Index: S

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1914.

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'Index: S', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1914), British History Online [accessed 21 September 2024].

'Index: S', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1914), British History Online, accessed September 21, 2024,

"Index: S". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1914), , British History Online. Web. 21 September 2024.

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Safen, a young boy, son or nephew of the new Patriarch of Constantinople, 443.

Saftingen, Safting, forces at and near, 580, 581.

-, governor of. See Fremyn.

St. Aldegonde, Sieur de. See Marnix.

St. Ambrose, quotations from, 502, 572.

St. Andrews, castle of, James VI at, 36.

St. Bartholomew, Duke Casimir's army near, 14.

St. Bartholomew, massacre of, writings concerning, alluded to, 316;

a second, feared, 448;

chief authors of, 620.

St. Bernard's, near Brussels, taken by the Malcontents, 569.

St. Catherine's, Cardinal Birague buried at. See under Paris.

St. Cloud, the Queen Mother going to her house at, 28;

a village near [i.e. Passy], 38.

St. Denis, the funeral service for Monsieur to be celebrated at, 549;

Monsieur's funeral at, 559, 563, 572.

Ste. Die (Dye), traveller at, 357.

St. Dominic, habit of, the young prince of Spain apparelled in, 18.

Saint Esprit, Order of. See Knighthood, Orders of.

St. Francis, order of, gift to, 99.

St. Gelais, Louis de, Seigneur de Lansac, with the Queen Mother at Chateâu-Thierry, 166.

St. Germain-en-Laye (St. Germains), the French King at or going to, 28, 98, 142, 154, 239, 584;

Monsieur's lodging prepared at, 129;

the King's lodging at, 155;

the Queen Mother at, 174;

the Court at, 185.

-, proposed Assembly at, postponed, 172;

Assembly at, 201;

account of proceedings at, 204, 215;

the end of, must be money, 230;

about to break up, 249;

not yet ended, 298, 651.

-, letters etc. dated at, 142, 143, 145, 146, 264 (2).

St. Gillis, in Flanders, enemy's horse at, 210.

St. Goard, Sieur de. See Vivonne, Jean de.

St. Jean d'Angeli, 105;

the Prince of Conde at, 47.

St. John of Jerusalem, Order of, 99;

galleys etc. given back to, 651.

-, knights of, or knights of Malta, 136;

taken by the Turks, 107;

warning given to, by the Venetians, 136;

fresh discords amongst, 643;

set free, 651.

-, Grand Master of, 643;

the late Grand Master of, said to have been poisoned in Rome, 114.

St. Margaret's fort, near Eccloo, besieged by the enemy, 212.

St. Martin, M. de, killed in the St. Bartholomew, 577.

St. Maur des Fosses (St. Mort), the Queen Mother's house at, 16, 103;

the Queen Mother going to or at, 16, 114, 454, 476;

the King and Queen going to, 17;

Monsieur to be brought to, 386.

-, document dated at, 457.

St. Michael, French order of. See under Knighthood.

-, island of. See San Miguel.

St. Nicolas, Flanders, enemy's horse at, 210.

-, Russia, Sir Jerome Bowes writes from, 44;

English trading to, 138.

Saintonge, the King of Navarre on his way to, 67.

St. Paul, epistle of, quoted, 322.

St. Pierre, Seigneur de, 146.

St. Quentin, Monsieur at, 19.

St. Stefano, knights of, 136.

St. Valery, payments made at, 288.

Salentin, Count, of Isenburg, ex-Elector and Archbishop of Cologne. See Isenburg.

Salfranque, -, the French ambassador desires help for, 31.

Salignac, Bertrand de, Seigneur de la Mothe-Fenelon, his late mission to England, alluded to, 115;

suggested mission of, to Scotland, 379;

conference of, with Sir E. Stafford, 428;

character of, 621.

Salisbury, 6, 128;

Bizarri's business at, 551.

-, Bishop of, see Piers, John.

-, canon of, see Bizarri.

-, Chapter registrar of, see Blacker.

Salkins, Salkyns, William, deputy for the Eastland Company, 62, 63, 141.

Salm, Solms or Wied, Hermann Adolf, Count of, displaced canon of Cologne, 64, 93;

the Emperor writes to, 92.

Saluzzo or Saluces, Marquisate of, 164, 367, 378.

-, governor of. See Nogaret, Bernard de, Seigneur de La Valette.

Salzburg ducats, 73.

Sampell, William, 288.

Samson, John, lieutenant to the earl of Westmorland, 516, 517.

San Clemente, Don Guilielmo di, Spanish ambassador to the Emperor, 224, 292, 558.

-, secretary of, 224.

Sanders, William, commissioner from Ghent, to treat with the Malcontents, 375.

Sandwich, provisions sent from, to “the enemy,” 36, 42;

Flemings of, 79;

men of, horses brought by, 365;

a merchant of, 401;

ships of, captured, 643;

ships at, 647.

-, letter dated at, 196.

Sanese, Mutio, letter from, 559.

San Miguel or St. Michael, island of, in the Azores, the Marquis of Santa Cruz at, 55.

Sans, Cardinal di. See Sens.

San Sisto, Cardinal di. See Buoncampagni.

Santa Croce, Prospero, Cardinal di, 99, 650.

Santa Crux, in Barbary, rumoured intention of Spain to occupy, 440.

-, Marquis de. See Bacan.

Santiago (Sastago), Count of, governor of Aragon, 292.

Santofonti, a “proprietor” of currants, 291.

Sardinia, island of, ship going 10, 340.

-, vice-roy of. See Moncada.

Sarzana, in Tuscany, conspiracy at, 54.

Sas-de-Gand, 144;

taken by the enemy, 140, 151, 169, 208.

Sassetti, Sassetto, Capt. Tomaso, 560.

-, -, letter from, 275.

-, -, letters to, 242, [366].

Saulx, Guillaume de, Count of Tavannes, troops under, going to Burgundy, 370.

Sauve, Madame de, [Charlotte de Beaune de Samblancay], intercession of, for the Queen of Navarre, 71.

Savelli (Sabillus), Jacques, Cardinal, 99, 340.

-, -, house or family of, 107.

