Rymer's Foedera with Syllabus: July-December 1429

Rymer's Foedera Volume 10. Originally published by Apud Joannem Neulme, London, 1739-1745.

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'Rymer's Foedera with Syllabus: July-December 1429', in Rymer's Foedera Volume 10, (London, 1739-1745) pp. 424-438. British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/rymer-foedera/vol10/pp424-438 [accessed 19 April 2024]

July–December 1429

Syllabus Entry Foedera Text
July 1. The cardinal of England promises to serve in France with his retinue for six months before going to Bohemia. Rochester.
O. x. 124. H. iv. p. iv. 147.
De Cardinali cum Retinentia, in succursum Ducis Bedfordiae in Francia, profecturo; & Cruciata Respectuata.
An. 7. H. 6. Bibl. Coton. Cleopatra F. 4.
Here ensuen TH'ARTICLES of TH'APPOINTMENT, MAAD and Accorded at Rouchestre, the Furst day of Juyll, BETWIX the King, by th'Advis of his Conseil, on that oo Partie, and my Lord his Cousin the Cardinal &c. on that other Partie,
How be it the King, by th'Advis of his said Conseil, hath Graunted his Licence to the said Cardinal to have out of his Reaume of England the King's Subgittes of the same, to the Nombre of CCL. Speres, and M M. D. Bowes, to acccompanye him to the Reaume of Boeme, for the Reduction and Expugnation of th'Eretikes there that entenden the Subversion of the Christien Feith,
Nevere the lesse,
Forasmuche as it is thought to the King and his said Conseil that, considering diverse greet and grevous Adversitees and Fortunes of Werre, happened right late agoo, after the tyme of the said Licence, unto the King's Subgittes in his Reaume of France, and the greet Jupartie that the Persone of my Lord of Bedford his Uncle, and the Remenant of his truue Subgitts in the Reaume of France, and the same Reaume standen yn like to be lost and subverted, o lesse than hasty and undelayed Provision of Socours, and Relief, out of his Reaume of Engeland, be disposed and sent theder,
And that therefore the Service of the Men of Armes and Archers, that have Entended with the said Cardinal, is in alle wyse necessarie and behoveful unto the King,
The said Cardinal,
Considering the things before reherced, for the most singuler love, zeele, and tendernesse that he bereth to the Seuretee, Welfare, and Prosperitee of the King, and of alle his Landes and Subgitts, and in especial of my Lord of Bedford, of the Reaume of France, and the Kings Subgitts there,
Is condescended unto the Contenue of th'Articles that followe, that is to say,
That, my said Lord the Cardinal hath assented, in his Persone, to Goo, and also Lede his Retenue, that he hath of the Kings Subgitts of this Land, into the Reaume of France to my said Lord of Bedford, and there to abide; and also make all hem of his saide Retenue, as ferforth as in him shal be, to abide and serve the King in his Werres, in his Reaume of France, for the Terme of Half a Yere, for the whiche thei have entended with him.
Item, that, for execution of That that is in the next Article before, the King shal Graunte my said Lord the Cardinal Pouer, by his Lettres Patentes, to make Constable and Mareschal of his saide Retenue suche Persones as it shal be thought moost expedient and behoveful to the said my Lord the Cardinal; to the whiche, during the said Half Yeer, he shal yeve in charge to employe his said Retenue in the Kings Service there, in suche wyse as other of the Kings Subgitts theer doon that been occupied in the Werre; except that thei shall not be bounde, as by force of this APPOINTMENT, to eny Sieges.
Item, that,
To the same entent, and to that ende that it ne shall mowe in eny wise resonably be thought, that the lettyng of the goyng of the said Cardinal and his Retenue to Beeme procedeth of the wille, ymaginacion, and covyne of the said Cardinal,
The King shale sende a sufficeant Persone, and also his Lettres Patentes under his Greet Seal of England, by the whiche he shal yeve pleine auctoritee and pouer unto my Lord of Bedford, for diverse greet causes and consideracions, suche as moeve him, to forbede alle his said Subgitts of the said Cardinales Retenue, upon peine of forfaiture of lyf, lymme, and all that thei may forfaite ayenst the King, in eny wise to passe, out of his said Reaume of France, in eny other Land, fro the xxiij day of Juyn last passed, unto the xxj Day of December next comyng; notwithstanding eny licence or graunt maad by the King therupon afore the date of the same Lettres Patentes: and to arreste, and enprisone, and to holde enprisoned eny of the said Retenue, that dooth the contraire, into the tyme that the King yeveth to my said Lord of Bedford other commandement.
Item, to that ende that it appiere evidently that it is not the Kings entent to Restreine the going of his said Subgitts, at this tyme, to Beeme, in displeser or contempt of oure Holy Fadre the Pope, or of the Churche, but oonly in necessarie eschuying of the open and evident parills, daungers, losse, and inconvenients before reherced, ne for to put our Holy Fadre or the Chirche to losse of the good paied for Wages to the said Retenue, the King offreth, wol, and shal make unto oure saide Holy Fadre notable and sufficeante seuretee of Repaiement of the hoole Some, that the said Wages drawe unto; the saide paiement to be made without longer delay or tarying; that is to say,
That oon half, the laste Day of Feverer that next cometh,
And that other half, the furst day of May next followyng,
And with that the King graunteth and agreeth him that, at the said begynning of May, oure said Holy Fadre, and the Chirch, and the forsaid Cardinal shal mowe have out of this land men of Armes and Archers, to the nombre, or above, and to th'entent, graunted to him before.
Item, that,
For as muche as it is thought that the saide seuretee of Repaiement most be Obligacions of the Lordes of the King's Counsail, the whiche, if thei were shewed here after, bering date of this day, there myghte growe therof suspecion of collusion betwene the Kings said Counsail and the forsaid Cardinal,
It is advised and asserted, by the King's Counsail, that the said Lords of the Conseil shul make obligacions to oure said Holy Fadre and to his Chambre, beryng date of this day; the whiche shul be put in the said Cardinals keping:
And, after the Publicacion of the saide Prohibicion and Defense, to be maad in France on the King's behalve, yere shall be Maad and Seeled newe Obligations, by the said Lords of the Conseil, of the same Teneur, save the Dates of this Day, beryng Date of a Day after the Publicacion of the said Prohibition; ye whiche shall be delivered to him whom oure Holy Fadre or the said Cardinal wol assigne, and the said furst Obligations be restored to the said Lords of the Conseil, that shall be bounden by hem.
Item, that anoon, upon the tyme of Publication of the said Prohibitions, there shal be sent Messagers unto oure Holy Fadre the Pope, and to the Princes of Almaigne, with Lettres of Excusation, contenyng the Causes of Restreint and Delay of passing unto Boeme of the said Cardinal Retenue, aswel in Discharging of the King, and Declaration and keping of his Name and Fame, as of the forsaid Cardinal's.
Item, For as muche as the King shal Repaie to oure said Holy Fadre the Wages of the forsaid Cardinal's Retenue, it is Accorded that, if any of the forsaide Retenue departe fro the said Cardinal, withynne the forsaid Half Yeer, or withdrawe his Service, the said Cardinal shal make his Attourne, at the Kings Assignement, to sue lawfully him of his saide Retenue that so doth, and mynistre his Evidences and lawefull Proves; of the whiche Suyte, as wel as of the Thirddes, and alle other manere of Wynnyng of Werre, that myghte belonge or to be due unto oure said Holy Fadre, or to the forsaid Cardinal, withyne the forsaid Half Yeere, of eny of the forsaid Retenue, the King shal have the Hool Availle and Proussit.
