House of Lords Journal Volume 37: March 1787 11-20

Journal of the House of Lords Volume 37, 1783-1787. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 37: March 1787 11-20', in Journal of the House of Lords Volume 37, 1783-1787( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 21 September 2024].

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"House of Lords Journal Volume 37: March 1787 11-20". Journal of the House of Lords Volume 37, 1783-1787. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 21 September 2024.


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March 1787 11-20

DIE Lunæ, 12o Martii 1787.

Domini tam Spirituales quam Temporales præsentes fuerunt:

Archiep. Cantuar.
Epus. Roffen.
Epus. Bristol.
Ds. Thurlow, Cancellarius.
Comes Denbigh.
Comes Aberdeen.
Comes Oxford & Mortimer.
Comes Stanhope.
Comes Bathurst.
Comes Norwich.
Viscount Stormont.
Viscount Hamilton.
Ds. Sydney, Unus Primariorum Secretariorum.
Ds. Elphinstone.
Ds. Scarsdale.
Ds. Porchester.
Ds. Hawkesbury.


McDougall against Sir S. Threipland:

After hearing Counsel this Day upon the Petition and Appeal of Alexander McDougall of Fingask; complaining of Seven Interlocutors of the Lord Ordinary in Scotland, of the 23d of November and 22d of December 1784, the 23d of July, 5th of August, 25th of November, and 9th and 23d of December 1785; also of an Interlocutor of the Lords of Session there, of the 17th of February 1786; and also of another Interlocutor of the said Lord Ordinary, of the 27th of April 1786; and praying, "That the same might be reversed, varied, or amended, or that the Appellant might have such other Relief in the Premises, as to this House, in their Lordships' great Wisdom, should seem meet;" as also upon the Answer of Sir Stewart Threipland of Fingask, put in to the said Appeal, and due Consideration had of what was offered on either Side in this Cause:

Interlocutors affirmed.

It is Ordered and Adjudged, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That the said Petition and Appeal be and is hereby dismissed this House, and that the said Interlocutors therein complained of be, and the same are hereby affirmed.

Graff's Naturalization Bill.

Hodie 2a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act for naturalizing Daniel Graff."

Ordered, That the said Bill be committed to the Consideration of the Lords following:

E. Denbigh.
E. Aberdeen.
E. Oxford & Mortimer.
E. Stanhope.
E. Bathurst.
E. Norwich.
V. Stormont.
V. Hamilton.
L. Abp. Canterbury.
L. Bp. Rochester.
L. Bp. Bristol.
L. Sydney.
L. Elphinstone.
L. Scarsdale.
L. Porchester.
L. Hawkesbury.

Their Lordships, or any Five of them, to meet Tomorrow, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, in the Prince's Lodgings, near the House of Peers; and to adjourn as they please.

Camper's Naturalization Bill.

Hodie 2a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act for naturalizing Peter Everhard Camper."

Ordered, That the said Bill be committed to the Consideration of the Lords Committees aforenamed:

Their Lordships, or any Five of them, to meet on the same Day, at the same Place; and to adjourn as they please.

Campbell and Maxwell against Macindoe:

Upon reading the Petition and Appeal of John Campbell of Blythswood, and James Maxwell of Williamwood, Esquires, Freeholders of the County of Renfrew; complaining of an Interlocutor of the Lords of Council and Session in Scotland, of the 6th of March 1787; and praying, "That the same may be reversed, or that the Appellants may have such other Relief in the Premises, as to this House, in their Lordships' great Wisdom, shall seem proper; and that Alexander Macindoe, Merchant in Glasgow, may be required to answer the said Appeal:"

It is Ordered, That the said Alexander Macindoe may have a Copy of the said Appeal, and do put in his Answer thereunto in Writing, on or before Monday the 9th Day of April next; and Service of this Order upon the Agent or any of the Counsel of the said Respondent in the Court of Session in Scotland, shall be deemed good Service.

Seton to enter into Recognizance on said Appeal.

The House being moved, "That John Seton of Golden Square Gentleman may be permitted to enter into a Recognizance for John Campbell and James Maxwell Esquires, on account of their Appeal depending in this House, they residing in Scotland:"

It is Ordered, That the said John Seton may enter into a Recognizance for the said Appellants, as desired.

Porterfield against E. Glencairn et al:

Upon reading the Petition and Appeal of Boyd Porterfield of Porterfield Esquire; complaining of two Interlocutors of the Lords of Council and Session in Scotland, of the 23d of February and 2d of March 1787; and praying, "That the same may be reversed, varied, or altered, or that the Appellant may have such other Relief in the Premises, as to this House, in their Lordships' great Wisdom, shall seem meet; and that James Earl of Glencairn, Robert Graham of Gartmore, James Dalrymple of Orangefield, William Creech Bookseller in Edinburgh, Alexander Mollison Surgeon in Port Glasgow, William Paterson Writer in Kilmarnock, and others, may be required to answer the said Appeal:"

It is Ordered, That the said James Earl of Glencairn, and the said several other Persons last named, may have a Copy of the said Appeal, and do put in their Answer or respective Answers thereunto in Writing, on or before Monday the 9th Day of April next; and Service of this Order upon the said Respondents, or upon any of their known Agents in the Court of Session in Scotland, shall be deemed good Service.

Seton to enter into Recognizance on said Appeal.

The House being moved, "That John Seton of Golden Square Gentleman may be permitted to enter into a Recognizance for Boyd Porterfield Esquire, on account of his Appeal depending in this House, he residing in Scotland:"

It is Ordered, That the said John Seton may enter into a Recognizance for the said Appellant, as desired.

McDowall and Campbell against Buchanan.

Upon reading the Petition and Appeal of William McDowall of Garthland, and John Campbell of Blythswood Esquires, Freeholders of the County of Renfrew; complaining of an Interlocutor of the Lords of Council and Session in Scotland, of the 6th of March 1787; and praying, "That the same may be reversed, or that the Appellants may have such other Relief in the Premises, as to this House, in their Lordships' great Wisdom, shall seem proper; and that George Buchanan, Merchant in Glasgow, may be required to answer the said Appeal:"

It is Ordered, That the said George Buchanan may have a Copy of the said Appeal, and do put in his Answer thereunto in Writing, on or before Monday the 9th Day of April next; and Service of this Order upon the Agent or any of the Counsel of the said Respondent in the Court of Session in Scotland, shall be deemed good Service.

Wrotham Heath Road Bill.

Hodie 2a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act for enlarging the Term of an Act of the Fifth Year of His present Majesty, for repairing, widening, and keeping in Repair, the Road leading from the Turnpike Road at Wrotham Heath, in the County of Kent, to the Turnpike Road leading from Croydon to Godstone, in the County of Surrey."

Ordered, That the said Bill be committed to the Consideration of the Lords Committees aforenamed:

Their Lordships, or any Five of them, to meet To-morrow, at the usual Time and Place; and to adjourn as they please.

Walker against Fletcher.