Savoie, Charles Emanuel de, Prince of Genevois, son of the Duke of Nemours, government of Lyons promised to, 445.

-, Jacques de, Duke of Nemours, heir to his grand-nephew, the Duke of Savoy, 151, 240.

-, -, wife of. See Este, Anne d'.

-, -, Henri, son of, by the damoiselle de Rohan, imprisonment of, 85.

Savoy, French gentlemen killed in, 164, 416;

troops passing through, 280;

“matters of,” trouble the Spaniards, 305.

-, Dukes of:Emanuel Philibert, [the late] instructions of, to M. de Thermes (in 1558), alluded to, 430.

Charles Emanuel, differences of, with the Bernois, 17, 60, 114, 134, 355;

marriage projects of, 17, 164;

differences of, with the Swiss, to be treated at a conference, 60;

is arming his towns near Geneva, ibid.;

in relation to Geneva, see Geneva;

travellers slain by order of, 65;

proposed match of, with the Princess of Lorraine, 113, 114, 239, 300;

reports of his death, 151, 410;

dangerous illness of, 164;

promises to marry, ibid.;

has urged the assembly of the Swiss Cantons, 230;

is said to have levied forces to re-take Colmars, 230;

Colmars taken by, 239, 251;

report that he cannot live long, 240;

the French King offended with, 251;

defers the Diet, 251, 280;

is believed to have given large sums to Montmorency, 300;

practices of, prevented by the French ambassador in Switzerland, 318, 360;

forbids provisions to be sent to Geneva, 334;

Savoy, Dukes of:—Charles Emanuel -cont.

his new imposts to be done away with, 347;

is believed to be practicing against France, set on by Spain, 350, 371;

delays of, suspected to be only for his own purposes, 360;

and the Swiss, 370;

practices of, in Provence, 371;

rumoured proceedings of, 378;

awaits the issue of the Cologne war, 410;

the Pope and Spain wish to draw him into a league, 419;

sends an apology to the French King, ibid.;

“for all” his seeming agreement with the Swiss, is levying more forces, 426;

reported negotiations of, with Montmorency, see Montmorency.

-, -, chief counsellor of See Draconis.

-, -, commissioners of, at the Assembly of Baden, to treat with the Swiss, 360.

-, -, grand uncle of See Savoie, Jacques de, Duke of Nemours.

-, -, his guard, 164.

-, -, Master of his camp See Martinengo.

Saxe-Lauenburg, Duchy of, 496.

-, Duke Frederick of, dean of Cologne, 94;

rescue of, 63;

Elector of Saxony writes to, 95;

holds Kaiserswerth, 96;

keeps the passage of the Rhine closed, 111;

wounded, 226;

reported death of, 255, 256;

said to have “saved himself by speed,” 263;

is “inclinable to help Friesland,” 497.

-, Henry of, brother of the above, Archbishop of Bremen, 93, 263, 496;

is a married man, 95;

Ségur visits, 449;

“inclinable” to help those of Friesland, 497.

Saxony, horsemen from, are flocking to Truchsess, 111;

“ambassadors” in, 360, 385, 410;

“the whole power of,” 496;

Obiquitaries in, silenced, 628.

-, Augustus, Elector and Duke of, contributes to the pay of Casimir's army, 20;

is thought to be going heartily into the business of Cologne, 47;

the Emperor sends a messenger to, 93;

views and intentions of, 94;

has written to the Emperor etc. on behalf of Truchsess, 95;

protests against the Pope's interference with affairs of the Empire, 105;

Archduke Mathias sent to, “to effectuate the Concordia” 128;

little help from, for the old Elector, 130;

will keep quiet, 134;

is going to the Assembly at Rotenburg, 385, 408, 429;

envoy sent to, 409;

better inclinations of, 410;

Ségur goes to, from the King of Navarre, 428, 441, 449;

his love of the “true religion,” 450;

princes gathered with, for his daughters' weddings; 546;

goes off to the Baths near Mainz, 547;

refers the question of a synod to the, rest of the princes, ibid.;

meets other princes to treat of matters concerning the Empire, 565;

is the Jesuits' open enemy, 628.

-, -, letters from, 451, 531(2);

memorandum of, 530.

-, -, letters to, mentioned, 609.

-, -, commissioners of, going to Aix-la-Chapelle, 411, 428;

deputies of, at the Assembly at Mainz, 112.

-, -, a province of, see Thuringia;

a town of, see Mulhausen.

-, -, son of, his father wishes to resign the electorate to, 94.

-, -, secretary of. See Jenitzio.

-, -, [Dorothea], eldest daughter of, marriage of, 385, 409, 429, 546, 565.

-, -, [Anne], younger daughter of, betrothal of, 546, 565.

-, John Frederick, Duke of, imprisoned in Austria, 94, 546;

expected liberation of, 565.

-, John Casimir of, Prince of Coburg, eldest son of Duke John Frederick, is to marry a daughter of the Elector of Saxony, 546, 565.

-, Maurice, former Elector of, his grandson, Maurice of Nassau, said to resemble, 631.

Sboroski, Zborowski, Samuel, execution of, 557, 609;

said to have plundered the Turks' country, 557.

-, -, relatives of, “besiege” the court of Cracow, 610.

-, Andreas, brother of above, Marshal of the Court of Poland, harangues the people upon his brother's death, 558.

Scarborough, harbour of, 15.

Schaffausen (Schaffuse), canton of, is strong and will befriend Geneva, 66.

Schein, Dr. Calixtus, syndic of Lubeck, hostility of, to the English Adventurers, 224, 225.

Scheldt, the river, “the river of Antwerp,” casual mention of, passim;

the enemy commands, at the Sas, 171;

navigation of, attempts to hinder, 263, 270, 336;

Malcontents busy on, 560;

ships on, taken by the enemy, 566;

cables for closing, 635.

Schelling or Terschelling, island of, troops embarked at, 143.

Schenk, Captain Martin, his capture of Daniel Rogers, 538;

has denied that he or his horsemen had any knowledge of the matter, 539.

Schetz, Schez, Gasper, formerly treasurer of Antwerp, taken prisoner, 526.

“Schiappella, a gentleman called,” sent from France by the States' deputies, 330.

