drubbed, as the manner of the country is, with some extremity, and whether mindful of the injury or fearing the King's further displeasure, fled to the Georgians. The Duke laboured his return and submission, and not effecting it became his enemy; the King seemingly satisfied, sent for the Duke and his sons to Court, and the good man came with his two sons prepared for death. The King entertained him lovingly, but after a little time, drinking with the Duke's youngest son that was brought up with him at Court, he caused the Duke's head with his two sons' to be struck off, and brought in, and demanded of the young gentleman if he knew them; he deprived of wits and memory by wine answered No, and wished by the King to peruse them, could make no other answer but No. The King then called for a bo(wl) of wine, and casting it on their heads, uttered these words, "they drank wine while they lived, let them drink now they are dead"; and so sent forth the son to know who they were in the next world or never. These things have bred such distractions in the country people that they dare not travel, a few merchants of account are come down, so that here is little vent for commodities though otherwise the King is very loving and courteous, and has given command since the Khan's death, that the English should enjoy all their former privileges with augmentation; 271 bales of silk are expected to be down here by the 22nd inst., and by the end of the year there are good hopes of a large quantity to be ready. In the meantime it is concluded that the Mary and Dolphin shall by 13th inst. sail for Surat to receive in goods, and thence bend her course for Masulipatam; and the Jonas and Hart remain to receive the silks and follow to Surat if the season of the year permit, if not, to meet the Mary and Dolphin at Masulipatam, deliver the Mary their silks, and thence return with freight goods again as the Mary has formerly done. The Dolphin, if there be not freight goods for her also at Masulipatam shall proceed to the southwards for her lading, otherwise to return hither with the Jonas and Hart. The backwardness in the silk's coming down proceeded from the Dutch, who are in every place treacherous and undermining, for by a bribe of six tomans in the absence of the English Taffledarr they procured 16 loads of our silk to be delivered them, and afterwards proffered a bribe of 30 tomans to the King's slave our Taffledarr to desist his prosecution therein, which he refused. Hopes the controversy will be decided to our satisfaction though the Dutch have yet the better end of the staff. This serves as an introduction to other their sinister practices, for arriving here first they were busy with the Persian to overthrow the Company's credit, by report that at Surat they were so indebted that they were daily imprisoned, and were not able to subsist long; that since the firing of the Charles and Swallow we could not pay for their silks, and that these few ships were all the forces we had; that their masters here had 10 crowns for our one, and such forces that they need not fear the power of any Prince. They have likewise dealt with the Persian to have the third of the customs here, and then they would bring more trade than the English. The factory here having a house held very unhealthy by the natives, and the effects apparent by the daily deaths of their servants, dealt with the Shabander for a new house; this the Dutch have underhand dealt for, with the proffer of so many hundred tomans ready money, instead of rent, but have the Shabander's promise to have it from them. Had a letter since being at Gombroon from the Duke of Shiraz concerning the business of Muscat, but that design perished with his death, and now since the death in December of Rufrero, Governor of Muscat, who was so busy at sea with his frigates which are now more quiet, the Dutch give out that they will take Muscat- for themselves. Will believe it when he sees it, for without land forces it is impossible. Having been long their servant, hopes he shall not offend if he delivers his judgment in such things as he conceives may be for their benefit. Could wish such as have served the Company well and are able men, some addition to their wages, which, the complaint is general, will not find them clothes, for this is a nation with whom the chief Factors must in some measure of apparel correspond, or be contemned; besides the hazard of their lives is so great, that it may easily invite them to any employment of more safety and profit. The sending of inexperienced men to dispossess others well experienced and reap the fruits of their labours and dangers, must needs be a grievance to them and a loss and damage to the Company, for the seasoned men returned home discontented, and the newly entered die without any service done, and their affairs are by this means often left at random. Protests he aims not at any particular man, but would sin against his duty not to let them understand that the now Agent (Wm. Gibson) is an able and discreet man, much respected by the nation, and well beloved of the King, and the Company's affairs like to prosper with him. Here arrived 4th inst. a ship of Masulipatam of 400 tons, bearing Dutch colours, laden with that country's commodities vendible here, which may somewhat advantage the Company's customs. If there were a stock of 20,000l. at Masulipatam to be invested at best hand in commodities for Persia, it would yield more certain advantage than any goods from England; proportions, at least cent. per cent. profit and the return short and without danger, for the Stock adventured from thence in June, will be here in September and may be returned in March when the ships go there to load up. The example is before them, for the merchants which came in the Mary and Exchange finding the