Upon reading the Petition of William Walker, Appellant in a Cause depending in this House, and of Mrs. Jean Fletcher Respondent thereto, et è contra, which stands appointed for Hearing; setting forth, "That the Matters in Dispute by these Appeals, have been for some Time in a Course of Settlement, but there being many Creditors interested therein, whose Consent it is necessary to procure, and these being dispersed in different Parts, it has been impossible hitherto to obtain their Consents, the Petitioners therefore are desirous that these Appeals should be postponed till next Session of Parliament, to give Time for completing a final Settlement;" and therefore praying their Lordships, "To postpone the Hearing of these Causes till the next Session of Parliament:"

It is Ordered, That the Hearing of the said Causes be put off to the next Session of Parliament, as desired.


Dominus Cancellarius declaravit præsens, Parliamentum continuandum esse usque ad et in diem Martis, decimum tertium diem instantis Martii, horâ undecimâ Auroræ, Dominis sic decernentibus.

DIE Martis, 13o Martii 1787.

Domini tam Spirituales quam Temporales præsentes fuerunt:

Archiep. Cantuar.
Archiep. Ebor.
Epus. Duresm.
Epus. Sarum.
Epus. Roffen.
Epus. Exon.
Epus. Bristol.
Ds. Thurlow, Cancellarius.
March. Buckingham.
Comes Cassillis.
Comes Moray.
Comes Galloway.
Comes Aberdeen.
Comes Dunmore.
Comes Hopetoun.
Comes Bathurst.
Comes Norwich.
Viscount Hamilton.
Ds. Sydney, Unus Primariorum Secretariorum.
Ds. Middleton.
Ds. Scarsdale.
Ds. Boston.
Ds. Amherst.
Ds. Brownlow.
Ds. Harrowby.
Ds. Bagot.
Ds. Rawdon.


Hurst Green Road Bill.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Mr. Pelham and others:

With a Bill, intituled, "An Act for continuing the Term and altering and enlarging the Powers of an Act passed in the Fifth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, for repairing, widening, and keeping in Repair, the Road leading from the Turnpike Road on Hurst Green, in the County of Sussex, through Etchingham and Burwash to the Extent of the said Parish of Burwash in the said County;" to which they desire the Concurrence of this House.

The said Bill was read the First Time.

Mercers' Company Accounts delivered.

The House being informed, "That Mr. Cawne from the Mercers' Company attended:"

He was called in, and delivered at the Bar, pursuant to Acts of Parliament,

"The Accounts of the Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery of Mercers of the City of London, from the 10th of October 1785 to the 10th of October 1786, directed to be laid before each House of Parliament by Two Acts, one of the 21st Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Second, intituled, "An Act for the Relief of the Annuitants of the Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery of Mercers of the City of London," and the other of the 4th Year of the Reign of His present Majesty King George the Third, intituled, "An Act for the Relief of the Bond and other Creditors of the Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery of Mercers of the City of London."

And then he withdrew.

And the Title thereof being read by the Clerk;

Ordered, That the said Accounts do lie on the Table.

Fawkener's Divorce Bill.

The Order of the Day being read, for the Second Reading of the Bill, intituled, "An Act to dissolve the Marriage of William Fawkener Esquire, with Georgiana Ann Poyntz his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again, and for other Purposes therein mentioned;" and for hearing Counsel for and against the same; and for the Lords to be summoned:

Counsel were accordingly called in, and Mr. Graham and Mr. Alexander appearing as Counsel for the Bill, and no one attending as Counsel for Mrs. Fawkener:

The said Bill was read a Second Time.

Mr. Graham was heard in Support of the Bill, and to make out the Allegations thereof:

Then Mr. Thomas Cooper was called, who being sworn, acquainted the House, "That he knows Mrs. Fawkener, and that he personally served her with a Copy of the Bill, and the Order of this House thereupon, on Thursday the 16th of February last."

He was directed to withdraw.

Then in order to prove the Marriage Mr. Germain Lavie was called, who being sworn produced a Copy of the Register of the Parish of Saint George Hanover Square, which he said, "He had compared with the Original, and which was as follows;

Marriages in January 1784.

40. William Fawkener of this Parish Esquire, and Georgiana Ann Poyntz of Midgham in the County of Berks, a Minor, were married in this Church, by Licence, by and with the Consent of William Poyntz Esquire, the natural and lawful Father of the said Minor, this Twenty-ninth Day of January in the Year 1784; by me Charles Poyntz, D. D.

This Marriage was solemnized between us; William Fawkener.
Georgiana Ann
In the Presence of William Poyntz.

The same was read.

He was directed to withdraw.

Then Mr. Everhard Fawkener was called, and being sworn, acquainted the House, "That he was present at the Marriage of William Fawkener Esquire, and Georgiana Ann Poyntz on the 29th of January 1784;" and being asked, "If he knew them to be the Persons named in the Bill ?" said, "He did."

He was directed to withdraw.

Then Charles Biggs was called, and being sworn, produced certain Articles of Agreement Tripartite, bearing Date the 28th Day of January 1784, and made or mentioned to be made between William Fawkener Esquire of the First Part, Georgiana Ann Poyntz of the Second Part, and the Right Honourable John Earl of Sandwich and the Right Honourable George John Earl Spencer of the Third Part; and acquainted the House, "That he was an attesting Witness thereto, and saw the same sealed and delivered by the several Parties therein mentioned, and whose Names were subscribed thereto, naming them; (videlicet) the said William Fawkener, Georgiana Ann Poyntz, John Earl of Sandwich, and George Earl Spencer."

The same were read.

He was directed to withdraw.

Then Mr. Germain Lavie was called in again, and produced an Office Copy of the Record of the King's Bench, of a Judgement given in that Court, in Trinity Term 1786, against the Honourable John Townshend for Criminal Conversation with the said Georgiana Ann Fawkener for £500 Damages, besides Costs of Suit.

The same was read.

He was directed to withdraw.

Then Mr. Mark Holman Deputy Registrar of the Consistory Court of the Bishop of London was called in, and being sworn, produced the original Definitive Sentence of Divorce, of 13th December 1786, against the said Georgiana Ann Fawkener for Adultery committed by her with the said John Townshend.

The same was read.

He was directed to withdraw.