Item, consideryng the greet Charge that the said Cardinal shal bere in accomplishing of the things before reherced, the Kyng of his liberalitee hath Graunted unto the said Cardinal, by wey of Reward, a Thousand Marc:
And, over that, the King shal sende unto his said Uncle of Bedford, by the forsaid Persone that shal bere his Lettres Patentes, and late his Uncle of Bedford wete howe that, according to his desire, with greet Difficultee and Instance, he hath Treted and Induced the said Cardinal to goo, he and his Retenue, thorough his Reaume of France by his said Uncle, to th'entent that he shall nowe have Speche with the said Cardinal, and entrete him and his Retenue, if him thenke that it be necessarie unto him; lating my saide Lord his Uncle wete that the King bereth so greet a Charge, in settyng overe of Sr. John Radcliff and his Retenue, at this tyme, that there coude not be getten here the Goode, wherwith to have sowded the said Cardinal's Retenue, if he and thei of his said Retenue myghte have be entretd therto; and that therfore, if he wol desire the Service of the said Cardinals Retenue, he muste entrete him and thaim in suche wyse as it shall be thought unto him expedient and Raisonable:
In Demesnyng of the whiche Tretie the said Cardinal shal, by his greete Discrecion and Prudence, doo his good and trewe Devoir to Charge my said Lord of Bedford and that Reaume with Paiement of the Wages of his saide Retenue; In no wyse latyng my said Lord of Bedford wete of eny Seuretee made here of Repaiement to oure said Holy Fadre:
And, in cas that the said Cardinal may so induce my said Lord of Bedford to Charge him and that Land there with the saide Paiement of Half Yeer Wages, or of parcel therof, he shal Ordeigne that the said Lords of the Conseil shul be Descharged of as greet a Somme, in their Obligations, as my said Lord of Bedford and that Reaume there shul Charge hem self with.
July 4. Warrant for the payment of 400l., part of the ransom of the duke of Bourbon, to Richard Bokeland, treasurer of Calais, for the wages of the soldiers there. Westm.
O. x. 426. H. iv. p. iv. 147.
Super Financia Ducis Burboniae.
An. 7. H. 6. Penes Cler. Pell.
Henricus, Dei gratiâ, Rex Angliae & Franciae & Dominus Hiberniae, Thesaurario & Camerariis de Scaccario nostro, Salutem.
Pro eo quòd.
Ubi Nos, de avisamento Concilii nostri, aliàs fecerimus Assignationem pro Solutione Soldariorum Castri & Villae Calesii, ac aliorum Castrorum in Marchiis ibidem, in Summa Decem Milium Marcarum, super Solutione per Regem Scotiae, virtute Appunctuamenti, inter Nos & eundem Regem Scotiae facti & concordati, tunc, ut per eundem Regem Scotiae promittebatur, in proximò Regi fiendâ,
Dicta Summa Decem Milium Marcarum per eosdem Soldarios recipi nec acquiri poterat,
Nos, de avisamento Concilii nostri praedicti, Mutavimus dictam Assignationem, & Concessimus de novo eisdem Soldariis Assignationem Quinque Milium Marcarum super Prima Solutione per Ducem Burboniae, in Partem Solutionis Finantiae suae, nobis fiendâ,
Quare nos, considerantes praesentem necessitatem dictorum Soldariorum, de avisamento Concilii nostri praedicti, Volumus & Vobis Mandamus quatenus solvatis, seu solvi faciatis, dilecto nobis, Ricardo Bokeland, Thesaurario nostro Calesiae, Quadringentas Libras, ad satisfaciendum dictis Soldariis, de dictis Quadringentis Libris, in Partem Solutionis Summae praedictae, eis super Solutione Ducis Burboniae, ut praemittitur, fiendae.
Dat. sub Privato Sigillo nostro apud Westm. quarto die Julii, Anno Regni nostri Septimo,
Decimo quarto die Julii persolvitur
July 5. Warrants for the payment to the cardinal of England of 2,431l. for the wages of his soldiers, and 1,000 marks as a reward. Westm.
O. x. 427. H. iv. p. iv. 127.
Pro Cardinali & Soldariis de Retinentia sua.
An. 7. H. 6. Bibl. Cot. Cleopatra F. 4. An. 7. H. 6.
Quinto Die Julii, Anno septimo, apud Westmonasterium, Concordatum & Concessum fuit Warantum, sub Privato Sigillo, Thesaurario & Camerariis de Scaccario, de Solvendo, Reverendissimo Patri, Domino H. Cardinali Tituli Sancti Eusebii vulgariter nuncupato, ii M. CCCC. xxxi l. pro Secunda Solutione vadiorum Soldariorum Retinentiae Subditorum Regis, sibi concessas pro Dimidio Anno, in Francia, ad faciendum ibidem Regi Servitium Guerrae, transeuntium de praesenti &c. ut in forma.
Item, quòd fiat consimile Warantum dictis Thesaurario & Camerariis, de Solvendo praedicto Domino Cardinali Mille Marcas, per viam Regardi, pro eo quòd idem Dominus Cardinalis, contemplatione Recuperationis Haereditatum Regis, nuper in Francia per Inimicos ejusdem Conquisitarum, & ad maximas instantias Dominorum de Concilio dirigit gressus suos, in praesenti, cum Retinentiâ suâ versus Franciam, in Adjutorium Domini Ducis Bedfordiae, & aliorum Subditorum Regis ibidem, in Arto ut asseritur constitutorum.
July 6. Grant to John, bastard of Clarence, of 100l. a year from the manors of Newcastle of Lyons, Eskyr, and Tassagard in Ireland, the grants of which he has restored, and also of the office of keeper of Dublin Castle. Westm.
O. x. 427. H. iv. p. iv. 148.
Pro Bastardo Clarenciae.
An. 7. H. 6. Pat. 7. H. 6. p. 1. m. 3.
Rex, Omnibus, ad quos &c. Salutem.
