Rymer's Foedera with Syllabus: June 1420

Rymer's Foedera Volume 9. Originally published by Apud Joannem Neulme, London, 1739-1745.

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'Rymer's Foedera with Syllabus: June 1420', in Rymer's Foedera Volume 9, (London, 1739-1745) pp. 910-921. British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/rymer-foedera/vol9/pp910-921 [accessed 26 April 2024]

June 1420

Syllabus Entry Foedera Text
June 2. The provost of the merchants, and the échevins and burgesses of Paris to the K.; have received his letters and the credence of sir Ralph Cromwelle, William Swinborne, and Richard Candray, and are ready to fulfil his pleasure. Paris.
O. ix. 910. H. iv. p. iii. 176.
Litera Burgensium Parisius.
A Treshault, Tresexcellent, & Trespuissant Prince notre Tresredoubte Seigneur le Roy d'Engleterre, Heritier & Regent du Royaume de France, & Seigneur d'Irland.
. 8. H. 5. Ex Bibl. Cot. Caligula D. 5.
Treshault, Tresexcellent, & Trespuissant Prince notre Tresredoubte Seigneur,
Nous nous Recommandons a vous tant & si humblement comme nous povons.
Et vous plaise savoir que Nous avons Receves Deux Paire de voz Lettres Closes:
Les Premiers Donees le xxii. Jour de May derriere passe;
Par les quelles il vous a pleu, de votre benigne Grace, Nous acertener de l'Estat & Nouvelles de par dela; & mesmement des Fianceailles d'entre vous & notre Tresredoubte Dame la Fille du Roy notre Souveraign Seigneur.
Et les autres Lettres (Donnees le xxiv. Jour du dit Mois) contenant Creance sur Messire Raoul Cromwelle Chevaleir, Guillaume Swinborne Escuier, voz Conseilliers, & Richart Caudray Secretaire, lez quelz ont tresgrandement & notablement exposee la Creance sur eulx Chargee:
Des quelles Choses, principalment de la PAIX FINALE, Traitee & Accordee entre le Roy notre dit Souverain Seigneur & vous, comme il Nous, est Apparu par Lettres d'icellui nôtre Souverain Seigneur, nous tous, & le Peuple de ceste Ville de Paris, avons eue, & avons la plus grant Joye & Consolation que puissons avoir, come vos diz Embaxeurs l'ont peu savoir.
Et de la grant Peine & Labeur, que y avez mis, vous mercions tant & si humblement comme nous pouvons.
En vous suppliant (Treshault, Tresexcellent, & Trespuissant Prince, notre Tresredoubte Seigneur) qu'il vous Plaise, de votre benigne Grace, avoir tousjours la Ville de Paris & Nous en vôtre humble Recommendation, ainsi que en vous en avons parfaicte Fiance.
Treshault, Tresexcellent, & Trespuissant Prince notre Tresredoubte Seigneur,
Nous sommes Prests & Appareillez de faire & acomplir voz bons Plaisirs.
Et Prions au Benoit Filz de Dieu qu'il vous ait en sa Sainte Garde, & vous doint bonne Vie & longue.
Escrip a Paris le ii. Jour de Juing.
Voz Treshumbles Serviteurs & Obeissans.
Les Prevost des Marchans,
Eschevins & Burgois,
De la Ville de Paris
June 6. Letter from John Ofort, mentioning the K.'s marriage at Troyes, on Trinity Sunday, the commencement of the siege of Sens on the Wednesday following, and the proclamation of the final peace on Whit Tuesday. The Siege of Sens.
O. ix. 910. H. iv. p. iii. 177.
De Matrimonio solemnizato, & Obsidione de Sens, ubi Reges Reginaeque cum Ducibus bene multis.
An. 8. H. 5. Ibid.
Worshipful Maistir
, I Recomand me to you.
And, as touchyng Tydynges, The Kyng owre Sovereyn Loord was Weddid, with greet Solempnitee, in the Cathedrale Chirche of Treys, abowte Myd day on Trinitie Sunday.
And, on the Tuysday suyng, he Remeved toward the Town of Sens, xvi. Leges thennes, havyng wyth hym thedir owre Queen and the Frensh Estatz.
And, on Wednysday thanne next suyng, was Sege leyd to that Toun, a greet Town, and a notable, toward Bourgoyne ward, holden stronge with greet Nombre of Ermynakes.