Then Elizabeth Mayo was called in, and being sworn, acquainted the House, "That she has known Mrs. Fawkener about Three Years, and has lived with her in the Capacity of a Servant; that she was with her in that Capacity in the Month of May 1786, when she, Mrs. Fawkener, quitted Mr. Fawkener's House, and went to Twickenham to the House of Lady Diana Beauclerk; that she took with her the Witness and also William Steel and John Roberts, two of her Men Servants." Being asked, "If she remembers Mr. John Townshend being at Lady Diana Beauclerk's, the Night Mrs. Fawkener arrived there, or the next Day?" says, "She does not know, she did not see him; that Mrs. Fawkener arrived there on a Monday Evening, and went away the next Morning together with the Witness to Lady Spencer's at St. Albans; that she remained there from the said Tuesday till about Five o'Clock on the Friday Evening following; that Mr. Poyntz the Father of the said Mrs. Fawkener was there when Mrs. Fawkener left St. Albans, but whether he was there during the whole of the Time Mrs. Fawkener was, she cannot tell." Being asked, "Whether Mrs. Fawkener went away in Disguise or in her common Dress, or whether she knowsany Thing of the Particulars of her going away?" says, "She does not; that Mrs. Fawkener sent for her on the Saturday following to Hampstead, to a Mr. Nichols's, where the Witness accordingly went; that Mr. Townshend was there; that Mr. Townshend and Mrs. Fawkener lived together there about three Weeks." Being asked, "If they slept together?" she said, "Yes." Being asked, "If she knew they slept in the same Bed?" she said, "Yes, there was only one Bed in the Room; that from Hampstead they went to the Bush at Staines, and the Witness went with them; that they staid there about Three or Four Days; that from thence they went to Godalming in Surry, where they staid about Four or Five Days." Being asked, "If they slept together at Godalming and Staines?" she said, "Yes, at both Places." Being asked, "How she knew they slept together?" she answered, "That she made the Bed; that there was only one Bed un-made; that from Godalming they went to Chelsea, where they staid a Month, and lived together as before."Being asked, If she knew that they slept in the same Bed together at Chelsea?" she said, "Yes; that from Chelsea, they went to Lymington, where they staid about Three Months." Being asked, "Whether she knew that they regularly slept in the same Bed together there?" she said, "Yes; that from Lymington they went to Halliford, where the Witness left them."Being asked, If she recollects that she has seen Mr. Townshend and Mrs. Fawkener in Bed together at any Time at Halliford, and whether in the Evening or Morning?" she said, "Yes, in the Morning."

She was directed to withdraw.

The Counsel acquainted the House, "That they had other Witnesses to corroborate the Testimony of the said Elizabeth Mayo, at every different Place she had mentioned, if necessary."

The Counsel were directed to withdraw.

Ordered, That the said Bill be committed to a Committee of the whole House.

Ordered, That the House be put into a Committee upon the said Bill To-morrow.

Wrotham Heath Road Bill.

The Lord Scarsdale reported from the Lords Committees, to whom the Bill, intituled, "An Act for enlarging the Term of an Act of the Fifth Year of His present Majesty, for repairing, widening, and keeping in Repair, the Road leading from the Turnpike Road at Wrotham Heath in the County of Kent, to the Turnpike Road leading from Croydon, to Godstone in the County of Surrey," was committed: "That they had considered the said Bill, and examined the Allegations thereof, which were found to be true; and that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and directed him to report the same to the House, without any Amendment."

Graff's Naturalization Bill.

The Lord Scarsdale made the like Report from the Lords Committees, to whom the Bill, intituled, "An Act for naturalizing Daniel Graff," was committed.

Spofforth Enclosure Bill.

The Lord Scarsdale also reported from the Lords Committees, to whom the Bill, intituled, "An Act for dividing and enclosing the Open Arable Fields, Meadows, Pastures, Commons, and Waste Grounds, within the Township of Spofforth in the Parish of Spofforth, in the County of York," was committed: "That they had considered the said Bill, and examined the Allegations thereof, which were found to be true; that the Parties concerned had given their Consents to the Satisfaction of the Committee; and that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and directed him to report the same to the House, without any Amendment."

Seton to enter into Recognizance on McDowall's Appeal.

The House being moved, "That John Seton, of Golden Square, Gentleman, may be permitted to enter into a Recognizance for William McDowall and John Campbell Esquires, on Account of their Appeal depending in this House, they residing in Scotland:"

It is Ordered, That the said John Seton may enter into a Recognizance for the said Appellants, as desired.

Gordon against Gordon et al.

Upon reading the Petition of George Alexander Gordon Appellant in a Cause depending in this House, and of Janet Gordon and others Respondents thereto, which stands appointed for Hearing; setting forth, "That the Parties are desirous that the said Cause be put off till next Session of Parliament;" and therefore praying their Lordships, "To put off the Hearing of the said Cause till the next Session of Parliament:"

It is Ordered, That the Hearing of the said Cause be put off to the next Session of Parliament, as desired.

Mutiny Bill.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Sir George Yonge and others:

With a Bill, intituled, "An Act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion; and for the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters;" to which they desire the Concurrence of this House.

The said Bill was read the First Time.

Foley's Divorce Bill.

Ordered, That Doctor St. John Dean of Worcester do attend this House on Tuesday the 27th Day of this Instant March, in order to his being examined as a Witness upon the Second Reading of the Bill, intituled, An Act to dissolve the Marriage of the Honourable Edward Foley with the Right Honourable Lady Ann Coventry his now Wife, and for other Purposes."


Dominus Cancellarius declaravit præsens Parliamentum continuandum esse usque ad et in diem Mercurii, decimum quartum diem instantis Martii, horâ undecimâ Auroræ, Dominis sic decernentibus.

DIE Mercurii, 14o Martii 1787.

Domini tam Spirituales quam Temporales præsentes fuerunt:

Archiep. Ebor.
Epus. Sarum.
Epus. Exon.
Epus. Bangor.
Epus. Bristol.
Ds. Thurlow, Cancellarius.
March. Stafford, C. P. S.
Dux Chandos, Senescallus.
March. Buckingham.
Comes Denbigh.
Comes Moray.
Comes Aberdeen.
Comes Macclesfield.
Comes De la Warr.
Comes Bathurst.
Ds. Scarsdale.
Ds. Hawke.
Ds. Amherst.
Ds. Rawdon.
Ds. Hawkesbury.


Proceedings on East India Judicature Act.

The Lord Chancellor acquainted the House, "That the Clerk had prepared and laid upon the Table a List of the Names of all the Lords who have delivered in Lists in pursuance of the Directions of an Act passed in the last Session of Parliament, intituled, "An Act for the further Regulation of the Trial of Persons accused of certain Offences committed in the East Indies; for repealing so much of an Act made in the Twenty-fourth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled, "An Act for the better Regulation and Management of the Affairs of the East India Company, and of the British Possessions in India; and for establishing a Court of Judicature, for the more speedy and effectual Trial of Persons accused of Offences committed in the East Indies," as requires the Servants of the East India Company to deliver Inventories of their Estates and Effects; for rendering the Laws more effectual against Persons unlawfully resorting to the East Indies; and for the more easy Proof, in certain Cases, of Deeds and Writings executed in Great Britain or India."

Wrotham Heath Road Bill:

Hodie 3a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act for enlarging the Term of an Act of the Fifth Year of His present Majesty, for repairing, widening, and keeping in Repair the Road leading from the Turnpike Road at Wrotham Heath in the County of Kent, to the Turnpike Road leading from Croydon to Godstone in the County of Surrey."

The Question was put, "Whether this Bill shall pass?"

It was resolved in the Affirmative.

Graff's Naturalization Bill:

Hodie 3a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act for naturalizing Daniel Graff."