Schiedam (Skedam), deputies of, entertained by the Prince of Orange, 254.

Schildere, Mre. Charles de, banished from Bruges, 144.

Schoenenberg, Johan von, Elector and Archbishop of Trier, statement made by, 3;

wishes to remain neutral, 63;

led by the Jesuits, 95;

“unfolds” Truchsess' life, 112;

courtesies of, to Duke Casimir, 296;

a place belonging to, see Coblenz;

to be at the Assembly at Rotenburg, 385, 408, 429;

commissioners of, going to Aix-la-Chapelle, 411.

Schomberg or Schonberg [Kaspar ?], “a chief disburser” in an enterprise [qy. for Don Antonio], 418;

his great credit in France, 420;

in Paris, Sir E. Stafford's suspicions of, 605.

-, -, a colonel of reiters, “no kin” to the preceding, ships set out by, 420.

-, Meinhart von, marshal of the camp to Elector Truchsess, 55.

Schoonhaven (Skonnehoven) in South Holland, “States” of, entertained by the Prince of Orange, 254.

Schowen, the land of, the States of Zeeland have set order in, 595.

Schwarzenburg, Gunther, Count of, widow of, see Nassau, Catherine of.

-, -, sale of his effects, 11.

-, -, his offices and character, 11.

Scot, a, the Queen warned against, 109.

Scotland, reported “enterprise” or preparations of men, munition or ships for, in France, 6, 36, 57, 116, 156, 218, 222, 223, 231, 465;

Jesuit books to be sent to, 28;

the French King's party in, 39;

“alteration,” practice or troubles in (i.e. Gowrie conspiracy), 66, 75, 76, 103;

Walsingham's journey to, see Walsingham;

part of Santa Cruz' army expected in, 113;

“dangerous practices” of the Papists in, ibid.;

preparations for, in France, stayed by the French King, 116;

cannot make war alone against England, 124;

the young Duke of Lennox going to, see Stuart;

ancient amity between France and, 157, 264, 343, 412, 536;

the French King does not wish to give money for, 163;

the help of Spain for, more feared than France, 164;

best way of, to annoy England, is by burning her ships, 173;

chalices and copes sent to, 181;

no shipping for, at Honfleur, 185;

news from, alluded to, 198, 474, 475;

the French King is about to send a man into, 201;

Mayneville said to be going to, 231;

proposed visit of Mauvissière to, see Castelnau;

importance of friendship between England and, 283;

ships from, 285;

the Duke of Guise's speeches concerning, 299;

league of, with England, feared by the Spaniards, 305;

promises given to, by both Spain and France, 313;

the Spaniards mean to embark men for, 338;

reported league of the King of Spain with, 339;

troubles in, are appeased, 343;

danger to England from, 364;

little to be feared from, unless helped by the French King, 365;

a French ambassador may be sent to, 369;

general dis content in, 453;

Spain has great hope of the friendship of, 471;

nothing doing for, in France, 486, 512;

the French King's desire for the welfare of, 499;

danger of its becom ing Spanish, 512;

(the North), all things from, “dangerous and fickle,”567;

all quiet in, 602, 622, 639;

effect on, of peace or war with Spain, 616, 617;

proposal to include, in the joint action of England and France, 647.

-, Borders or Marches of, the Scots King said to be going to, 639.

-, English gentlemen in, 505;

lords of, differences of, with the King, 264;

nobility of, are resolved to remove the ill-affected from about the King, 471;

travellers to and from, 74, 136, 181, 182, 249, 282, 285, 351, 377, 445, 567, 585.

-, “stir” or plot in (the second Gowrie conspiracy), 458, 474, 480, 481, 505;

failure of, 501;

caused by faction and private quarrels, 506;

said to have been set on by Elizabeth, 517;

the Queen said to en courage and comfort the rebels, 536;

she refuses to give them up, 540;

and asserts their loyalty, 541.

Scots or the Scots, said to bo false and treacherous, 124;

speeches of, 248;

“the only Italians this side the Alps,” 283;

their poverty, 339;

wish to do without the help of France, 387;

attack of, on Berwick, see Berwick.

Scots or Scottish captain, see Hunter;

colonels, in the Low Countries, 615, and see Balfour;

see Boyd;

conspirators, escaped to Berwick, 465;

faction, at the French court, 113;

gentleman, in the Low Countries, 513, 520;

merchants, at Camphere, governor of, 513;

merchants, in Paris, 639;

physician, in Paris, 281;

refugees in Paris, 505, 514, 515, and see under their names.

see Bruges, Dendermonde, Lillo, Low Countries.

Scripture, the, English Papists have found out the quintessence of, 349.

Sedan, people of, alarmed, 6.

-, letter dated from, 84.

Sedgrave, Henry, letter from, 623.

Sega (Seglia, El Zega), Monsignor, Bishop of Piacenza, is going into Spain, 133;

in Spain, 334;

with the King of Spain, 650.

Seguin [sic] Pardaillan, M. de, a follower of the Duke of Joyeuse, 3.

Ségur-Pardailhan or Pardeilhan, James, envoy from the King of Navarre, said to be going to the Queen, 65;

goes to Zee land and to Dordrecht, to the Prince of Orange, 169, 171, 186;

mission of, to the princes of Germany, 178, 203, 276;

objects of his journey, stated, 230;

starts for Den mark, 245;

letters sent to, 246;

inquiries concerning, 286;

speeches of, in England, reported to the French King, 351;

a messenger of, taken, 359;

(and Calignac, “the King of Navarre's ambassa dors”good reception of, 385, 410, 428;

visit of, to England, alluded to, 413;

the Emperor has written con cerning, 422;

princes already visited by, 441;

the Emperor has written for him to be taken, 442;

the French King's request concerning, alluded to, 521;

his negotia tions, 546;

has prevailed little on Truchsess' behalf, 632.

-, -, instructions to, heads of, 530.

-, -, letters from, 115, 122, 169, 178, 203, 263, 278, 441, 449, 450 (2), 546;

intercepted, 360.

-, -, letters of recom mendation given to, 277, 278;

letters received by, for the King of Navarre, 531, 532.

-, -, mandamus of the Emperor against, 321.

Selim I, former Sultan of Turkey, time of, alluded to, 86, 443.