Sciatis quòd,
Cùm Nos, undecimo die Julii proximò praeterito, per Literas nostras Patentes, de avisamento & assensu Concilii nostri,
Considerantes Sanguinis Propinquitatem, dilecti & fidelis Militis nostri, Johannis Bastardi Clarenciae, quâ nostram Personam attingit,
Ac Nobilem & Victoriosum Gestum, quem in Corporis praecarissimi & dilecti Avunculi nostri Thomae nuper Ducis Clarenciae Patris sui Recuperatione fecerat, tempore quo idem nuper Dux, in Servitio praecarissimi Domini & Patris nostri Regis Defuncti, in Regno suo Franciae, per suos Inimicos Interfectus erat,
Ac etiam pro bono & gratuito Servitio, quod idem Johannes praefato Patri nostro impenderat & Nobis impenderet,
De Gratiâ nostrâ speciali, ac de avisamento & assensu dicti Concilii nostri, Concesserimus eidem Johanni Maneria de Eskyr, Novi Castri de Lyons, Cromelyn, & Tassagard, infra Terram nostram Hiberniae,
Quae Janicus d'Artas Armiger habuit, pro Termino Vitae suae, ex Dono & Concessione praefati Patris nostri,
Habenda & Tenenda praefato Johanni quamdiu nobis placeret, prout in Literis praedictis pleniùs continetur,
Quae quidem Literae minus validae existunt, eo quòd, Decimo Die Julii, Anno Regni nostri Quinto, per Literas nostras Patentes, sub Sigillo nostro Terrae praedictae, de assensu, carissimi Consanguinei nostri, Jacobi le Botiller Comitis d'Ormond, nuper Justiciarii nostri Terrae praedictae, & Concilii nostri ibidem, per certam Manucaptionem, Commisimus, dilecto & fideli nostro, Richardo Fitz Eustas Custodiam praedictorum Maneriorum Novi Castri de Lyons, Eskyr, & Tassagard, cum pertinentiis, pro Termino Octo Annorum extunc proximò sequentium, Reddendo Nobis per Annum, ad Scaccarium nostrum Hiberniae, Quaterviginti Libras, ad Festa Sancti Michaelis & Paschae, per aequales Portiones,
Ac, per alias Literas nostras Patentes, sub eodem Sigillo Terrae praedictae, & sub Testimonio praefati Justiciarii, & de avisamento Concilii praedicti, de Datâ Noni Diei Decembris, dicto Anno Quinto, de Gratia nostra speciali, & per certam aliam Manucaptionem, Commisimus, dilecto nobis, Jacobo Cornewalsh Custodiam praedicti Manerii de Cromelyn, in Manibus nostris existentis, Habendam & Tenendam dicto Jacobo, pro Termino Octo Annorum extunc proximò sequentium, Reddendo indè Nobis per Annum, ad Scaccarium nostrum Hiberniae, Viginti Libras, ad Festa Paschae & Sancti Michaelis, per aequales Portiones,
Sicut Locum tenens noster Terrae praedictae Nobis, in Cancellariam nostram Angliae, ad Mandatum nostrum, Retornavit,
Pro eo quod idem Johannes dictas Literas nostras Patentes, sibi ut praemittitur factas, in eandem Cancellariam nostram Restituit Cancellandas, ac ex Causis praemissis, de avisamento & assensu Concilii nostri,
Concessimus eidem Johanni tàm praedictas Quaterviginti Libras Habendas & Percipiendas Annuatim de praedictis, Maneriis Novi Castri de Lyons, Eskyr, & Tassagard, per manus praedicti Richardi, sive Firmariorum aut Occupatorum eorumdem pro tempore existentium, a praedicto Undecimo Die Julii, durante Termino ejusdem Richardi, ad Festa Sancti Michaelis & Paschae, per aequales Portiones, quàm praedictas Viginti Libras, percipiendas Annuatim de dicto Manerio de Cromelyn, per manus praefati Jacobi Cornewalsh, sive Firmariorum aut Occupatorum ejusdem Manerii pro tempore existentium, ab eodem undecimo die Julii, durante Termino ejusdem Jacobi Cornewalsh, ad eadem Festa, per aequales Portiones,
Ac insuper Volumus & Concedimus eidem Johanni quòd ipse praedicta Maneria, Novi Castri de Lyons, Eskyr, & Tassagard cum Pertinentiis, praefato Richardo ad Firmam ut praefertur Dimissa, post Terminum suum praedictum, ac praedictum Manerium de Cromelyn, cum Pertinentiis, praefato Jacobo Cornewalsh similiter ad Firmam Dimissum, post dictum Terminum suum habeat, quamdiu Nobis placuerit, simul cum omnimodis Terris, Tenementis, Redditibus, Servitiis, Curiis, Custumis, Consuetudinibus, ac aliis Rebus quibuscumque, ad eadem Maneria aut aliquod eorumdem pertinentibus, usque ad Valorem Centum & Quadraginta Librarum per Annum;
Proviso semper quòd idem Johannes, post Terminos praedictos, de Superplusagio dictorum Maneriorum, Terrarum, Tenementorum, Reddituum, Servitiorum, Curiarum, Custumarum, Consuetudinum, & aliarum Rerum, ultra Summam Centum & Quadraginta Librarum supradictarum, Nobis ad Scaccarium nostrum Hiberniae Respondeat, & quod praedictus Johannes cum aliqua alia Persona, praeterquam nobiscum, non Retineatur,
Et quòd praedictus Johannes habet ex Concessione nostra Custodiam Castri nostri Dubliniae, quae Valoris Annui Decem & Novem Librarum existit, non obstante;
Ac etiam, de uberiori Gratia nostra, Concessimus & Licentiam Dedimus eidem Johanni quòd Ipse, pro Termino Duodecim Annorum proximò sequentium, omnia Exitus, Redditus, Proficua, & Emolumenta quaecumque, provenientia de omnibus Castris, Dominiis, Maneriis, Terris, Officiis, Annuitatibus, ac aliis Possessionibus suis quibuscumque, in Terrâ praedictâ existentibus, extra eandem Terram nostram, per Se, aut Deputatos, sive Officiarios, vel Attornatos suos, Recipere, Colligere, Habere, & Gaudere possit; aliquibus Statutis sive Ordinationibus, contra Absentes extra Terram nostram praedictam in contrarium factis, non obstantibus.
In cujus &c.
Teste Rege apud Westmonasterium, sexto die Julii.
Per Breve de Privato Sigillo.
July 12. Indenture between William bp. of Carlisle, Henry earl of Northumberland, Richard earl of Salisbury, and two other English commissioners, and John bp. of Glasgow, chancellor, Alexander bp. of Galloway, and six other Scotch commissioners, for observance of order on the marches. Hawdenstank.
O. x. 428. H. iv. p. iv. 143.
Concordia Conclusa per Commissionarios pro Gubernatione Marchiarum.
An. 7. H. 6. Ex Autogr.
This Endenture,
Made at Hawdenstank, the xij Day of the Moneth of July, the Yere of oure Lorde, M. CCCC. XXIX. BETWIX, the Woorshipfull Fadir, William the Bysshop of Carlell, Henry Northumbre, Richard Salesbury, Erles, Sir Robert Umfreville Knyght, and Maistre John Stokes Doctour of Lawe, Commissaires of, the right Excellent and right Myghty Prince, Henry, by the Grace of God, Kynge of England, &c. on the Ton Part, and, the Reverend Fadirs, John Bysshop of Glasgu Chaunceller of Scotland, Alisaundre Bysshop of Galway, Sir John Forester Baron of Liberton, Maistre William of Fowlys Kepar of the Privee Seal, Sir Patrik of Dunbar, Thomas of Kirk Patrik, John of Cokburn, Knyghtes, and Maister John Schenes Doctour in Decrees, Commissaires til an Excellent and Myghty Prince James, by the Grace of God, Kyng of Scottes on that Other Part, to this within writen sufficeantly and lawfully deputed and ordeined; as by the Letters of her Commissions,
Of the whiche the Tenors felouen, and er suche,
Henricus, Dei gratiâ, Rex Angliae & Franciae, & Dominus Hiberniae, omnibus, ad quos praesentes Literae pervenerint, Salutem.
Sciatis quòd Nos Deputavimus & Constituimus, Venerabilem Patrem, Willielmum Karliolensem Episcopum, &, carissimos Consanguineos nostros, Henricum Northumbriae, & Richardum Sarum, Comites, ac, dilectos & fideles nostros, Thomam Dominum de Roos, Robertum Humfrevill Chivaler, & Magistrum Johannem Stokes Legum Doctorem, ac Quinque, Quatuor, & Tres eorumdem, Commissarios & Nuncios nostros speciales,
Ad Conveniendum, cum Commissariis sive Deputatis, carissimi Consanguinei nostri, Jacobi Regis Scottorum, susficientem Potestatem ad hoc habentibus, apud Hawdenstank, aut quocunque alio Loco ad hoc apto & congruo,
Ac etiam ad Reparationem quorumcunque Attemptatorum, ex parte praefati Consanguinei nostri, ac per Homines & Subditos suos quoscumque, contra vim, formam, & effectum Treugarum, inter Nos & ipsum Consanguineum nostrum nuper initarum, concordatarum, & factarum, perpetratorum seu factorum, ac ipsorum, qui sic Attemptârunt, Punitionem Petendum, Requirendum, & Optinendum, & ea sic fieri Demandandum,
Consimilemque Reparationem & Punitionem, ex parte nostra, ac pro Hominibus & Subditis nostris, si qua in ea parte, aut per eos, seu eorum aliquem, contra effectum dictarum Treugarum, perpetrata fuerint, Offerendum, Faciendum, & ea sic fieri Faciendum, cum suis Emergentibus, Incidentibus, Dependentibus, & Connexis,
Caeteraque omnia alia & singula Faciendum, Exercendum, & Expediendum, quae in Praemissis & circa ea necessaria suerint aut quomodolibet oportuna.