The Question was put, "Whether this Bill shall pass?"

It was resolved in the Affirmative.

Messages to H. C. that the Lords have agreed to the Two preceding Bills.

And Messages were, severally, ordered to be sent to the House of Commons, by Mr. Montagu and Mr. Eames:

To acquaint them, That the Lords have agreed to the said Bills, without any Amendment.

Hurst Green Road Bill.

Hodie 2a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act for continuing the Term, and altering and enlarging the Powers of an Act passed in the Fifth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, for repairing, widening, and keeping in Repair the Road leading from the Turnpike Road on Hurst Green in the County of Sussex, through Etchingham and Burwash, to the Extent of the said Parish of Burwash in the said County."

Ordered, That the said Bill be committed to the Consideration of the Lords following:

Ld. Privy Seal.
Ld. Steward.
M. Buckingham.
E. Denbigh.
E. Moray.
E. Aberdeen.
E. Macclesfield.
E. De la Warr.
E. Bathurst.
L. Abp. York.
L. Bp. Salisbury.
L. Bp. Exeter.
L. Bp. Bangor.
L. Bp. Bristol.
L. Scarsdale.
L. Hawke.
L. Amherst.
L. Rawdon.
L. Hawkesbury.

Their Lordships, or any Five of them, to meet To-morrow, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, in the Prince's Lodgings, near the House of Peers; and to adjourn as they please.

Mutiny Bill.

Hodie 2a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion; and for the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters."

Ordered, That the said Bill be committed to a Committee of the whole House.

Ordered, That the House be put into a Committee upon the said Bill on Friday next.

Orphans Fund, &c. Accounts delivered.

The House being informed, "That Mr. Montague, from the Chamberlain's Office, attended:"

He was called in, and delivered at the Bar, pursuant to Acts of Parliament,

"An Account of the Surplus of the Fund for the Relief of the Orphans and other Creditors of the City of London, on the 5th of July 1786."

"An Account of Money received and paid by the Chamberlain of the City of London on Account of lighting, watching, cleansing, and repairing Blackfriars Bridge, &c. from the 29th September 1785 exclusive, to the 29th September 1786, inclusive."

"An Account of Money received and paid by the Chamberlain of the City of London in pursuance of an Act for making a Street or Opening from Moorfields, opposite Chiswell Street, towards the East, into Bishopsgate Street, &c. from the 29th September 1785 exclusive, to the 29th September 1786 inclusive."

"An Account of Money received and paid by the Chamberlain of the City of London in pursuance of an Act for enabling the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the said City to purchase the present Tolls and Duties for navigating upon the River Thames; and for laying a small Toll in Lieu thereof, from the 29th September 1785 exclusive, to the 29th September 1786 inclusive."

"An Account of Money received and paid by the Chamberlain of the City of London in pursuance of an Act for making, enlarging, amending, and cleansing the Vaults, Drains, and Sewers within the said City and Liberties thereof, &c. from the 29th September 1785 exclusive, to the 29th September 1786 inclusive."

And then he withdrew.

And the Titles thereof being read by the Clerk:

Ordered, That the said Accounts do lie on the Table.

Fawkener's Divorce Bill.

The House (according to Order) was adjourned during Pleasure, and put into a Committee upon the Bill, intituled, "An Act to dissolve the Marriage of William Fawkener Esquire with Georgiana Ann Poyntz his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again, and for other Purposes therein mentioned."

After some Time, the House was resumed:

And the Lord Scarsdale reported from the Commitmittee, "That they had gone through the Bill, and made some Amendments thereto, which he was ready to report when the House will please to receive the same."

Ordered, That the said Report be received Tomorrow.

Chandler's Naturalization Bill.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Mr. Watherston and others:

With a Bill, intituled, "An Act for naturalizing George Chandler and Maria Chandler;" to which they desire the Concurrence of this House.

Gainsborough Bridge Bill.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Mr. Medows and others:

With a Bill, intituled, "An Act for building a Bridge at or near the Ferry over the River Trent from Gainsborough in the County of Lincoln to the opposite Shore in the Parish of Saundby in the County of Nottingham;" to which they desire the Concurrence of this House.

Gainsborough Road Bill.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Mr. Medows and others:

With a Bill, intituled, "An Act for making, maintaining, and repairing a Road from the West End of the Bridge intended to be built at or near the Ferry over the River Trent, from Gainsborough in the County of Lincoln to the Parish of Saundby in the County of Nottingham, through the several Parishes of Saundby, Beckingham, Bole, North Wheatley, Hayton, and Clareborough, to East Retford, all situate in the said County of Nottingham, with a Side Branch from the Boundary Gate between the said Parishes of Beckingham and Saundby through the said Parish of Beckingham and the Parish of Gringley on the Hill in same County, to the Town of Gringley on the Hill aforesaid;" to which they desire the Concurrence of this House.

The said Three Bills were, severally, read the First Time.

Causes put off.

Ordered, That the Hearing of the Cause, wherein Arthur Sinclair Esquire is Appellant, and Barbara Baikie, Widow, and others, are Respondents, which stands appointed for Friday next, be put off to Monday next; and that the rest of the Causes be removed in course.


Dominus Cancellarius declaravit præsens Parliamentum continuandum esse usque ad et in diem Jovis, decimum quintum diem instantis Martii, horâ undecimâ Auroræ, Dominis sic decernentibus.

DIE Jovis, 15o Martii 1787.

Domini tam Spirituales quam Temporales præsentes fuerunt:

Epus. Bangor. Ds. Thurlow, Cancellarius.
Comes Aberdeen.
Comes Hopetoun.
Ds. Scarsdale.
Ds. Porchester.


Proceedings on East India Judicature Act.

Moved, "That so much of an Act made in the last Session of Parliament for the further Regulation of the Trial of Persons accused of certain Offences committed in the East Indies, and for other Purposes therein mentioned, as relates to the Nomination and Appointment of Members of this House, in order to the constituting in Part a Court of Judicature, might be read."

The same was accordingly read by the Clerk.

Ordered, That the Clerk do take the Lists laid upon the Table Yesterday out of the Covers, and put them together into a Box at the Table.

Which done,

The Lords following were appointed a Committee to examine the said Lists, and to report to the House the Titles of such Lords as shall appear upon Ten of the said Lists:

E. Aberdeen.
E. Hopetoun.
L. Bp. Bangor. L. Scarsdale.
L. Porchester.

Their Lordships, or any Five (fn. 1) of them, to meet To-morrow, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, in the Prince's Lodgings, near the House of Peers; and to adjourn as they please.

Camper's Naturalization Bill.

The Lord Scarsdale reported from the Lords Committees, to whom the Bill, intituled, "An Act for naturalizing Peter Everhard Camper," was committed: "That they had considered the said Bill, and examined the Allegations thereof, which were found to be true; and that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and directed him to report the same to the House, without any Amendment."

Hurst Green Road Bill.