Selim II, late Sultan, his war with Venice alluded to, 136.

Selles, Baron de. See Noircarmes.

Selman, Edward, sent from the Inquisition at Rome to the galleys, 301.

Solve [qy. Sauve], Madame de, her house in Paris, 515.

Semers [qy. Simeren], Duke of, proposed as a mediator at Cologne, 50.

Sempill, a Scots captain, his betrayal of Lierre, alluded to, 153;

capture of, 560.

Sens (Sans, Sance), Nicolas de Pelleve, Cardinal Bishop of, with the Duke of Joyeuse in Rome, 19, 99.

Sermoneta, Cardinal, vain attempt of, to secure pardon for Signor Gaetano, 650.

Servigi, Battista, late serjeant-major in the Terceiras, his narrative of the loss of Terceira, 242;

alluded to, 276, 366.

-, -, letters from, 242, 294, 366.

Seton, Alexander, Earl of Dumfermline, at Middelburg, “altogether addicted to her Majesty and religion,” 596.

-, George, Lord, comes from Scotland to France, 285;

enquiries concerning, 336;

arrives in Paris, 350;

movements of, in Paris, 356, 358;

has audience, 369;

tries to negotiate a marriage for the Scots King, 377, 445;

visits Sir E. Stafford, 378;

proposes a plot against Berwick, 387;

dines with the Duke of Guise, 400, 420;

forbids his “folks” to keep company with those of the English ambassador, 401;

the Queen disapproves of Stafford having visited, 435;

his great expenses, 445;

desires a passport to pass through England, 445, 486, 433;

proceedings of, 445, 452, 458;

in great perplexity concerning the “stir” in Scotland, 480;

his pomp turned to penury, 481;

the French King's answer to, 499;

meetings of, with other refugees, 504;

is going shortly to Rouen, 505;

audience of, deferred, 512;

audiences of, 514, 517, 536;

is awaiting an answer from Ferniehurst, 515 (2);

visits Stafford, 517;

fears being “laid for” on his way to Scotland, 520;

watched for, in Zeeland, ibid.;

wishes his son to be captain of Scottish guard, 536, 562;

looked for, in the Low Countries, 560;

his pensions, 562;

takes leave of the Queen mother, ibid.;

goes away by stealth, 618;

is “treating” with Lord Hamilton, 646.

-, -, messenger to, 585;

secretary of, 420.

-, -, daughter of, see Hamilton, Lord Claude, wife of.

-, Sir John, son of the above, is going to Spain, 4;

at Bordeaux, 336, 357;

has gone to Scotland, 377.

-, (Seyton, Sethone), captain or colonel of Scottish soldiers at Dermonde, plot by, discovered, 423;

imprisoned, 424.

-, -, cornet of the proceeding, racked and hanged, 424.

Seville, the contractation house at, 105;

Merchants' Company at, prior and consuls of, in relation to the negotiation for restoring Drake's plunder, 467, 468;

university of, business of, 468.

-, letters dated at, 305, 466, 470, 471.

Sevre, Chevalier de, struck by the French King in Council, 371;

forgiven by the King, 419.

Seymour, Edward, Earl of Hertford, is said to be going to France to condole on Monsieur's death, 533.

-, Lord Henry, payments of, to Monsieur (in 1581), mentioned, 288, 603.

Sforza, house of, 107.

Sheffield, Douglas, Lady, widow of Lord Sheffield and wife of Sir Edward Stafford, goes with her husband to France, 117, 264;

message from, 184;

her alliance with the Pagets, 252, 269;

visited by Don Antonio, 266;

the Duchess of Joyeuse sends to, 456;

intercedes for a servant, ibid.;

going into the country, 522;

puts herself and her women into mourning for Monsieur, 551;

remembrances to, 610.

-, -, letter sent by, 331;

letters of, opened, 387;

note by, 513.

-, -, daughter of, see Ormond, Countess of.

Shelley, Sir Richard, letters from, 586, 635.

-, [Thomas, of Michel Grove], Sussex, arrested, 652.

Sherington, Anthony, cause sued in the name of, 167.


Charity, of London, 308, 327.

Diane, 355.

Ema, ship, wreck of, 649.

Ema, galley, 649, 651.

Grattarvolo, galleon, wreck of, 649.

Griffin, of Southampton, 297.

Hound, 27.

Salvaga, 464.

Susan, of London, 308.

Unicorn, 37.

Shipper, Jacob, sent from the Inquisition at Rome to the galleys, 301.

Shute, William, a messenger at the English embassy at Paris, 36;

praise of, 452, 457.

Siavus, Grand Vizier of Turkey, excuses the murder of the Polish ambassador, 179;

unfriendly to Harborne, 308, 309;

a present sent to, 328;

wife of, the Sultan's sister, 328.

Sicilians, molestation of English ships by, 536.

Sicily, natives of, cowardice of, 366;

Spanish troops sent to, 643;

-, vice-roy of, see Colonna, Marc' Antonio.

Sidney. See Sydney.

Siegen, Duke Casimir going to, 128.

Siena, the war of, alluded to, 275.

Silly, Antoine de, Comté de la Rochepot, heads a plot against Strasburg, 67;

sent to the Queen Mother, 114.

-, Manuel de, Count of Torres Vedras, executed by the Marquis of Santa Cruz, 105;

was lieutenant of Don Antonio in Terceira, 290.

Sinigaglia, in Italy, travellers to, 464.

Sion, Bishop of, mentioned, 145.

Sipen, the river of, on the borders of East Friesland, 497.

Sipierre (Sepier), Madame de, the French King visits, 37;

house of, 58.

Sittingbourne, the post at, 24.