The whiche Town is worthily beseged; For ther ly at that Sege two Kyuges, Queenes, iv Ducks, with my Loord of Bedeford whanne he cometh hedir; the whiche the xii Day of the Monyth of Juyn shall Logge besyde Parys hedirward.
And at this Seige also lyn many worthy Ladyes and Gentil women, bothe Frensh and English; of the whiche many of hem begonue the Faitz of Armes long time agoon, but of lyyng at Seges now they begynne first.
I prey you that ye wil Recomande me to my Worshipful Loord the Chanceller, and to my Loord the Tresorer.
And forthermore will the wit that Parys, with other, is swore to obeye to the Kyng owre Sovereyn Loord, as Heriter and Governour of France, and soo they doo.
And on Witsund Munday FINAL PEACE was Proclaymd in Parys; and on Tuysday, the Morrow after, was a solempne Masse of owre Lady, and a solempne Processionn of alle the greete and worthy Men of Parys, thankyng God of th'ACCORD.
And now Englysh Men goon in to Parys, as ofte as they wil, withowte ony saaf Conduyt, or any lettyng.
And in Parys, and alle other Townes, that are turned from the Ermynakkes Party, make greet Joye and Myrthe every Halyday in Dauncyng and Karolyng.
I prey God sende Grace to bothe Reumes of much Mirthe and Gladnesse, and yeue you in Helthe much Joye and Prosperitee long to endure.
I prey you that ye wil vouchesaaf to lat this Lettre Comande me to Abel Hoet, and Bayly, and to Sir J. Brokholes, and to grete weel Richard Priour (whom the fayr Town of Vernon on Seene Gretith Weel also) and Will. Albtoo Lark, and all the Meyne, and Kyng Barbour and hys Wyf.
Writen at the Sege of Seens the vi. Day of Juyn in Haste.
Sens is ferther then Parys xxxiv. Leges,
And Treys is ferther then Parys xxxvi. Leges.
Wil ye sey my Brother Mayster Piers that I sende hym a Lettre be the Brynger heroffe.
Your owne Servant,
Johan Ofort.
June 7. Restitution of the temporalities of Paul de Crapainta, bp. of Evreux, papal chamberlain. Villeneuve le Roy.
O. ix. 911. H. iv. p. iii. 177.
Pro Episcopo Ebroicensi.
An. 8. H. 5. Norm. 8. H. 5. p. 2. m. 29. d.
, Dei gratiâ, Rex Angliae, Haeres & Regens Regni Franciae, & Dominus Hiberniae, Thesaurario nostro Generali Normanniae, ac Praesidenti & Gentibus de Camera nostra Compotorum, necnon universis & singulis Ballivis, Vicecomitibus, Receptoribus, & aliis Officiariis nostris, quorum interest, Salutem.
Quia Jacobus, Episcopus Nareviensis, Vicarius sive Procurator Domini Pauli de Crapainta, Cubicularii Domini Summi Pontificis,
Quem quidem Paulum idem Dominus Summus Pontifex suis Literis Apostolicis (quas inspeximus) ad Episcopatum Ebroicensem jam tarde providit,
Fidelitatis Sacramentum, quod idem Paulus Nobis, ratione Temporalium Episcopatûs praedicti, facere tenetur, Nobis, vice & nomine ejusdem Pauli, fecit & praestitit,
Ad quod quidem Sacramentum eundem Vicarium sive Procuratorem admissimus,
Salvâ semper Renovatione hujus Fidelitatis Sacramenti, Nobis per praedictum Paulum, citra Festum Omnium Sanctorum proximo futurum, corporaliter faciendi, ac Jure nostro & in omnibus Alienis,
Vobis Mandamus quod ipsum Paulum omnia Temporalia Episcopatus praedicti, infra Ducatum nostrum, usque Festum praedictum habere, ac Fructibus & Proventibus pacifice uti & gaudere, necnon Vicarium sive Procuratorem suum praedictum Fructus & Proventus illos, ad usus ejusdem Pauli, levare, percipere, & colligere permittatis, absque molestatione seu perturbatione quacumque.
Teste Rege apud Villam de Neef le Roy vii. die Junii
Per ipsum Regem.