The Lord Scarsdale made the like Report from the Lords Committees to whom the Bill, intituled, "An Act for continuing the Term and altering and enlarging the Powers of an Act passed in the Fifth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, for repairing, widening, and keeping in Repair the Road leading from the Turnpike Road on Hurst Green in the County of Sussex, through Etchingham and Burwash to the Extent of the said Parish of Burwash in the said County," was committed.

Fawkener's Divorce Bill.

The Lord Scarsdale (according to Order) reported the Amendments made by the Committee of the whole House to the Bill, intituled, "An Act to dissolve the Marriage of William Fawkener Esquire with Georgiana Ann Poyntz, his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again, and for other Purposes therein mentioned."

And the same, being read Twice by the Clerk, were agreed to by the House.

Ordered, That the said Bill, with the Amendments, be engrossed.

Gainsborough Bridge Bill.

Hodie 2a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act for building a Bridge at or near the Ferry over the River Trent, from Gainsborough in the County of Lincoln to the opposite Shore in the Parish of Saundby in the County of Nottingham."

Ordered, That the said Bill be committed to the Consideration of the Lords Committees aforenamed:

Their Lordships, or any Five of them, to meet Tomorrow, at the usual Time and Place; and to adjourn as they please.

Gainsborough Road Bill.

Hodie 2a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act for making, maintaining, and repairing a Road from the West End of the Bridge intended to be built at or near the Ferry over the River Trent, from Gainsborough in the County of Lincoln to the Parish of Saundby in the County of Nottingham, through the several Parishes of Saundby, Beckingham, Bole, North Wheatley, Hayton, and Clareborough, to East Retford, all situate in the said County of Nottingham, with a Side Branch from the Boundary Gate between the said Parishes of Beckingham and Saundby through the said Parish of Beckingham and the Parish of Gringley on the Hill in the same County, to the Town of Gringley on the Hill aforesaid."

Ordered, That the said Bill be committed to the Consideration of the Lords Committees aforenamed:

Their Lordships, or any Five of them, to meet on the same Day, at the same Place; and to adjourn as they please.

Chandler's Naturalization Bill.

Hodie 2a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act for naturalizing George Chandler and Maria Chandler."

Ordered, That the said Bill be committed to the Consideration of the Lords Committees aforenamed:

Their Lordships, or any Five of them, to meet on the same Day, at the same Place; and to adjourn as they please.

Spofforth Enclosure Bill.

Moved, "That the Bill, intituled, "An Act for dividing and enclosing the Open Arable Fields, Meadows, Pastures, Commons and Waste Grounds, within the Township of Spofforth in the Parish of Spofforth in the County of York," be now read the Third Time."

Ordered, That the said Bill be re-committed to the same Committee; and that they do meet to consider the said Bill on Tuesday next.


Dominus Cancellarius declaravit præsens Parliamentum continuandum esse usque ad et in diem Veneris, decimum sextum diem instantis Martii, horâ undecimâ Auroræ, Dominis sic decernentibus.

DIE Veneris, 16o Martii 1787.

Domini tam Spirituales quam Temporales præsentes fuerunt:

Archiep. Cantuar.
Archiep. Ebor.
Epus. Duresm.
Epus. Bath. & Wells.
Epus. Petriburg.
Epus. Eliens.
Epus. Roffen.
Epus. Oxon.
Epus. Exon.
Epus. Bangor.
Epus. Norvicen.
Epus. Bristol.
Ds. Thurlow, Cancellarius.
March. Stafford, C. P. S.
Dux Chandos, Senescallus.
Dux Richmond.
Dux Portland.
Dux Manchester.
Dux Northumberland.
Comes Denbigh.
Comes Essex.
Comes Carlisle.
Comes Shaftesbury.
Comes Abingdon.
Comes Morton.
Comes Galloway.
Comes Balcarres.
Comes Aberdeen.
Comes Dunmore.
Comes Aylesford.
Comes Macclesfield.
Comes Kerr.
Comes Waldegrave.
Comes Bathurst.
Comes Ailesbury.
Comes Norwich.
Viscount Hereford.
Viscount Stormont.
Viscount Courtenay.
Viscount Dudley & Ward.
Viscount Mount Edgcumbe & Valletort.
Viscount Hamilton.
Ds. Osborne, Unus Primariorum Secretariorum.
Ds. Sydney, Unus Primariorum Secretariorum.
Ds. Willoughby Br.
Ds. St. John Blet.
Ds. Say & Sele.
Ds. Elphinstone.
Ds. Middleton.
Ds. Scarsdale.
Ds. Boston.
Ds. Sundridge.
Ds. Hawke.
Ds. Amherst.
Ds. Rivers.
Ds. Harrowby.
Ds. Loughborough.
Ds. Walsingham.
Ds. Southampton.
Ds. Porchester.
Ds. Rawdon.
Ds. Grey de Wilton.
Ds. Sommers.
Ds. Hawkesbury.


Fawkener's Divorce Bill.

Hodie 3a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act to dissolve the Marriage of William Fawkener Esquire with Georgiana Ann Poyntz, his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again, and for other Purposes therein mentioned."

The Question was put, "Whether this Bill shall pass?"

It was resolved in the Affirmative.

Message to H. C. with it.

A Message was ordered to be sent to the House of Commons, by Mr. Montagu and Mr. Eames:

To carry down the said Bill, and desire their Concurrence thereto.

Hurst Green Road Bill:

Hodie 3a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act for continuing the Term and altering and enlarging the Powers of an Act passed in the Fifth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, for repairing, widening, and keeping in Repair the Road leading from the Turnpike Road on Hurst Green in the County of Sussex, through Etchingham and Burwash to the Extent of the said Parish of Burwash in the said County."

The Question was put, "Whether this Bill shall pass?"

It was resolved in the Affirmative.

Camper's Naturalization Bill:

Hodie 3a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act for naturalizing Peter Everhard Camper."

The Question was put, "Whether this Bill shall pass?"

It was resolved in the Affirmative.

Messages to H. C. that the Lords have agreed to the Two preceding Bills.

And Messages were, severally, ordered to be sent to the House of Commons, by the former Messengers:

To acquaint them, That the Lords have agreed to the said Bills, without any Amendment.

East India Judicature Act, all Lords added to Committee.

Ordered, That all the Lords who have been present this Session, and are not named of the Committee appointed to examine the several Lists delivered in at the Table, in pursuance of the Directions of an Act passed in the last Session of Parliament, for the further Regulation of the Trial of Persons accused of Offences committed in the East Indies, be added to the said Committee.

The House was adjourned during Pleasure.

The House was resumed.

D. Northumberland takes his seat:

This Day Hugh Duke of Northumberland sat first in Parliament after the Death of his Father Hugh Duke of Northumberland; his Grace having first, at the Table, taken the Oaths, and made and subscribed the Declaration, and also taken and subscribed the Oath of Abjuration, pursuant to the Statutes.

Pedigree delivered.

Garter King at Arms delivered in at the Table his Grace's Pedigree, pursuant to the Standing Order.