Sluys, dykes near, cut, 21, 22, 27, 41, 42, 194;

Parma intends to besiege, 24;

the enemy near, 25;

English companies lying about, ibid.;

the Prince of Orange “makes sure,” 27;

ships from, take provisions to Flanders, 30;

Roger Williams is willing to go to, 31;

is well provided, and to be “stuffed with soldiers,” 33;

will be defended to the uttermost, ibid.;

the enemy departs from, 45;

soldiers at, discharged, 56;

“those of,” keep back the enemy, 144;

an enterprise against, expected, 183, 236, 263;

cannot be harmed till the frost comes, 202;

a plan to join, to Holland and Zeeland, has “missed,” 296;

proposed as a pledge for Monsieur, 315, 336;

haven at, 337;

may probably turn to the Prince of Orange, 374;

travellers to and from, 381;

the Prince of Orange seeks to gain, 384;

the Princess of Chimay at, 401;

accepts a garrison from the Prince of Orange, 403, 404, 423, 425;

“continues obstinate,” against peace with Spain, 447;

victuals and ammunition taken to, 451;

has taken oath to Holland and Zeeland, 460;

the enemy intends to “deal with,”460, 461;

yielding of (to the Prince of Orange), alluded to, 461, 473;

money found at, in a barrel of beer, 474;

is assured to the Prince of Orange, 482;

will let nothing go to Bruges, 488;

not at the King of Spain's devotion, 489;

well provided for a siege, 520;

intended siege of, 522;

Scots soldiers go to, 523;

the Prince of Parma calls upon, to surrender within a certain time, 526;

letter opened by “those of,” 545;

to be offered to the French King, 554;

the French King desires to be master of, 628;

offered to the Queen as a pledge, 630;

possessions of those of, kept by Prince of Parma, 656.

-, castle of, held by troops from Flushing, 415;

governor of, changed, 56.

-, garrison at, meeting and satisfaction of, 361, 363, 425, 473.

-, governor of, goes to Flushing, 381.

-, village near, see Ostbourg;

places near, burnt, 569.

Smidelin, Jacob, doctrine held by, 131.

Smith (Smet), Captain, with Requesens in the Low Countries, 525.

-, Captain, “that knave,” carries soldiers to Rowland Yorke, 26;

aids in the betrayal of Alost, 240, 245, 246.

-, Mr., letters sent by, 105.

-, Sir Thomas, treaty made by, (in 1572), papers relating to, 167.

-, (Smythe), Thomas, commissioner of Customs, said to have invited the Spanish ambassador to meet the Queen's ministers, 314.

-, Thomas, of the Muscovy Company, 553.

Soete. See Zoete.

Sohey, M., governor of Alost. See Soubshait.

Soissons, Count of, see Bourbon, Charles de.

Solern, Count of, to be the Emperor's commissioner at Rotenburg, 385, 408, 429.

Soliman, Suleman [the Magnificent], Sultan of Turkey, truce of, alluded to, 443.

Solms, Adolf von, Count of Mceurs and Neuenaar, at the attack on Deutz, 64;

the Emperor writes to, 91;

holds Berck on the Rhine and Ordingen, 96;

at Deutz, 112;

blamed for the loss of Zutphen, ibid.;

has crossed the Rhine, 127;

report that he is to be governor of Guelderland, 211, 362, 341, 462;

victory of, at Hultz, 211, 213, 223, 241, 255, 256, 265, 372;

troops sent to, 226;

in danger from a mutiny of his men, 341;

at Berck, in " poor estate," 371;

praise of, 372;

reinforcements for, 385;

desperate state of, 403;

is preparing for the defensive, 428;

lieutenant-general for Truchsess, 429;

is willing to fight, 430;

may shortly go to England, 431;

still holds Berck, 462;

has come to the Hague, 469;

has been in Germany for more forces, 489;

Count of Reifferscheit wishes to annoy, 490;

“governor of Gueldres,” intercepts supplies going' to Zutphen, 551, 561, 565;

at Lochem, with his troops, 553;

will probably keep the governor's place of Guelderland, 581;

will, it is hoped, shortly take Zutphen, 609;

Hohenlohe cannot agree with, 632;

in the camp before Zutphen, 643.

-, -, castle of, see Bedburg;

house of, see Hultz.

-, -, wife of, at Berck, 462.

-, Hermann Adolf, Count of See Salm.

-, the young count of, 429.

Solomon, King, quoted, 258.

Somere (Sommers), Jacques de, pensionary of Ghent, treats with the enemy, 192;

imprisoned at Dermonde, 152, 193, 381, 384;

release of, demanded, 389;

may be exchanged, 451.

Somers, Sommers (John), at the court, 388, 389;

note of memorial to (in 1581), 603;

going on a mission to the Low Countries, 607;

mission of, alluded to, 640.

-, -, instructions for, 598.

Somerville or Somerfield, John, plotter, capture of, 217;

sentenced to death, 651;

hangs himself in prison, 652.

-, -, father and mother in law of. See Arden.

Somes, Hugh, a Papist, going into England, 186.

Sommacchi, Michele, a “proprietor” of currants, 291.

Somme, the, garrisons on, 423, 452, 455.

Sootchern [qy. Southern], —, letter from, 658.

Soothsayer, a, predictions of, 130.

Sora, Duchy of, people of, are stubborn and disobedient, 68.

-, Duke of. See Buoncompagni, Jacomo.

Sorano, fortress of, in Tuscany, 209.

Sorbiers, Roch des, Seigneur des Pruneaux, with the Prince of Orange, 75;

speech of, to the States General, on behalf of Monsieur, 80;

is sent to Brussels, 89;

his “harebrained tricks,” 149;

with the States-General, 177;

fresh offer by, on Monsieur's behalf, 219;

says the French King will help his brother, 234;

was one of the principal actors in the attack on Antwerp, 255;

daily solicits the receiving of Monsieur, ibid.;

promises wonders, 311;

still in Holland, weary of delays, 376;

has offended the States by his demands, 426;

information sent' to Monsieur by, 494, 552;

movements of, 513, 554, 565, 584;

at Rouen, 628;

going again into the Low Countries, 633, 640, 645.

-, letter to, alluded to, 1.

Soren, M. de, a Burgundian captain, 490.

Soubshait or Sohey, Governor of Alost and grand bailiff of Waes, joins in betrayal of Alost, 148, 240;

gives up Rupelmonde to the enemy, 151, 153, 171, 175, 182, 186, 194;

ships promised by, to the enemy, 176;

has declared himself a Malcontent, 208.

Sound, the, tolls on, 191.

Southampton, Hampton (Antona), French traders at, 146;

ship of, 297;

a merchant of, 335;

her Majesty should keep ships at, 339.