June 8. Presentation of John Norgeat to the church of S. Audouen, of Cateville, and of Nicholas Bandini, and 20 others, to benefices in France. Villeneuve le Roy.
O. ix. 912. H. iv. p. iii. 177.
De Praesentationibus.
An. 8. H. 5. Pat. Norm. 8. H. 5. p. 1. m. 28.
Johannes Norgeat Capellanus habet Literas Regis de Praesentatione ad Ecclesiam Parochialem Sancti Audonei de Cateville Constanciensis Dioecesis, per Mortem Domini Ricardi de Beufs ultimae Personae ibidem vacantem, & ad Regis Donationem spectantem ut dicitur;
Et diriguntur Literae illae, Venerabili in Christo Patri, Pandulpho Episcopo Constantiensi.
Teste Rege apud Villam de Villenoef le Roy octavo die Junii.
Ibid. m. 24.
Consimiles Literas habet Nicholaus Bandini, Capellanus, in Artibus & Decretis Bacalarius, ad Ecclesiam Sancti Martini de Monte Acuto Dioecesis praedictae.
Consimiles Literas habent subscripti; videlicet,
Ricardus de Passy Capellanus ad Capellam Sancti Jacobi de Ferieres in Parochia de Semay Sagiensis Dioecesis.
Johannes Queron Capellanus ad Ecclesiam Sancti Germani le Vasson Bajocensis Dioecesis.
Ibid. m. 23.
Johannes Petili ad Ecclesiam Sancti Cerevici prope Sagium Sagiensis Dioecesis.
Guillielmus Flandrini ad Ecclesiam Cornevillae Ebroicensis Dioecesis.
Oliverus Hervey Capellanus ad Capellaniam Sancti Johannis Baptistae in Parochia de Medanico Fundatam Sagiensis Dioecesis.
Guillielmus Guillebart Capellanusad alteram Portionem Ecclesiae Parochialis de Monte Martini in Ingrama, vulgariter nuncupatum des Cinques, Constanciensis Dioecesis.
Johannes Gallon Capellanus ad Capellam de Bollevilla, Constantiensis Dioecesis.
Michael Varnu Clericus ad Capellam in Castro de Haya Putey, Constantiensis Dioecesis.
Mathaeus Hardy Clericus ad Capellam sive Capellaniam Sancti Vincentii de Blihon, Constanciensis Dioecesis.
Ibid. m. 21.
Ricardus le Ploumer Magister in Artibus & Bacalarius in Decretis ad alteram Portionem Ecclesiae Parochialis beatae Mariae de Gorgiis vulgariter nuncupatam Portionem de Parisius, Constanciensis Dioecesis.
Johannes Basseti Capellanus Magister in Artibus & Licentiatus in Decretis ad Personatum in Parochia beatae Mariae de Triepie, Abrincensis Dioecesis.
Galfridus Fauvelli Capellanus ad Ecclesiam Parochialem beatae Mariae de Tirepie, Abrincensis Dioecesis.
Ibid m. 20.
Simon Vaquelin Clericus ad Ecclesiam de Sancto Germano de Viques, Sagiensis Dioecesis.
Ibid. m. 19.
Guillielmus Lalisel Capellanus ad Ecclesiam beatae Mariae de Mountmorel Sagiensis Dioecesis.
Johannes Guiard Magister in Artibus ad Ecclesiam Sancti Stephani de Esmanvilla, Ebroicensis Dioecesis.
Robertus Boni Capellanus Magister in Artibus Juratus Ligeus Regis ad Ecclesiam Sancti Selerini prope Sagium, Sagiensis Dioecesis.
Petrus de Medunta Capellanus ad Ecclesiam Sancti Bartholomaei de Thomerio, Ebroicensis Dioecesis.
Johannes Sommeil Clericus Bacalarius in Decretis ad alteram Portionem Ecclesiae de Montmartin, Constantiensis Dioecesis.
Ibid. m. 11.
Johannes Gascoing Clericus ad Ecclesiam de Lorey, Cenomensis Dioecesis.
Ibid. m. 6
Nicolaus Decole Capellanus ad Ecclesiam Sancti Balasii de Nouvanto, Lexoviensis Dioecesis.
June 9. The K. orders the master of the mint at Troyes to pay 2,000f. a month to the Q. of France. Before Sens.
O. ix. 913. H. iv. p. iii. 178.
Pro Franciae Regina.