In cujus rei Testimonium has Literas nostras fieri fecimus Patentes.
Teste meipso apud Westmonasterium, dccimo quinto die Junii, Anno Regni nostri septimo.
Jacobus, Dei gratiâ, Rex Scotorum, Omnibus, ad quos praesentes Literae pervenerint, Salutem.
Sciatis quòd Nos Deputavimus & Constituimus, Venerabiles in Christo Patres, Johannem Glasguensem Cancellarium nostrum, Alexandrum Candidae Casae, Episcopos, ac, dilectos Consanguineos nostros, Georgium Comitem Marchiae, Jacobum de Douglas Dominum de Balvany, Jacobum de Douglas Dominum de Dalketh, Johannem Forestarii Baronem de Liberton, & Magistrum Willielmum Foulis Custodem Privati Sigilli nostri, Patricium de Dunbar, Thomam de Kyrk Patryk, Johannem de Cokburn, Milites, & Magistrum Johannem Schenes Decretorum Doctorem, ac Quinque, Quatuor, & Tres eorumdem, Commissarios & Nuncios nostros speciales,
Ad Conveniendum, cum Commissariis sive Deputatis, carissimi Consanguinei nostri, Henrici Regis Angliae &c. sufficientem Potestatem ad hoc habentibus, apud Hawdenstank, aut quocumque alio Loco ad hoc apto & congruo,
Ac etiam ad Reparationem quorumcunque Attemptatorum, ex parte praefati Consanguinei nostri, ac per Homines & Subditos suos quoscunque, contra vim, formam, & effectum Treugarum, inter Nos & Ipsum Consanguineum nostrum nuper initarum, concordatarum, & factarum, perpetratorum seu factorum, ac ipsorum, qui sic attemptârunt, Punitionem Petendum, Requirendum, & Obtinendum, & ea sic fieri Demandandum,
Similemque Reparationem & Punitionem, ex parte nostra, ac pro Hominibus & Subditis nostris, si qua in ea parte, aut per eos, seu eorum aliquem, contra effectum dictarum Treugarum, perpetrata fuerunt, Offerendum, Faciendum, & ea sic fieri Faciendum, cum suis Emergentibus, Incidentibus, Dependentibus, & Connexis,
Caeteraque omnia & singula Faciendum, Exercendum, & Expediendum, quae in Praemissis & circa ea necessaria fuerint seu quomodolibet oportuna.
In cujus rei Testimonium has Literas nostras fieri fecimus Patentes, apud Edinburgh, Vicesimo Quinto Die Mensis Maii, Anno Domini Millesimo, Quadringentesimo, Vicesimo nono, & Regni nostri Vicesimo quarto.
More clerly it appereth,
Witnesseth that the forsaid Commissaries, of that Oon Partie and that Other, by virtue of thair Power and thair Commissions aforesaid, and by the forsaid Kynges yeven unto thame, er Consented, Accorded, and Concluded, and Consente, Accorde, and Conclude that alle maner of Attemptatis, done as welle by the See as by the Londe, ayens the vertue and yeffect of this present Trewes, shul deuly, pleynly, and effectuelly be Reformed, in manere and forme as feloweth,
First, that all manere of Shippes, Batelles, Marchandiis, and Goodes, taken by See, and witholden, agayne the vertue of the Treus, by ony of the Liges of the To Reume or of the Tother, that is is knowen openly witholden, or may be knowen by sufficient document, shal right furth, with al gudly hast, be Delivered and Fredd,
And by th'Execution of the saide Lord the Erle of Northumbre for the Bound of the Est See of England on Northalf Humbre, and by the Erle of Sarum for the West See of England as fer as his Werdenry streketh,
And by th'Execution of the saide Lorde the Chaunceller of Scotland for Attemptatis done by the See on Southalf the Water of Forth, and for the West See of Scotland on Southalf the Water of Clide,
For the Suyt of the whilk cause the Persones, Playntief of Scotland, shal have sufficient Saufcondit of the forsaid Erles, as thair Cause requireth,
And right so the Persones, Playntief of England, shal have sufficient Saufcondytt by the said Lorde Chaunceller.
And who so may not nowe right furth pursewe for his Gude, gif the Playntief be a Scotesman, he shal gif to the said Lorde Erle of Northumbre the Names of the Trespassours, that thai may be putt undir Arest,
And, gif the Trespassours be Dwelland on Northalf Humbre, the Pleyntief shal have Saufcondit to cum to Werkworth, or what other place that shal be assignet to him, before the Fest of Assumption of our Lady next to cum,
The whilk shal bring with him sufficient Recorde, under the Sele of the Stede that he dwelleth in, of the Quantitee of his Goode and Harmes, as he will Swere it, and it shal be Reformed and Redressed til him eftre the tenor of the Treues,
And, in sembleable manere, the Persones, Pleyntief of the Partie of England, shall be Governed, and have recours, in Pursuying of thaire Gude, to the sayd Lorde the Chaunceller, for swylk Harmes as er done on Southalf Forth by the Est See, and on Southalf Clide for the West See of Scotland,
And right so the Erle of Sarum for the West See, Answerand for his Bounds of Wardenry,
Betuix this and forsaid Fest of oure Lady,
And, for more ful and complete Redresse of that at happenys noght to be done before the forsaid Fest of oure Lady, or Harmys that shall be done in the meyn tyme by See, Agayne the vertue of the Treues, it is accorded that Four Persones of aither Partie (that is to say) Two Knyghts, a Clerc, and a Squier for the Estmarche, whiche shal convene and assemble togidder, upon the Day next after folowand the Fest of Seint Martyn next cuming, at Redenburn, the Est See,
And outher Four, like Persones, for aither part, to assemble togiddir, the same Day, at Clougmabanstane for the West See, with sufficeant Power and Commission, the whylk shal be gifen to thame by the Kyngs of both the Sides, to mak ful Redresse of all swylk Attemtatis doo ayeins the Tenour of the Trewes.
Item, as touching th'Attemptates done by Land upon the Marches, it is Accorded and Concluded that the Deputez of the Marchez shal wele and truely, without Favour or Hate, and withouten Corruption of Prayer or Yeftes, Here, Examine, and fully Determine alle Compleynts of all manere Attemptates, done in the Marches, in as myche as in hem is, and may accorde,
And of all other Compleynts, of the whiche thai may not accorde, but falle in Traverses and in Doutes, thai shall certifie, by thair Writing, unto iv Persones, chosen on the Toon side and outher iv on that Other side, whoos Names followen; that is to say,
For the Partie of England,
Sir John Bertrame,
Sir Cristofer Curwen,
Maistre Thomas Vuldale,
And William Lamberton;
And for the Partie of Scotland,
Sir Thomas Kirkpatryk,
Sir Patrik Dunbar,
Maistre Thomas Roulle,
And Davy Homme,
The which Persones have in charge, by the Lords Commissaries of both Reumes, that thei shal wele and treuly, without Favour or Hate, and without Corruption of Prayer or Yeftes, Examine all manere of Doutes and Traverses, that shal be gyffen to tham by the Deputees aforsaide, and the said Traverses and Doubtes, aftir thair Kunnyng, in as myche as in hem is, and at thai may Accorde in, fully Decide and Determine,
And of al outher Traverses and Doutes, of the whiche thai may not Accorde, thai shal make Relation writen to the forsaide Lord Commissaries, of the whiche the forsaid Commissaries shal make a ful Ende,
And, this treuly for to do, in manere aforsaide, as wele the forsaid Deputees, as the forsaid Examinours of Traverses and of Doutes, are charged and sworn upon the holy Gospels.