-, governor of. See Horsey.

Sovigo, Alexander, letter from, 549.

Spa, the, the betrayer of Lierre captured at, 560.

Spain, those of the Reformed Religion in, 5;

called Ca in cipher, 63, 64;

Archduke Ernest going to, 107;

trade between the Low Countries and, 120;

money sent from, to the Prince of Parma, 126;

aid of, for Scotland, feared, 164;

reasons why the Low Countries should not submit to, 187 et seq.;

has lulled the French to sleep, 189;

proposed restoration of Cambray to, see Cambray;

and France, report that war is declared between, 196;

French King's relations with, see Henry III.;

supposed design in, against Barbary, 304;

Low Country shipping in, “stayed,” 310;

gives promises to Scotland, 313;

Waad sets out for, 318;

Italians in, ibid.;

the Pope sends an emissary into, 334;

English Papists going to or from, 357;

a “cursing term” in, 358;

could more easily assault France than England, 364;

practices of, against France, ibid.;

Montmorency suspected of practising with, see Montmorency;

fear that Elizabeth may make a separate peace with, 388;

evils suffered from, 421;

rumour that Barbary is to be invaded by, 440;

drought and bad harvest in 468, 471;

corn to be sent to, 468, 469;

dealings of Count Edzard with, see East Friesland, Count Edzard of;

need to curb the growing power of, 594, 595, 597, 599;

good disposition of, towards England, asserted, 618;

friends and enemies of, 619, 620.

-, King of. See Philip II.

-, late Queen of [Anne of Austria], Philip's fourth wife, 108.

-, Philip, prince of, illness of, 18, 108;

recovery of, 113;

protectors appointed for, 634.

-, the Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia, eldest daughter of King Philip, illness of, 18;

marriage projects for, 500;

proposed marriage of, to the Emperor, 123, 558.

-, Catalina, second Infanta of, reported marriage projects for, 108, 123, 218.

-, third Infanta of, death of, 108.

-, chief general in. See Colonna, Marc' Antonio, 623.

-, ambassadors to or from, see Ambassadors;

clergy of, give the King great sums for his design against England, 470, 471;

couriers, posts or messengers to or from, 4, 72, 340, 437, 505;

English merchants in, president of the Company of, see Bodenham;

inquisition or inquisitors in, 336;

league between Turkey and, 55, 329;

news or advertisements from, 18, 55, 105, 210, 335, 349, 381, 643, 644;

pensioners of, 621;

travellers to and from, 4, 63, 64, 108, 115, 336, 349, 422.

-, Cortes or parliament of Estates, meeting of, 55;

Council of Eight of, to manage all affairs, 634, 643;

Council of the galleys in, meeting of, 378;

Hacienda, Council of, 467.

-, court of, will be quiet until Spring, 229;

few English but many Irish at, 336;

expence and delays at, 468.

-, designs or preparations in, against England, 105, 210, 221, 310, 345, 368, 466, 470;

494. 502;

reports concerning, 367, 368, 440;

rumour of, proves false, 377.

-, naval preparations in, 20, 75, 261, 310, 367, 378, 467.

-, vice-roys and governors of in 1583, list of, 292.

Spaniard, a, offers his service to Stafford, 233.

Spaniards or the Spaniards, a castle taken from, 17;

in the Low Countries, see Low Coun tries;

rule of, preferred by the people of the Low Coun tries to that of France, 21, 253;

are not to have the government of any town in Flanders, 23;

reports given out by, 28;

their fear of the Turk, 103;

in relation to the Malcontents, see Low Countries, Malcontents in;

desire the ruin of England, 220;

are everywhere growing in prosperity and power, 224;

nature of, proud and revenge ful, 233;

send fresh succours into the Low Countries, 235;

coming of, feared, in Artois and Hainault, 296;

boast that by force or money, there is no enterprise they cannot succeed in, 304;

have sought to “debauch” Roger Williams, 310;

ordnance of, importance of, 312;

dislike Artois and Hainault as much as the “States,” 361;

design of, to master both England and France, 368;

counsellors of the King of Fez favour, 443;

rejoice over Monsieur's illness, 463;

have a great hope of the friendship of Scotland, 471;

Monsieur's hatred of, 481;

governments given to, 490;

said to have a secret practice for England or Scotland, 494;

entry of, into East Friesland, 496;

letters of mart granted against, 519;

molestation of English ships by, 536;

sus pected stratagem of, concern ing Malta, 643.

Spanish captains and priests, mortal enemies to England, 310;

captives in Turkey, rescue of, 330;

embassy in France, secretary of, see Maldonato;

enterprises, means for hinder ing, 497;

expedition to Ireland, see Ireland;

garri sons, put into Nice and other maritime towns, 151;

gold (i.e. bribery) power of, 242;

jennets, 67, 148;

money, value of, 460, 474;

noble men, 19, 195;

order of the Fleece, see Knighthood, orders of;

practices in France, 152;

and at the English court, 567;

ships, see below;

subjects, im prisoned in England, their ambassador interferes on behalf of, 27;

treasure, men's counsels “poisoned with,” 346;

trick, a, 184;

attack on Terceira, see Terceira.

-, fleet, for Terceiras, 6;

said to be scattered, 29;

reported to be lost, 68;

or“1 sea army,” said to be meant for Scotland or England, 105, 210;

has arrived in Biscay, from the Terceiras, 113;

is going to Alarache, 123;

Elizabeth and the States to join in order to check, 653;

making ready of, see Spain, naval prepara tions in.

-, ships or shipping, lost, 29;

galleys, prisoners sent to, 113;

report that they may harbour in England, 220;

coming from Spain, 266;

English merchant ships can beat, 339;

captured, 414;

taken, 609;

“stayed” in Zeeland, 643.

-, troops or forces, going into Italy, 75, 354, 505;

rencontre of, with Duke Casimir, book concerning, 182;

going to the Low Countries, 208, 278, 280, 295, 298, 303, 335, 366, 447, 513, 523, 550;

and sec under Low Countries;

main tenance and increase of, 229;

in Germany, sent by the Pope against the Elector Truchsess, 313;

going from Italy, 318, 415;

recruits, not very valuable, 367;

serving the new Bishop of Cologne, 372, 373, 561;

crossing the Alps, 453;

fresh levies of, 478;

said to be intended for England, 502;

pass Cham bery, 519;

at Namur, 561;

going to Genoa, 585, 643;

disposition of, 650;

in Italy, see Italy;

pagador of, 561;

at Terceira, see Terceira.