sweetness of the trade, begin for want of shipping to come in their own vessels. The like stock would effect as much from Surat, and not anyways hinder the Company's customs, and their benefit be greater, paying no customs. Their cloth begins to be a drug here, and will not put off at Surat, excepting some few scarlets, for the Governor will suffer none to pass but through his own hands. Some inquiry made for mouse colour and fine green Spanish cloth, peradventure 40 or 50 cloths will vend. Understands by a Persian, sometime Ambassador and a passenger in our ships, that our cloth of 18l. or 20l. will sell at any reasonable rates at the King of Masulipatam's Court; of which trial may be made. Is often sorry to see their ships lie in port idle, and the men do nothing but drink and quarrel for want of employment and could wish two ships might be employed at Cape Comorin, where the Dutch send ships to way lay the Molucca and other vessels, which at the time of year never fail; this makes them rich, famous, and much esteemed with these heathens; they now intend to take Bombasse (Mombaz ?) an island on the coast of Melinda, from the Portugals, and strengthen themselves here as they have done in the southwards; to which purpose they are to meet seven ships more from Europe or Jacatra at the Mayottas. Bombasse has a good harbour, yields store of elephants' teeth and amber, lies very convenient for the trade of India, and will be a means in time to gain Mozambique also. Understands by one Mallum Commaule, a pilot who was at the last siege of Bombasse, that it is very weakly guarded and in much distress, and verily believes it will be surrendered on sight of an enemy. Purposes to acquaint the President and Council at Surat, and if they give way, doubts not with these three ships and those from England to possess himself of it before the arrival of the Dutch. Have notice from Mr. Fall that the silks will be here much sooner than was expected, and hopes to overtake the Mary and Dolphin at Surat. Purposes to send a copy hereof by the Mary, and a brief discourse of the loss and regaining of Bombasse by the Portugals. Have furnished the Mary with divers provisions, and shall want if the next ships do not yield them a supply. P.S.—The 19th instant came 271 bales silk, whereof 141 were laded into the Jonas and 130 into the Hart, which they intend to re-imbale betwixt Surat and Masulipatam, the late season not permitting them any longer stay. Another letter dated 9th May is annexed, see No. 438. Endorsed, "Rec. by ship Exchange 28 July 1634." 5 pp. [O. C., Vol. XIV., No. 1504.]
Mar. 29. 418. Court Minutes, E. I. Co. Relation of Mr. Mun that himself with Messrs Cockayne and Spurstowe have been in the Downs and so settled all things that now the ships want only a fair wind for their departure. Methwold and the rest of the Factors being aboard, he understood by the Commander of the Reformation that she is somewhat "walt" and will be subject to roll by reason of the taking out of 150 pigs of lead, put in for ballast when she was intended for Bantam, but nevertheless the Master doubted not to supply that want, which is her only defect, there being rather an overplus than want of men in the fleet. The Committees also freed the ships of divers boys who were crept in without order, some having been refused here or at Gravesend, but they, with their chests, are all put into a hoy and left to the care of Mr. Younge to be returned for London. Request of Jaques Oyles for leave to transport 100 bags of pepper he had bought to be sold in town, granted, so as he make good his payment according to the time given for sale in town; but this seemed not to give him contentment. Petition of Edward Collins employed about eight years about the Company's powder mills, but now commanded by the State to surcease said work, to his great loss, for relief; the Court remembered their favour to him on clearing his accounts, and therefore conceived he came too soon upon them, but declared their opinions not to return the ground upon which the new mill is built into Sir Edward Randall's hands, but to keep it for a time in their own possession, and that the rent be duly paid to prevent forfeiture, requiring Collins to make as much profit of the grass and pasture as he can. Report of Mr. Governor that himself, with other Committees, attended the Lord Treasurer this morning concerning the Dutch Deputies, but finds as much as themselves delivered, which is, that by all likelyhood they have no intention to proceed any further in the treaty, for they now give out that they owe the Company nothing, so that it is now apparent they came hither for some other ends which time may discover. Petition of John Boulter for 187 Rs. of 8 to be stayed out of Verneworthy's wages for a debt pretended to be owed to Boulter, but the Court thought it not fit to satisfy his request for the reasons set forth. And because the Court is now clearing with Verneworthy, they wished him, against Friday next, to satisfy them in writing, (1) how he got his estate; (2) what private trade, and to whom belonging, was laden aboard the Great James from Surat to Bantam; and (3) whether, in case they shall end with him, he will give good security to save them harmless against the executors of Short. The Auditors having entered into the examination of the accounts of the particular voyages, as ordered, find no certain ground what allowance to give for tonnage and freight; after much dispute and debate the amount of silk, indigo, spices, calicoes, and other commodities to be allowed for a ton is agreed upon, and the freight rated at 40l. per ton. Committees intreated to join with the Auditors in perfecting the accounts with as much expedition as they may. 3 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk., XIII., 242–245.]