Also it is accordede, by the saide Commissaries, for clerer Declaration of that is said before, that Proclamation and Warnyng shal be made unto the Parties, Playntief on both Sides, for to cum in atte Tyme, Day, and Places before reherced, to bring in thair Griefs and Compleynts, and also thair Profes:
And, as touching the Profes, for to be hadd and made in thes Materes and Attemptates, it is Agreed and Accorded, by the said Commissaries of both Parties, that the Playntifes shal bring in, at forsaid Day and Place, to Profe thair Griefs and thair Compleynts, before the Commissaires, the whiche shall be assigned by both the Kyngs, sufficeant Recorde of Worthey Men and Credible Persones of the same Citee, Burough, Toune, or Port, outher Haven, wher that he dwells in, or elles of the next Place to the See wher th'Attemptatez wer done, specifyyng the Gudes that were taken and the verray Valu of hem, under the Sele of th'Admirall, or the Mayr, or the Bailliefs of the same Place, before the forsaid Commissaires; And thair Damages and Costes shall be Sworn and Estymed by thair Othes; the whiche Costes and Damages, so Estymed by thair Othes, the forsaid Conservatours or Commissaries may and shall Taxe and Moderatte alle tymes aftir thair Discretions:
And, gif this manner of Profe, before reherced, semeth to the Commissaries of both side sufficeant Profe for to Convict the Malfaissours and Trespassours ther upon, but gif it be so that he may defende him by Profes gretter and of more auctorite, and more over in as gudely hast as it may be done, alle manere of Malefaissours and Trespessours, of the whyche it is compleynd upon on both sides, shall be put undir Arest, and thair Gudes also in sufficeant Warde, into suche tyme as thai may fynde sufficeant Surtee that he shall cum to answer at Tymes, Day, and Places before reherced; and thair Names shall be kept Privee, without Warnyng of either syde, into the Tyme this Arest may be Execute upon hem.
Also, it is Accorded that all manere of Men, taken Prisoners upon the See, shall be Delyvered and Fredde furwith, upon Surtee resonable;
And, gif it there be funden that thai ben unlawfully taken, thai shall nether pay Raunson ne Costes, bot thai shall Recovere her Harmes and Damages of hem that took hem and put hem in Prison:
And, gif it be funden at thai be laufully Taken, thai shall be Remitted to Pay her Raunson and thair Costes; And yoo Persones, that have Payde Raunson, and aght none to Pay, shall have dewe Repaiement agayne.
In Wittenessyng of the whiche Thinges the forsaid Commissaries, of both Parties, to thes Presentez ENDENTEURZ entrecheaingeably haves sett thair Seals, the Day, Yhere, and Place before named.
Sub Sigillis Commissariorum, Cerâ rubrâ expressis, pendentibus a Caudis Pergamenae.
July 16. Protection for sir Edmund Beaufort of Southwark going in the retinue of the cardinal of England. Westm.
O. x. 432. H. iv. p. iv. 150.
Pro Comitiva Cardinalis Angliae.
An. 7. H. 6. Franc. 7. H. 6. m. 2.
Edmundus Beauford, aliàs dictus Edmundus Beauford Miles, aliàs dictus Edmundus Beaufort de Suthwerk in Comitatu Surriae Miles,
Qui in Obsequium Dei & Regis, in Comitiva, Reverendissimi Patris Henrici, Tituli Sancti Eusebii, Consanguinei Regis carissimi, Cardinalis Angliae vulgariter nuncupati, profecturus est, ad Expeditionem Bohemiae, ibidem aut in Partibus Convicinis moraturus,
Habet Literas Regis de Protectione (cum Clausula volumus) per Dimidium Anni duraturas.
Praes. &c.
Teste Rege apud Westmonasterium, decimo sexto die Julii.
Per Billam de Privato Sigillo.
July 16. Instructions for garter king of arms sent by the regent and council at Paris to inform the K. of the successes of the dauphin, and to desire him to visit France shortly. Paris.
O. x. 432. H. iv. p. iv. 150.
Domini de Consilio Regis in Francia, instantius petunt Regem ad Parisios festinare, ibidem coronandum.
Instruction, Baillee a Jarretiere Roy d'Armes, depar Monseur Seigneur le Regent & le Conseil du Roy nostre Seigneur estant a Paris, pour aler devers le Conseil du dit Seigneur ou Angleterre, 1429. An. 7. Hen. 6. 16 Julii.
An. 7. H. 6. Bibl. Coton. Cleopatra F. 4.
Premerement, Remonaera les Seigneurs du dit Counseil de l'Armes disposce & concluse pour venir pardeca, oultre ce pardessus l'Armee, de Monsieur le Cardinal & de Messire Radecliff,
Et les priera effectueusement, & si a certes qu'il pourra, qu'ilz veuillent avancer la dicte Armee en toute celerite, en si bonne & grande puissance, que, a l'aide de Dieu, on puisse rebouter les Ennemis, qui ja se sont Bondez si avant:
Aussi qu'ilz veuillent signifier par deca, en tout promptitude sans delaier, par le dit Jarretiere, ou autre, par leurs Lettres, le temps au vray que la dite Armee fera sur le port, a fin que on se puisse Regler & Disposer les affaires de pardeca, qui ont bon besoing d'Adresse & brief Secours.
Item, Dira comment le Dalphin s'est mis, ja pieca, sur les champs, en sa Person, a tresgrosse puissance: pour la doubte & crainte de la quelle plusieurs bonnes Villes, Citeez, & Chasteaulx se sont ja mis, sans oposer ne attendre Siege, en son obeissance; comme les Citez de Troyez & de Chaalons; & aujourduy (xvi de ce Mois) doit arriver a Reins, ou semblablement on lui fera ouverture pour demain, ou l'un dit se faire Sacrer.
Item, que incontinent apres son Sacre, il a entention de venir devant Paris, & a esperance d'y avoir Entre; mais, a la grace de nostre Seigneur, il aura resistence par le moyen de, nos Seigneurs, le Regent, & de Bourgne; qui toute ceste sepmains ont este ensemble, & continuellment vacque & entendu aux afairs du Roy: & a trouvez manier de obvier aux Entreprises des dits Ennemis par Bataille ou autrement; & met l'en toute la diligence, que l'en peut, a garnir & defendre les Citez, Villes, & Passages de la France, & par especial la Ville de Paris; Dont deppend ceste Seignourie.
Item, Dira comment mon dit Seigneur de Bourgne a fait, de pieca, si come encore fait, tres grandement & honorablement, son devoir de aidier & servir le Roy, & s'est monstre, a ce besoing, en plusiers manieres, vray Parent, Amy, & Loial Vassal du Roy; dont il doit este moult honourablement recommande; car, se ne feust sa faveur, Paris & tout le Remenant son aloit a cop.
Item, Dira Comment mon dit Seigneur de Bourgne s'est, aujourduy, parti de ceste Ville, pour aler en son pais d'Artois, avancer & faire tirer avant ses gens, pour iceulx joindre avec l'Armee venant presentement d'Angleterre, & les Gens qui mon dit Seigneur le Regent a mandez en Normandie.