Speier (Spires), assembly at, 3;

Dr. Sturm's quarrel with the “consuls of, 130;

news from, 145;

Spelucri, 308.

Spinola, Antonio, a rich Genoese, censor at Antwerp, banished, 527.

-, Baptista, interest due to, 32;

debt due to, from the alleged payment to, 279.

-, Don Gaston, return of, to England, expected, 618;

his knowledge of Spanish affairs, ibid.

Springham, Richard, merchant of London, 292, 293.

Spritwell, Sprytwell, a messenger, 382, 384, 520.

Stafford, Sir Edward, going as ambassador to France, 64;

arrival of, desired by Cobham, 16, 103;

arrives at Boulogne, 117;

reaches Paris, 128, 131, 135;

visit of, to the French Queen, 143;

his first audience of the King, 155;

complains of Cobham's behaviour to him, 158;

orders issued in the name of, 186;

visits Don Antonio, 214;

Cabriana employed by, 254;

Pena has applied to, 279;

perplexity of, concerning sending of messengers, 282;

efforts of, to get the Queen's libellers punished, 299;

has audience of the King, 316, 318;

entertained at dinner by the Duke of Guise, 318;

goes with Waad to visit the other ambassadors, 325;

payment to be made by, 347;

Lord Paget's appeal to, 348;

has written on behalf of a French ship, 355;

audiences of, 412, 416;

his “right hand,” 415;

interview of, with Pinart, 416;

is going to Monsieur, 428;

the Queen offended by his visit to Lord Seton, 435;

his private letters opened, 435, 457;

has had the only “playing time” since he came to France, 446;

interview of, with the Queen Mother, related, 453–455;

is suspicious of Walsingham's request that he should write secretly to him, 459;

his methods of gaining intelligence, objected to, by the Queen, 475;

audience of, with the Queen Mother and King, related, 476 et seq.;

complains of Leicester's neglect of him, 476;

all he does, blamed, 511, 513;

audience of, 512;

refuses to allow his house to be decorated for the Fête Dieu, 512, 517;

thinks that protesting against books written against England does rather harm than good, 522;

is going into the country, ibid.;

desires to know what to do in regard to Monsieur's funeral, 533, 537;

and to the presentation of a special ambassador to the King, ibid.;

offers to go to Monsieur's funeral, 551;

the French King's reasons for not wishing it, 552;

his audience of condolence, ibid.;

his complaints of Mauvissière, alluded to, 594;

his opinion of Pinart, 604;

interview of, with Pinart, 611;

has audience of the I Queen Mother, 612;

speech of, quoted by Mauvissière, 646.

-, -, letters from, 117, 128, 142, 154, 158, 159, 166, . 168, 172, 181, 183, 196, 199, 200, 213, 214, 218, 220–222, 229, 232, 236, 239, 250, 259, 264–266, 269, 270, 274, 275, 281, 283–285, 298, 305, 314, 319, 321, 330, 332, 422, 426, 452, 453, 456, 458, 474, 476, 481, 486, 491–494, 497, 500, 511, 512, 517, 521, 532, 533, 537, 542, 551, 552, 562, 563, 567, 592, 603, 605, 611, 613, 618, 633, 634, 637, 638, 646, 657, 658.

-, -, -, opened, 387.

-, -, letters to, 171, 185, 248, 252, 271, 301, 318, 341, 345, 377, 382, 388, 389, 428, 435, 453, 471, 483, 506, 540, 542, 543, 579, 594, 603, 610, 613, 622, 646.

-, -, instructions to, 115;

alluded to, 294;

papers received by, 167.

-, -, mother of, 129, 158, 475, 521, 533.

-, -, wife of, see Sheffield, Lady.

-, -, cousin of, see Constable, Henry.

-, -, household of, put into mourning at Monsieur's death, 551;

servants of, 452, 453;

very necessary to him [qy. Shute], 500, and see Grimston, Moody, Shute.

Stafford knot, the, 184, 199.

Stalius, Jacques, commissioner from Ghent to treat with the Malcontents, 375.

Stalling, Stallynge, Richard, letters sent by, 166, 300, 314, 476, 481;

is still with Monsieur, 284;

friend of, 335;

servant of, 340.

-, -, letters from, 335, 340.

Standen, Anthony, letter from, alluded to, 5.

Stango, Marco Antonio, an aged Venetian merchant, 328.

Stanley, Henry, Earl of Derby, his mission to France, postponed, 585.

Stansfeilde, Edmund, sent by Stafford into Normandy, 199.

-, -, letter from, 185.

Stanton, Mr., takes letters to Paris, 64.

Stapleton, Dr., professor at Douai, 47, 48, 49.

Starkie, Alderman, cause of, mentioned, 167.

Statute for nobility, alluded to, 348.

Stecken, in the Pays de Waes, 202;

burnt, 337.

Steenbergen, 580;

the soldiers have not forgotten “the blows of,” 31;

taken by the enemy, 70 (2), 80;

convoys going to, defeated, 488.

Stein, Heinrich von, colonel in Casimir's army, horsemen under, 50, 55, 64, 95, 96;

the Emperor writes to, 92.

Stephano, Giovane, comptroller of Marigliano's house, 355.

Stephen Bathory, King of Poland, John Herbert sent to, 8;

the Queen sends letters to, 62;

present at a conference of ministers of the Religion, 64;

valour of, 97;

expected “contention” of, with Denmark, 100;

is hunting, 141;

forces of, on the frontiers of Turkey, 179;

proposals sent by, to Turkey, 327;

is believed to have an understanding with the Turks, 442;

orders Samuel Sborosky to be put to death, 557;

will be King in deed, not only in name, 558;

the Russian nobles desire, as their ruler, 558, 609;

in relation to the Hanses, 589, 590;

can neither bridle the Cossacks or chastise them, 649.

-, -, brother's daughter of, married to the Polish Chancellor, 99, 141.