Report, East India Judicature:

The Lord Scarsdale reported from the Lords Committees, to whom it was referred to examine the several Lists delivered in at the Table, in pursuance of the Directions of an Act passed in the last Session of Parliament, for the further Regulation of the Trial of Persons accused of Offences committed in the East Indies; "That the Committee had met and examined the said Lists, and that the Titles of the following Lords were the only Titles that appeared upon Ten Lists:

Archbishop of York.

Duke of Manchester.

Marquis of Buckingham.

Earl of Morton.

Earl of Cassillis.

Earl of Moray.

Earl of Rochford.

Earl of Hopetoun.

Earl of Dartmouth.

Earl Brooke.

Earl of Buckinghamshire.

Viscount Dudley & Ward.

Bishop of Salisbury.

Bishop of Peterborough.

Bishop of Exeter.

Bishop of Bangor.

Bishop of Litchfield & Coventry.

Lord Dacre.

Lord Fortescue.

Lord Hawke.

Lord Harrowby.

Lord Bagot.

Lord Rawdon.

Lord Bulkeley.

Lord Sommers.

Lord Berwick."

Titles referred to a Committee.

Ordered, That the said Titles be referred to a Committee, to report the Names of those who shall appear to hold, or to have held, any of the Offices or Employments specified in the said Act.

Their Lordships, or any Five of them, to meet on Monday next, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, in the Prince's Lodgings, near the House of Peers; and to adjourn as they please.

Rolt's Bill.

The Lord Scarsdale reported from the Lords Committees, to whom the Bill, intituled, "An Act for discharging divers Manors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments belonging to Sir Edward Bayntun Rolt Baronet, and Andrew Bayntun Rolt Esquire, from a certain Limitation contained in an Indenture of Release, bearing Date the Twenty-second Day of August One thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven," was committed: "That they had considered the said Bill, and examined the Allegations thereof, which were found to be true; that the Parties concerned had given their Consents, to the Satisfaction of the Committee; and that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and directed him to report the same to the House, without any Amendment."

Ordered, That the said Bill be ingrossed.

Gainsborough Road Bill.

The Lord Scarsdale also reported from the Lords Committees, to whom the Bill, intituled, "An Act for making, maintaining, and repairing a Road from the West End of the Bridge intended to be built at or near the Ferry over the River Trent from Gainsborough in the County of Lincoln, to the Parish of Saundby in the County of Nottingham through the several Parishes of Saundby, Beckingham, Bole, North Wheatley, Hayton, and Clareborough to East Retford, all situate in the said County of Nottingham, with a Side Branch from the Boundary Gate between the said Parishes of Beckingham and Saundby, through the said Parish of Beckingham, and the Parish of Gringley on the Hill in the same County to the Town of Gringley on the Hill aforesaid," was committed: "That they had considered the said Bill, and examined the Allegations thereof, which were found to be true; and that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and directed him to report the same to the House, without any Amendment."

Mutiny Bill.

The Order of the Day being read for the House to be put into a Committee upon the Bill, intituled, "An Act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion; and for the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters:"

The House was adjourned during Pleasure, and put into a Committee upon the said Bill.

After some Time, the House was resumed:

And the Lord Scarsdale reported from the Committee, "That they had gone through the Bill, and directed him to report the same to the House, without any Amendment."


Dominus Cancellarius declaravit præsens Parliamentum continuandum esse usque ad et in diem Lunæ, decimum nonum diem instantis Martii, horâ undecimâ Auroræ, Dominis sic decernentibus.

DIE Lunæ, 19o Martii 1787.

Domini tam Spirituales quam Temporales præsentes fuerunt:

Archiep. Cantuar.
Archiep. Ebor.
Epus. Exon.
Epus. Bangor.
Epus. Bristol.
Ds. Thurlow, Cancellarius.
Comes Denbigh.
Comes Moray.
Comes Oxford & Mortimer.
Comes Stanhope.
Comes Macclesfield.
Comes Bathurst.
Viscount Stormont.
Viscount Mount Edgcumbe & Valletort.
Viscount Hamilton.
Ds. Osborne, Unus Primariorum Secretariorum.
Ds. Sydney, Unus Primariorum Secretariorum.
Ds. Scarsdale.
Ds. Hawke.
Ds. Douglas.


Shelley against Walton et al. in Error.

Whereas Bysshe Shelley Esquire, Plaintiff in a Writ of Error brought into this House, with a Transcript of the Record of the Court of King's Bench, wherein Judgement is entered for Joseph Walton and others, Defendants in the said Writ, has assigned Errors, and alledging Diminution, has prayed, that His Majesty's Writ of Certiorari may be awarded on his Behalf:

It is thereupon Ordered, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That His Majesty's Writ of Certiorari be forthwith issued out (on the Behalf of the said Plaintiff) and directed in such usual Manner as in the like Cases is accustomed for the more perfect Certifying of the said Record into this House, within ten Days next ensuing the Date of this Order.

Sinclair against Baikie et al.

After hearing Counsel in Part, in the Cause wherein Arthur Sinclair Esquire is Appellant, and Barbara Baikie Widow and others are Respondents:

It is Ordered, That the further Hearing of the said Cause be put off till To-morrow.

Mutiny Bill:

Hodie 3a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion; and for the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters."

The Question was put, "Whether this Bill shall pass?"

It was resolved in the Affirmative.

Gainsborough Road Bill:

Hodie 3a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act for making, maintaining, and repairing a Road from the West End of the Bridge, intended to be built at or near the Ferry over the River Trent, from Gainsborough in the County of Lincoln to the Parish of Saundby in the County of Nottingham, through the several Parishes of Saundby, Beckingham, Bole, North Wheatley, Hayton, and Clareborough to East Retford, all situate in the said County of Nottingham, with a Side Branch from the Boundary Gate between the said Parishes of Beckingham and Saundby, through the said Parish of Beckingham and the Parish of Gringley on the Hill in the same County, to the Town of Gringley on the Hill aforesaid."

The Question was put, "Whether this Bill shall pass?"

It was resolved in the Affirmative.

Messages to H. C. that the Lords have agreed to the Two preceding Bills:

And Messages were, severally, sent to the House of Commons, by Mr. Pepys and Mr. Walker:

To acquaint them, That the Lords have agreed to the said Bills, without any Amendment.

Rolts' Bill:

Hodie 3a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act for discharging divers Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments belonging to Sir Edward Bayntun Rolt Baronet, and Andrew Bayntun Rolt Esquire, from a certain Limitation contained in an Indenture of Release, bearing Date the Twenty-second Day of August, One thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven."

The Question was put, "Whether this Bill shall pass?"

It was resolved in the Affirmative.

Message to H. C. with it.

A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by the former Messengers:

To carry down the said Bill, and desire their Concurrence thereto.

Foley's Divorce Bill.

Ordered, That Sarah Brown do attend this House on Tuesday the 27th Day of this Instant March, in Order to her being examined as a Witness upon the Second reading of the Bill, intituled, "An Act to Dissolve the Marriage of the Honourable Edward Foley, with the Right Honourable Lady Ann Coventry his now Wife, and for other Purposes."