Item, comment mon dit Seigneur le Regent sa partira, dedans deux jours, pour tirer entre Normandie & Picardie, tant pour faire avancer les Angloiz, estans en Normandie, hors les Garnisons, comme pour aler au devant de mon dit Seigneur le Cardinal.
Item, comment les Seigneurs du Conseil du Roy, estans par deca, entendent continuellment aus diz afaires, pour les quelz aidier, a conduire, selon leur possibilite, s'emploieront loialment jusques a la mort;
Et supplient au Roy, treshumblement, qui lui plaise avancer sa VENUE pardeca en toute possible celerite; car, s'il eust pleu a Dieu que plus tost y feust venu, ainsi que ja, par deux fois, lui avoit este supplie par Ambassadeurs & Messagers, les Inconveniens ne feussent pas telz qui sont.
Donne a Paris, le xvj jour de Juillet, l'An M. CCCC. XXIX.
July 16. Power for the bp. of Hereford, Robert FitzHugh, and two others, to treat for an alliance with the K. at Aragon. Westm.
O. x. 433. H. iv. p. iv. 150.
De Tractando cum Ambassiatoribus Regis Aragoniae.
An. 7. H. 6. Franc. 7. H. 6. m. 4.
Rex Omnibus, ad quos &c. Salutem.
Sciatis quòd, de avisamento & assensu Concilii nostri, Ordinavimus & Constituimus, Venerabilem in Christo Patrem, Episcopum Herefordensem, Magistrum Robertum Fitz Hugh Doctorem in Theologia, Magistrum Andream Huls in Legibus Licentiatum, & Magistrum Henricum Herburgh Canonicum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Sarum, Quatuor, Tres, & Duos eorum Commissarios nostros,
Ad Conveniendum, Tractandum, & Concludendum cum Ambassiatoribus, carissimi Fratris nostri, Regis Aragoniae, de & super certis Ligis & Amicitiis, inter Nos & dictum Fratrem nostrum realibus & perpetuis.
In cujus &c.
Teste Rege apud Westmonasterium, decimo sexto die Julii.
Per Breve de Privato Sigillo.
Aug. 3. The K. informs pope Martin that he has given his assent to the election of Thomas Brouns to the bishopric of Chichester, void by the death of John the last bishop. Westm.
O. x. 433. H. iv. p. iv. 160.
Ad Papam.
An. 7. H. 6. Pat. 7. H. 6. p. 1. m. 5.
Sanctissimo in Christo Patri & Domino, Domino Martino, divinâ Providentiâ, Sacrosanctae Romanae ac universalis Ecclesiae Summo Pontifici, Henricus, Dei gratiâ, Rex Angliae & Franciae, & Dominus Hiberniae, devota Pedum oscula beatorum.
Vacante nuper Cicestrensi Ecclesia, per mortem, bonae memoriae, Johannis ultimi Episcopi Loci illius, Decanus & Capitulum ejusdem Loci convenientes in unum, dilectum nobis, Thomam Brouns, Canonicum & Confratrem suum, utriusque Juris Doctorem, in suum Episcopum concorditer Elegerunt,
Nobisque cum instantiâ supplicârunt ut hujusmodi Electioni suae Assensum Regium praebere curemus,
Ipsius Electi considerantes Merita Probitatis, ac sperantes dictam Cicestrensem Ecclesiam, si ipsius Regimini praesideat, in Temporalibus & Spiritualibus, per ipsius Circumspectionem & Industriam, salutaria posse suscipere incrementa,
Electioni praedictae hujusmodi Regium Assensum adhibemus & Favorem;
Et hoc vestrae Sanctitati significamus, per Praesentes, ut, quod ad vos pertinet in hac parte, ulterius exequi dignemini cum favore.
In cujus rei Testimonium praesentibus Sigillum nostrum apposuimus.
Dat. in Palatio nostro Westmonasterii, tertio Die Augusti.
Per Breve de Privato Sigillo.
Oct. 7. Delivery of 40l. and a silver cap to Simon de Crema for himself and three gold collars for the lord of Mantua.
O. x. 433. H. iv. p. iv. 10.
Pro Domino de Mantua.
An. 8. H. 6. Bibl. Cotton. Cleopatra F. 4. A. 8. H. 6.
Septimo Octobris, Anno octavo Concessum fuit, per Dominos de Concilio, quòd fiat Warantum, sub Privato Sigillo, directum Thesaurario Angliae, ad Deliberandum Simoni de Crema Quadraginta Libras Monetae, & quendam Ciphum Argenteum coopertum, ad usum suum,
Ac Tria Coleria Aurea, quorum Duo sunt Anamelata cum Albo,
Ad Deliberandum Domino de Mantua.
Oct. 0. Humfrey duke of Gloucester is appointed to act as steward of England at the K.'s coronation. Westm.
O. x. 434. H. iv. p. iv. 150.
De Senescallo pro Coronatione Regis.
An. 8. H. 6. Pat. 8. H. 6. p. 1. m. 19.
Rex Omnibus, ad quos &c. Salutem.
Sciatis quòd Nos,
De industria & circumspectione, carissimi Avunculi nostri, Humfredi Ducis Gloucestriae pleniùs confidentes,
Assignavimus ipsum Avunculum nostrum ad omnia & singula, quae ad Officium Senescalli Angliae, ad Coronationem nostram, pertinent, hac vice tantummodo, faciendum & excercendum in modo & formâ debitè antiquitùs usitatis.
In cujus &c.
Teste Rege apud Westmonasterium, Decimo die Octobris.
Per Breve de Privato Sigillo.
Oct. 15. Safe conduct for the ambassadors of the K. of Castile. Westm.
O. x. 434. H. iv. p. iv. 150.
De Salvo Conductu pro Ambassiatoribus Regis Castellae.
An. 8. H. 6. Franc. 8. H. 6. m. 26.
Rex, per Literas suas Patentes, usque Festum Nativitatis Sancti Johannis Baptistae proximò futurum duraturas, de avisamento & assensu Concilii sui, suscepit in salvum & securum Conductum suum, ac in Protectionem, Tuitionem, & Defensionem suas speciales, unum Episcopum, unum Comitem, unum Baronem, Duos Milites, & Duos Doctores sive Clericos de Regno Castellae, Ambassiatores, carissimi Consanguinei Regis, Regis Castellae, cum Centum Personis in Comitivâ suâ,
Illos (videlicet) de Statu, & ad Numerum praedictum, & infra, quos praefato Consanguineo Regis placebit in Regnum Regis Angliae destinare,
In dictum Regnum sum, cum Bonis, Equis, & Hernesiis suis quibuscumque, tàm per Terram, quàm per Mare, veniendo, ibidem morando, & exinde versus Patriam suam propriam, absque Perturbatione Regis seu Populi sui, redeundo;
Proviso semper quòd ipsi benè & honestè se habeant & gerant erga Regem & Populum suum,
Et quicquam, quod in Regis seu Populi sui Praejudicium vel Dampnum cedere valeat, non attemptent, vel attemptari faciant, quovis modo.
Teste Rege apud Westmonasterium, Decimo quinto die Octobris.
Per Concilium.
The K. and council intend to proceed with the negotiations with the duke of Bourbon, who is infirm and unable to bear arms.
O. x. 434. H. iv. p. iv. 151.
De Intendendo Tractatui cum Duce Burboniae.
An. 8. H. 6. Rot. Parl. 8. H. 6. n. 12.