-, -, captain of his guard, see Stolosky;

master of the horse to, ambassador to Turkey, murdered by order of the Sultan, 179, 180.

Sterck, Symon de, merchant, losses of, by the taking of his ships, 135.

Stewart, Lord James, Earl of Murray, murderer of, 428.

-, James, Earl of Arran, poor and may be bought, 339;

his government of the Scots King “cried out upon,” 585.

Stewart or Stuart, Colonel William, with the Scottish King at St. Andrews, 36;

“challenged for a traitor,” 37;

invites captains in the Low Countries to return to Scotland, 151;

warning against, 153;

intelligence of, with the Duke of Lennox and his faction, 339.

Stinson, an archer of the French King's Scottish Guard, pass for, to England, 457.

Stoics, motto of, 609.

Stokes, Thomas, English merchant and correspondent at Bruges, 182, 425, 507;

wishes to go to England, 374, 498;

going to England, 586.

-, -, letters from, 8, 22, 24, 30, 41, 43, 56, 68, 76, 100, 106, 126, 140, 174, 194, 202, 219, 236, 253, 262, 270, 278, 296, 297, 319, 326, 337, 361, 365, 373, 444, 447, 451, 459, 460, 465, 472, 484, 487, 497, 500, 503, 522.

Stolosky, Petro, captain of the King of Poland's guard, sent to Turkey, 327.

Stoner, John, captured on his way to Spain, 108;

ransomed, 115.

Strasburg or Argentina, news from, 3;

Casimir's army to meet near, 20;

troops passing by, 55;

a plot to surprise, 67;

refuses passage to the Pope's legate, 93;

money sent by, to Casimir's army, 133.

-, letters dated from, 61, 134, 178, 360, 385, 429.

Strozzi, Cosmo, a follower of the Duke of Joyeuse, 3.

Stuart, Esme, 1st Duke of Lennox and 6th Seigneur d'Aubigny, his death, 3;

his house in Paris, 15;

a ship of 37;

effect of his death, 66;

his relations with Col. Stewart, 153, 339.

-, -, daughter of, 136.

-, Ludovick, 2nd Duke of Lennox and 7th Seigneur d' Aubigny, son of the above, is going to Scotland, 136, 199, 201.

-, -, governor of. See Gray, Master of.

-, Colonel, the late, dispute as to his regiment, 11.

-, -, his lieut.-colonel, 11.

Sturm, Dr. John, poverty of, 60;

his writings for the King of Navarre and Prince of Conde, 61;

letters from, sent to Walsingham, 132;

his suit at Speier, 385;

is at his country house, ibid.;

advice of, alluded to, 400;

suggestions of, in regard to horses and horsemen, 405;

cause and adversaries of, 412;

writings of, alluded to, ibid.

-, -, letters from, 129, 144, 178, 404 (2), 407.

-, -, secretary of, 406.

Styles, Giles, sent from the Inquisition at Rome to the galleys, 301.

Subiaur. See Cubiaur.

Sudermann, Dr. Henry (le Lusque), syndic of the Hanse towns, recommends the affairs of the Hanse towns to the Emperor's commissary, 50;

at Cologne, 64;

opposition of, to the English Adventurers, 224, 225.

-, -, letter from, 588.

Suffolk, ships from, take succours to the enemy, 615.

Svltano, a horse called, 99.

Supremacy, oath of, taken, 623.

Surin, Juan Cortes de, letter from, 228.

Surys, Jacques, letters from, 248, 272, 376.

Sussex, a rich gentleman of. See Shelley, Thomas.

-, Earl of, see Ratcliffe.

Swabia, forces levied in, 51.

Swartz, Frederick, commissary for Truchsess at Wesel, is practising for Mr. Rogers' release, 415.

Sweden, notes on affairs of, 15621583, 292, 293;

English merchants imprisoned in, 293;

and Russia, peace between, see Russia.

-, King of, see John III.;

the late King, see Eric.

-, -, [Gustavus Vasa], daughter of, see East Friesland, Catherine, Countess of.

-, Queen of, letters from, alluded to, 293.

-, the Lady Cecilia of [eldest daughter of Gustavus Vasa], 293.

Swiss, the, have sent letters to the Queen and her Council, 300;

Swiss, the-cont. “dissension of” amongst themselves, 347, 415;

mediation on behalf of, 347;

war is now at their doors, 410;

league of, with the French King, 414;

in relation to the Duke of Savoy, see Savoy.

-, troops, in service of the Duke of Anjou, 16;

dischargeds, 33;

serving Truchsess, 96;

in the Duke of Savoy's guard, 164;

levied by the French King, 359, 366, 367;

to be levied, 422;

sent for, by the French King, 426;

will not fight against the Protestants, 427.

Switzerland, 237.

-, cantons of, Papist, will “follow at the heels of the others” 66;

are leaning towards Spain, 230;

fall away from the French King, ibid.;

efforts to stir up, 334;

have awaited the issue of the Cologne war, 410.

-, cantons of, Protestant, the French King may enter into further league with, 231;

demand that their troops in France shall not be used against Protestants, 427.

-, Diet in, proposed, 251, 279, 280;

is now being held, 318;

as the late Diet, 347, 360, and see Baden;


-, frontiers of, troops sent to, 17.

Swolle. See Zwolle.

Sydney, Sidney, Sir Philip, 11, 52, 173, 406;

said to have met Mendoza at dinner, 314;

marriage of, 412;

business referred to, 519, 549;

expected to be at a christening, 530;

salutations sent to, 559;

present from, to Prince Maurice, 563;

has investigated Carenzone's scheme, 564;

and wishes him to negotiate, 567;

to be sent to France, to condole on Monsieur's death, 579, 594, 601;

matters to be dealt in, by, 611–614;

mission of, alluded to, 618;

mission of, deferred by the French King, 611–613, 622, 634, 640, 644–646.

-, -, letters to, 260, 563;

letters in the hands of, 501.

-, -, instructions for, 601;

alluded to, 603, 605.

-, Lady (Frances Walsingham), marriage of, 184;

message to, 513.

-, Robert, brother of Sir Philip, a pamphlet given to, 406;

going as colonel to the Low Countries, 642.