Hague et al. against Ranton.

Upon reading the Petition of William Ranton Defendant in a Writ of Error depending in this House, wherein Edward Hague and others are Plaintiffs:

Brooks and Etches against Jenden:

And also upon reading the Petition of Edward Jenden, Defendant in a Writ of Error depending in this House, wherein Mary Camilla Brooks, and Richard Cadman Etches are Plaintiffs; setting forth, "That the Plaintiffs in the said Writs of Error have not assigned Errors within the Time limited by their Lordships' standing Order;" and therefore praying, "That the said Writs of Error may be Non-pros'd with such Costs as to their Lordships shall seem meet:"

Writs of Error nonpros'd with Costs.

It is Ordered, That the Petitioners in each of the said Writs of Error do forthwith enter a Non-pros on the said Writs of Error as desired; and that the Records be remitted to the Court of King's Bench, to the end Execution may be had upon the Judgements given by that Court, as if no such Writs of Error had been brought into this House; and further, That the Plaintiffs in Error do pay or cause to be paid to the Defendants in Error, the Sum of Forty Pounds for their Costs, by reason of the Delay of the Execution of the said Judgements.

Nash's Divorce Bill.

Ordered, That the Second reading of the Bill, intituled, "An Act to Dissolve the Marriage of John Nash, Architect, with Jane Elizabeth Kerr his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again, and for other Purposes therein mentioned;" which stands appointed for To-morrow, be put off to Thursday next, and the Lords summoned; and that the several Witnesses who were ordered to attend To-morrow, do then attend.


Dominus Cancellarius declaravit præsens Parliamentum continuandum esse usque ad et in diem Martis, vicesimum diem instantis Martii, horâ undecimâ Auroræ, Dominis sic decernentibus.

DIE Martis, 20o Martii 1787.

Domini tam Spirituales quam Temporales præsentes fuerunt:

Archiep. Cantuar.
Epus. Exon.
Epus. Bangor.
Epus. Bristol.
Ds. Thurlow, Cancellarius.
March. Stafford, C. P. S.
Dux Portland.
Comes Cassillis.
Comes Dunmore.
Comes Hopetoun.
Comes Oxford & Mortimer.
Comes Stanhope.
Ds. Sydney, Unus Primariorum Secretariorum.
Ds. Scarsdale.
Ds. Douglas.
Ds. Hawkesbury.


Carr against Henton et al.

The joint and several Answer of George Henton and others, to the Appeal of the Reverend Edward Wills Carr, Clerk, was this Day brought in.

Sinclair against Baikie and Young:

After hearing Counsel as well Yesterday as this Day, upon the Petition and Appeal of Arthur Sinclair Esquire, of (fn. 2) Masulipatam in the East Indies; complaining of Two Interlocutors of the Lords of Session in Scotland, of the 23d of December 1785, and 31st of January 1786; and praying, "That the same might be reversed, or that the Appellant might have such other Relief in the Premises as to this House in their Lordships' great Wisdom should seem proper;" as also upon the Answer of Barbara Baikie, Widow, the Relict of Andrew Young of Castle-Yards deceased, and Margaret Young, Daughter of the said Andrew Young and Barbara Baikie, put in to the said Appeal, and due Consideration had of what was offered on either Side in this Cause:

Interlocutors affirmed.

It is Ordered and Adjudged, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That the said Petition and Appeal be, and is hereby dismissed this House, and that the said Interlocutors therein complained of be, and the same are hereby affirmed.

Report, East India Judicature:

The Lord Scarsdale reported from the Lords Committees appointed to examine and report whether any of the Titles in the Lists reported to the House on Friday the 16th Day of this instant March, appear to hold, or to have held any of the Offices or Employments specified in an Act passed in the last Session of Parliament, for the further Regulation of the Trial of Persons accused of Offences committed in the East Indies: "That the Committee had met and considered the Matter to them referred, and had taken the above mentioned Act into Consideration, and having also carefully examined the List of the Peers, had come to the following Resolution:

Resolved, That it doth not appear to this Committee, that any of the Lords whose Titles are contained in the said List, either now holds, or hath heretofore held any of the Offices or Employments specified in the said Act of Parliament."

Titles to be transmitted to Clerk of the Crown.

Ordered, That the said Titles be transmitted to the Clerk of the Crown in His Majesty's High Court of Chancery, or his Deputy by the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain under his Hand and Seal, pursuant to the Directions of the said Act.

De Berdt against Harris:

Upon reading the Petition of William Harris Defendant in a Writ of Error depending in this House, wherein Dennis de Berdt is Plaintiff; setting forth, "That the Plaintiff has not assigned Errors within the Time limited by their Lordships' standing Order;" and therefore praying, "That the said Writ of Error may be Non-pros'd with such Costs as to their Lordships shall seem meet:"

Writ of Error non-pros'd with Costs.

It is Ordered, That the Petitioner do forthwith enter a Non-pros on the said Writ of Error as desired, and that the Record be remitted to the Court of King's Bench, to the end Execution may be had upon the Judgement given by that Court, as if no such Writ of Error had been brought into this House; and further, That the Plaintiff in Error do pay or cause to be paid to the Defendant in Error, the Sum of Forty Pounds for his Costs, by reason of the Delay of the Execution of the said Judgement.

Gainsborough Bridge Bill.

The Lord Scarsdale reported from the Lords Committees, to whom the Bill, intituled, "An Act for building a Bridge at or near the Ferry over the River Trent, from Gainsborough in the County of Lincoln, to the opposite Shore in the Parish of Saundby in the County of Nottingham," was committed: That they had considered the said Bill and examined the Allegations thereof, which were found to be true; and that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and directed him to report the same to the House, without any Amendment."

Nash's Divorce Bill, Mrs. Nash's Petition respecting.

Upon reading the Petition of Jane Elizabeth Nash, the Wife of John Nash of the Parish of Saint James, Westminster, in the County of Middlesex, Architect, taking Notice of a Bill depending in this House, intituled, "An Act to Dissolve the Marriage of John Nash Architect, with Jane Elizabeth Kerr his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again, and for other Purposes therein mentioned;" and praying their Lordships, "That a proper Maintenance, as well for the Petitioner as for her infant Child, may be made before the said Act passes both Houses of Parliament; and that she may be heard by her Counsel on the Subject of her Petition:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

Cumin against Lamont and Campbell.

Upon reading the Petition and Appeal of Mr. Patrick Cumin, Professor of Oriental Languages in the University of Glasgow; complaining of an Interlocutor of the Lords of Session in Scotland, of the 1st of March 1787; and praying, "That the same may be reversed, or that the Appellant may have such other Relief in the Premises as to this House, in their Lordships' great Wisdom, shall seem proper; and that John Lamont of Lamont Esquire, and John Campbell Junior, Merchant in Glasgow, may be required to answer the said Appeal:"

It is Ordered, That the said John Lamont and John Campbell may have a Copy of the said Appeal, and do put in their Answer or respective Answers thereunto in Writing, on or before Tuesday the 17th Day of April next; and Service of this Order upon the said Respondents, or upon any of their known Counsel or Agents in the Court of Session in Scotland, shall be deemed good Service.