Item, considerato qualiter, charissimus Consanguineus Domini Regis, Dux Burboniae maximè, ut dicebatur, affectabat ad Tractandum cum Domino Rege & Concilio suo, pro Financiâ & Redemptione faciendis, pro Deliberatione suâ habendâ,
Qualiter etiam idem Dux Homagium Ligeum eidem Domino nostro Regi fecit,
Ac in Membris suis, per diversas Infirmitates, adeò Debilis & quasi Confractus devenit, quòd se circa Actus Guerrinos de caetero occupare, aut Arma imposterùm gerere, ut creditur, non valebit,
Pensatis similiter & diligenter attentis immensis Damnis & Deperditis, quae dicto Domino Regi, per Mortem praefati Ducis, si ipse ante Tractatum hujusmodi deficeret, de facili possent evenire,
Ac etiam quantum Financia sua praedicta dicto Domino nostro Regi proficeret, si Tractatus hujusmodi effectum debitum sortiretur,
De avisamento Dominorum Spiritualium & Temporalium, in praesenti Parliamento existentium, Concordatum fuit ac expediens videbatur eisdem, quòd Dominus noster Rex & dictum Concilium suum circa Tractatum praedictum intenderent cum effectu.
Oct. 14. Sir Christopher Culwen, sir Christopher Moresby, and two others, are appointed to meet Scotch commissioners for redress of injuries at Clogmabanstane; and sir Robert Ogle, sir William Elmeden, and two others, at Redenburn. Westm.
O. x. 435. H. iv. p. iv. 151.
De Conveniendo cum Commissariis Regis Scotorum.
An. 8. H. 6. Scot. 8. H. 6. m. 15.
Rex Omnibus, ad quos &c. Salutem.
Sciatis quòd Deputavimus & Constituimus, dilectos & fideles nostros, Christoforum Culwen Militem, Christoforum Moresby Militem, Magistrum Thomam Vldale in Legibus Bacallarium, & Willielmum Beaulie Armigerum, Commissarios & Nuncios speciales,
Ad Conveniendum,
Cum Commissariis sive Deputatis, carissimi Consanguinei nostri, Jacobi Regis Scotorum, sufficientem Potestatem ad hoc habentibus,
Apud Clogmabanstane, aut quocumque alio Loco ad hoc apto & congruo,
Ac etiam ad Reparationem quorumcumque Attemptatorum,
Ex parte praefati Consanguinei nostri, ac pier Homines & Subditos suos quoscumque, contra vim, formam, & effectum Treugarum, inter Nos & Ipsum Consanguineum nostrum nuper initarum, concordatarum, & factarum, Perpetratorum seu Factorum,
Ac Ipsorum, qui sic attemptârunt, Punitionem Petendum, Requirendum, & Optinendum, & ea sic fieri Demandandum,
Similemque Reparationem & Punitionem, ex parte nostra, ac pro Hominibus & Subditis nostris,
Si qua in ea parte, aut per eos, seu eorum aliquem, contra effectum dictarum Treugarum, perpetrata fuerint,
Offerendum, Faciendum, & ea sic fieri faciendum, cum suis Emergentibus, Incidentibus, Dependentibus, & Connexis,
Caeteraque omnia & singula Faciendum, Excercendum, & Expediendum, quae in Praemissis & circa ea necessaria fuerint seu quomodolibet oportuna.
In cujus &c.
Teste Rege apud Westmonasterium, decimo quinto die Octobris.
Per Concilium.
Rex Omnibus, ad quos &c. Salutem.
Sciatis quòd Nos Deputavimus & Constituimus, dilectos & fideles nostros, Robertum Ogle, & Willielmum Elmeden, Milites, ac Magistrum Thomam Clyveland in Legibus Bacallarium, & Willielmum Lambton Armigerum, Commissarios, &c. ut supra usque ibi, habentibus, & tunc sic, apud Redenburn, aut in quocumque alio Loco, &c. ut supra.
Teste ut supra.
Per Concilium.
Oct. 30. Licence to Humfrey duke of Gloucester to perform by deputy the office of chamberlain of England at the K.'s coronation. Westm.
O. x. 435. H. iv. p. iv. 151.
Super Coronatione Regis.
An. 8. H. 6. Pat. 8. H. 6. p. 1. m. 29.
Rex Omnibus, ad quos &c. Salutem.
Sciatis quòd,
Cùm Nos nuper, per Literas nostras Patentes, Concesserimus, carissimo Avunculo nostro, Humfredo Duci Gloucestriae, Officium Camerarii Angliae, Habendum sub certâ formâ, in dictis Literis nostris contentâ, prout in eisdem Literis pleniùs continetur,
Ac, per alias Literas nostras Patentes, Ordinaverimus & Constituerimus ipsum Avunculum nostrum Senescallum nostrum Angliae, pro tempore praesentis Solempnis Coronationes nostrae,
Ac Nos,
Considerantes quòd idem Avunculus noster dicta Duo Officia, tempore praedicto, personaliter facere non potest,
De Gratiâ nostrâ speciali, & de avisamento & assensu Concilii nostri, Concessimus eidem Avunculo nostro quòd ipse Deputatum suum ad dictum Officium Camerarii, pro Se & Nomine suo, tempore Coronationis nostrae praedictae, faciendum, facere possit licitè & impunè.
In cujus &c.
Teste Rege apud Westmonasterium, xxx die Octobris.
Nov. 6. Warrant for delivery to John Merston, keeper of the jewels, of the gold eagle and vial for the K.'s consecration. Westm.
O. x. 436. H. iv. p. iv. 151.
De Ampulla Benedicta.
An. 8. H. 6. Bibl. Cot. Cleopatr. F. 4. An. 8. H. 6.
Sexto Die Novembris, Anno viij, apud Westmonasterium, Concordatum & Concessum fuit quòd fiat Warantum, directum Thesaurario & Camerariis de Scaccario, de Liberando Johanni Merston, Custodi Jocalium Domini Regis, Aquilam Auream cum Ampulla, qua Reges Consecrari solebant, ad eas salvò & securè ad opus Regis Custodiendas.
Nov. 15. Memorandum that after the K.'s coronation on Nov. 6. it was decided in parliament that the protectorship should cease, and on Nov. 15 the duke of Gloucester resigned the office, but without prejudice to the claim of his brother the duke of Bedford.
O. x. 436. H. iv. p. iv. 151.
De cessatione Titulorum Protectoris, & Defensoris, Rege Coronato & Jurato.
An. 8. H. 6. Rot. Parl. 8. H. 6. n. 13.
Memorandum, quòd, licet in Parliamento, Metuendissimi Domini nostri, Regis apud Westmonasterium Anno Regni sui Primo tento, Consideratâ Aetate tenerâ dicti Domini nostri Regis &c.
Quia tamen praefatus Dominus noster Rex, Sexto Die Novembris, Anno praesenti, Protectionem & Defensionem Regni & Ecclesiae praedictorum in Coronatione sua suscepit, atque ad eadem Ecclesiam & Regnum Protegendum & Defendendum in dicta sua Coronatione Sacramentum praestitit Corporale,
Pro eo etiam quòd, avisamento diligenti & deliberatione maturâ habitis inter Dominos Spirituales & Temporales, in praesenti Parliamento existentes, utrum dictum Nomen Protectoris & Defensoris, ex causa praedicta, cessare deberet necne? auditisque & intellectis nonnullis Notabilibus Rationibus, & Allegationibus in hac parte factis, tandem videbatur praefatis Dominis Spiritualibus & Temporalibus quòd dictum Nomen Protectoris & Defensoris a tempore Coronationis praedictae, ex Causis praedictis, specialiter cessare deberet,
Nomine tamen Principalis Consiliarii dicti Domini nostri Regis praefatis Ducibus, & eorum alteri, quamdiu eidem Domino Regi placuerit, juxta formam & effectum Acti & Literarum Patentium praedictorum, in omnibus semper Salvo,
Praefatus Dux Gloucestriae, notificatis sibi hujusmodi avisamento & Deliberatione Dominorum praedictorum, praedictum Nomen Protectoris & Defensoris Ecclesiae & Regni praedictorum tantum, Quintodecimo Die Novembris, dicto Anno praesenti,in praesenti Parliamento, quantum ad Personam suam tantum pertinuit, realiter Dimisit & Relaxavit;
Protestando tamen quòd Remissio & Resignatio sua hujusmodi praefato Fratri suo Duci Bedfordiae non cederent in praejudicium quoquomodo, quin idem Frater suus, ad libitum suum, Nomen illud dimittere vel non dimittere deliberare se possit & avisare; Demissione & Resignatione praedictis in aliquo non obstantibus.
Dec. 6. Payment of 100l. to William Aleyn, clerk of the K.'s household, for the expenses of the daughter of the K. of Portugal, while in England on her way to marry the duke of Burgundy. Westm.
O. x. 436. H. iv. p. iv. 151.
Pro Filia Regis Portugaliae.
An. 8. H. 6. Bibl. Cot. Cleopatr. F. 4. An. 8. H. 6.
Sexto Die Decembris, Anno viij, apud Westmonasterium, Concessum & Concordatum fuit quòd fiat Warantum, directum Thesaurario & Camerariis, de Solvendo Willielmo Aleyn, Clerico in Hospitio Regis, pro Expensis Filiae Regis Portugaliae, nuper in Anglia applicante, eundo versus Maritagium, de Eâ & Ducis Burgundiae in Flandria fiendum, Cl. per viam Praestiti.
Dec. 16. Payments to John Merston, keeper of the jewels, for the expenses of the coronation. Westm.
O. x. 436. H. iv. p. iv. 151.
Super Expensis ad Coronationem.
An. 8. H. 6. Penes Cler. Pell.
Flat Warantum Thesaurario & Camerariis de Scaccario Regis, ad Deliberandum Johanni Merston, Custodi Jocalium, super Privatis Expensis Camerae ipsius Domini nostri Regis, pro Festo Nativitatis Domini nunc proximò futuro,
Summa de Cl.
Item, ultra hoc, aliud Warantum, dictis Thesaurario & Camerariis ad Sol- vendum eidem Johanni Merston ivxx. xl. xvis. iiid. sibi debitas tàm pro uno Cipho Auri & uno Colario Auri datis Nicholao Menthon Militi cum Duce de Savoye, ac etiam pro lxi. Colariis datis diversis Militibus & Armigeris post Coronationem Regis, quàm pro aliis Expensis, infra Cameram dicti Domini Regis, super Mandato Comitis Warrewici, factis & solutis ultra CC. Marcas Receptas pro dicta Coronatione.
H. Cantuar.
J. Ebor
. Canc.
J. Bathon.
J. Norff.
H. Stafford.
Decimo Sexto Die Decembris, Anno Octavo, apud Westmonasterium, concordatum & Concessum fuit quòd fiant Duo Waranta Thesaurario & Camerariis de Scaccario, de Solvendo Johanni Merston infrascripto Summas infra contentas ut in forma.
Praesentibus Dominis
Ebor. Canc.
Et Custode Privati Sigilli.
March 8. Payments to Robert Rolleston, keeper of the great wardrobe, for stuffs given away to a knight of Savoy and others.
O. x. 437. H. iv. p. iv. 152.
Super praefatis Expensis.
An. 6. H. 6. Pell.
Please au Roy, nostre Soveraigne Seigneur, Graunter Lettres desoubz vostre Prive Seal, directes as Tresorer & Barons de vostre Eschequer, eulx Enchargeans que, en l'accompt, que Robert Rolleston, Gardein de vostre Grande Gardrobe, est a rendre devant eulx en vostre dit Eschequer, a cause de son dit Office, luy facent avoir due Allouance, sibien d'un Drap de Velvet, sur Velvet Cremesy, d'or, contenante deux Pieces, pris la Pece xxxl. Delivres, de vostre Commaundement, a un Chivaler de Savoy, come auxi de toutes les Parcelles, au dit Chivaler delivres de vostre dit Commaundment pur prendre l'Ordre de Chivaler lendemaine de vestre Coronation; & de un Drap de Scarlet, contenant 24 Verges, pris en tout xvil. xvis. Deliures, de vostre dit Commaundement, a un Cler Ambassatour du Duc de Burgoigne, & de Deux Houpelandes de Drap Rouge, doublees de Drap noir, pour voz Deux Fotemen.
H. Gloucestre.
H. Cantuar.
. Cancell.
W. London.
P. Elyen.
J. Bathon.
R. War.
J. Huntington.
Hungerford Thes.
Octavo Die Martii, Anno Septimo, concessa fuit praesens Supplicatio, cum intimatione &c. ut petitur.
Eborum Cancellar.
Et Hungerford Thesaurario.
Interliniatio, Pretium & Summarum, infrascripta facta fuerat de Mandato & advisamento Dominorum praescriptorum, quam, post lecturam Billae & dictae Interliniationis, approbârunt iidem Domini, se postea Subscribentes ut infra.
Dec. 15. Warrants for the delivery of gold cups to Hugh Lanney and Quintin Menart, ambassadors from the duke of Burgundy; for the payment of 1,000 marks to the cardinal of S. Eusebius; and letters to the pope for the translation of Peter Cauchon, bp. of Beauvais, to the see of Rouen. Westm.
O. x. 438. H. iv. p. iv. 152.
Pro Ambassiatoribus Ducis Burgundiae; pro Henrico Cardinali; & pro Episcopo Beluocensi.
An. 8. H. 6. Bibl. Cotton. Cleopatr. F. 4. An. 8. H. 6.
Decimo quinto Die Decembris, Anno Octavo, apud Westmonasterium, concordatum & Concessum fuit quòd fiat Warantum Thesaurario & Camerariis de Scaccario, de Deliberando Hugoni Lanney Militi,
Qui in Ambassiatâ, ex parte Ducis Bungundiae, penes Dominum Regem missus est, de praesenti,
Unum Ciphum de Auro, Ponderis iili. iiiVnc. valoris xll. & xs. & de Ponendo in eodem Cipho C. Marcas.
Et consimiliter, de Deliberando Magistro Quintino Menart Praeposito Sancti Audomari,
Qui in eadem Ambassiata, unà cum praedicto Milite, penes Dominum Regem venit,
Unum alium Ciphum de Auro, Ponderis ilib. x Vnc. valoris xxxiiil. xxd. Habendos de Dono Regis.
Item, quòd fiat aliud Warantum, de Solvendo Domino Cardinalitituli Sancti Eusebii Consanguineo Regis (qui penes Dominum Ducem Burgundiae profecturus est) Mille lib.
Proviso quòd, si dictum Dominum Cardinalem, infra Quarterium Anni, in Angliam iterùm, ex quacumque causâ, nisi solûm de Mandato Regis, redire contingat, quòd de dictâ Summâ Mille Librarum fiat Defalcatio rationabiliter juxta Ratam pro dicto Quaterio Anni.
Item, Concordatum est quòd fiant Literae, sub Privato Sigillo, directae Domino Summo Pontifici, pro Translatione Domini Petri Cauchon, Episcopi Belvacensis, ad Ecclesiam Metripolitanam Rothomagensem,
Cui nuper praeerat Dominus Cardinalis Tituli Sancti Laurentii in Lucina, nunc de eadem Ecclesia Rothomagensi ad Ecclesiam Bisuntinensem, per Sedem Apostolicam, Translatus.