Cuthbert and Janes against Paterson:

Upon reading the Petition and Appeal of Alexander Cuthbert Esquire, of the City of London, and Charles Janes Writer to the Signet Edinburgh, his Attorney; complaining of Two Interlocutors of the Lords of Session in Scotland, of the 23d of February, and 6th of March 1787; and praying, "That the same may be reversed, varied, or altered, or that the Appellants may have such other Relief in the Premises as to this House, in their Lordships' great Wisdom, shall seem meet; and that Mrs. Ann Paterson and Philip Anstruther Paterson Esquire, her Husband, may be required to answer the said Appeal:"

It is Ordered, That the said Mrs. Ann Paterson and Philip Anstruther Paterson, her Husband, may have a Copy of the said Appeal, and do put in their Answer or respective Answers thereunto in Writing, on or before Tuesday the 17th Day of April next; and Service of this Order upon the said Respondents, or upon any of their known Counsel or Agents in the Court of Session in Scotland, shall be deemed good Service.

Spottiswoode to enter into Recognizance on said Appeal.

The House being moved, "That John Spottiswoode of Sackville Street Gentleman, may be permitted to enter into a Recognizance for Alexander Cuthbert Esquire, and Charles Janes, on Account of their Appeal depending in this House, they being in Scotland:"

It is Ordered, That the said John Spottiswoode may enter into a Recognizance for the said Appellants, as desired.

Campbell against Cochrane:

Upon reading the Petition and Appeal of John Campbell Junior, Merchant in Glasgow; complaining of an Interlocutor of the Lords of Session in Scotland, of the 10th of March 1787; and praying, "That the same may be reversed, varied, or altered, or that the Appellant may have such other Relief in the Premises as to this House, in their Lordships' great Wisdom, shall seem meet; and that William Forrester Cochrane, residing in Arran, may be required to answer the said Appeal:"

It is Ordered, That the said William Forrester Cochrane may have a Copy of the said Appeal, and do put in his Answer thereunto in Writing, on or before Tuesday the 17th Day of April next; and Service of this Order upon the said Respondent, or upon his known Counsel, Agents, or Solicitors, in the Court of Session in Scotland, shall be deemed good Service.

Spottiswoode to enter into Recognizance on said Appeal.

The House being moved, "That John Spottiswoode of Sackville Street Gentleman, may be permitted to enter into a Recognizance for John Campbell, on Account of his Appeal depending in this House, he being in Scotland:"

It is Ordered, That the said John Spottiswoode may enter into a Recognizance for the said Appellant, as desired.

Elphinstone against Campbell et al:

Upon reading the Petition and Appeal of the Honourable William Elphinstone; complaining of an Interlocutor of the Lords of Session in Scotland, of the 1st of March 1787; and praying, "That the same may be reversed, varied, or altered, or that the Appellant may have such other Relief in the Premises as to this House, in their Lordships' great Wisdom, shall seem meet; and that John Campbell of Blythswood, James Maxwell of Williamwood Esquire, and Archibald Tod, Writer to the Signet, may be required to answer the said Appeal:"

It is Ordered, That the said John Campbell, James Maxwell, and Archibald Tod, may have a Copy of the said Appeal, and do put in their Answer or respective Answers thereunto in Writing, on or before Tuesday the 17th Day of April next; and Service of this Order upon the said Respondents, or upon any of their known Agents, Counsel, or Solicitors, in the Court of Session in Scotland, shall be deemed good Service.

Spottiswoode to enter into Recognizance on said Appeal.

The House being moved, "That John Spottiswoode of Sackville Street Gentleman, may be permitted to enter into a Recognizance for the Honourable William Elphinstone, on Account of his Appeal depending in this House, he being in Scotland:"

It is Ordered, That the said John Spottiswoode may enter into a Recognizance for the said Appellant, as desired.

Williamson against Mac Dowall and Campbell:

Upon reading the Petition and Appeal of Thomas Williamson, Merchant in Leith, complaining of an Interlocutor of the Lords of Session in Scotland, of the 1st of March 1787; and praying, "That the same may be reversed, varied, or altered, or that the Appellant may have such other Relief in the Premises as to this House, in their Lordships' great Wisdom, shall seem meet; and that William Mac Dowall of Garthland, and John Campbell of Blythswood Esquire, may be required to answer the said Appeal:"

It is Ordered, That the said William Mac Dowall and John Campbell may have a Copy of the said Appeal, and do put in their Answer or respective Answers thereunto in Writing, on or before Tuesday the 17th Day of April next; and Service of this Order upon the said Respondents, or upon their known Counsel, Agents, or Solicitors, in the Court of Session in Scotland, shall be deemed good Service.

Spottiswoode to enter into Recognizance on said Appeal.

The House being moved, "That John Spottiswoode of Sackville Street Gentleman, may be permitted to enter into a Recognizance for Thomas Williamson, on Account of his Appeal depending in this House, he being in Scotland:"

It is Ordered, That the said John Spottiswoode may enter into a Recognizance for the said Appellant, as desired.

Hosch's Naturalization Bill.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Mr. Rolle and others:

With a Bill, intituled, "An Act for naturalizing Peter John Hosch;" to which they desire the Concurrence of this House.

Burford Road Bill.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Mr. Freeman and others:

With a Bill, intituled, "An Act for continuing and amending an Act of the Twenty-eighth Year of His late Majesty, so far as the same relates to the Roads from the Hand and Post at the Top of Burford Lane, in the County of Gloucester, to Stow on the Wold, and from thence to Paddle Brook, and from the Cross Hands on Salford Hill, in the County of Oxford, to the Hand and Post in the Parish of Withington, in the County of Gloucester;" to which they desire the Concurrence of this House.

Birmingham &c. Roads Bill.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Mr. Jervoise and others:

With a Bill, intituled, "An Act for continuing the Term of Three Acts of the Thirteenth Year of King George the First, the Twenty-first Year of His late Majesty, and the Twelfth Year of His present Majesty, so far as the same relate to the Roads from Birmingham through Wednesbury to High Bullen and to Great Bridge, and from thence to the Port Way at the End of Darlaston Lane next to Bilston, and to Nether Trindle near Dudley, in the Counties of Warwick, Worcester, and Stafford, and for making and keeping in Repair a Road from Trouse Lane in the Parish of Wednesbury to Darlaston, in the County of Stafford;" to which they desire the Concurrence of this House.

The said Three Bills were, severally, read the First Time.


Dominus Cancellarius declaravit præsens Parliamentum continuandum esse usque ad et in diem Mercurii, vicesimum primum diem instantis Martii, horâ undecimâ Auroræ, Dominis sic decernentibus.


  • 1. Sic.
  • 2. Sic in Orig.