A nôtre Chier & bien Ame Maistre Particuler de la Monnoie de Troyes,
Depar le Roi d'Angleterre Heritier & Regent de France.
. 8. H. 5. Ex Bibl. Cot. Caligula D. 5.
Chier & bien Ame.
Il a este Ordonne que Belle Mere la Royne de France prendra, par chascun Moys, a Commencier au premier Jour de ce present moys de Juing, sur l'Emolument de la Monnoye de Troyes (d'ont a present estes Maistre Particulier) la Somme de ii. Mill. F.
Pour ce (que droiz est) que les Faiz de Beau Pere & d'Elle soient preferez a tous autres,
Nous vous Mandons & Enjoignons expressement que les diz ii. Mill. F. vous des Deniers, venans de l'Emolument de la dicte Monnoye, Paiez, de Moys en Moys, a nôtre dicte Belle Mere, ou a ses Gens & Officers pour Elle, en prenant vôtre Acquit sur ce, sanz y fere Faulte, Rompement, ou Quassement, sur Peine de le Recouvrer sur vous.
Donne en nôtre Oost devant Sens le ix. Jour de Juing.
June 11. Power for Richard Nevyll, warden of the West March, to make a truce with Scotland. Westm.
O. ix. 913. H. iv. p. iii. 178.
De Treugis capiendis cum Adversario Scotiae.
An. 8. H. 5. Scot. 8. H. 5. m. 2.
Henricus, Dei gratia, Rex Angliae & Franciae, & Dominus Hiberniae, carissimo Consanguineo suo, Ricardo Nevyll, Custodi Westmarchiae versus Scotiam, & ejus Locum tenenti ibidem, Salutem.
Sciatis quod Nos,
De Fidelitate, Circumspectione, & Industria vestris plenius confidentes,
Vobis plenam, Tenore Praesentium, Committimus Potestatem ad Treugas, pro Nobis, Terris, Dominiis, Subditis, Ligeis, Amicis, & Fidelibus nostris, cum Adversario nostro Scotiae, pro Se, Hominibus, Terris, Dominiis, suis, de Duobus Mensibus in Duos Menses duraturas, particula riter & generaliter, Capiendum, & Nomine nostro Custodiendum, & Custodiri faciendum,
Promittentes Nos Ratum, Gratum, & Firmum habituros quicquid, Nomine nostro, in forma praedicta, feceritis in Praemissis;
Et ideo vobis Mandamus quod circa Praemissa diligenter intendatis, & ea effectualiter faciatis & expleatis in formâ praedictâ.
In cujus rei Testimonium has Literas nostras fieri fecimus Patentes, quamdiu vos (praefate Ricarde) Custos Westmarchiae praedictae fueritis duraturas.
Teste Humfredo Duce Gloucestriae Custode Angliae apud Westmonasterium xi. die Junii, Anno Regni nostri octavo.
Per Concilium.
June 11. Power for Richard Nevyll to grant letters of safe conduct to Scots. Westm.
O. ix. 913. H. iv. p. iii. 178.
De Salvis Conductibus Concedendis.
An. 8. H. 5. Ibid.
Rex, eisdem, Salutem
Ad Concedendum, & Nomine nostro Faciendum Literas Salvi Conductûs ac Assecurationes quibuscumque Personis (cujuscumque Statûs, Gradûs, aut Conditionis existant) modis & formis quibus vobis melius videbitur expedire, infra Westmarchiam praedictam exnunc venturis, Tenore Praesentium, Committimus Potestatem:
Quos quidem salvos Conductus ac Assecurationes talem vigorem optinere volumus, qualem habuissent si nos ipsi eosdem Concessissemus:
Et Promittimus, bonâ fide, & in verbo Regio, Nos Ratum, Gratum, & Firmum perpetuis Temporibus habi- turos quicquid per vos, ut praedicitur, Actum, Gestum, aut Factum fuerit in Praemissis.
In cujus &c.
Teste Humfredo Duce Gloucestriae Custode Angliae apud Westmonasterium undecimo die Junii.
Per Consilium.
June 12. Power for sir John Tiptoft, seneschal of Aquitain, to receive the submission of rebels. Westm.
O. ix. 914. H. iv. p. iii. 178.
Potestates Senescallo Acquitanniae concessae.
De Recipiendo Rebelles ad Gratiam
An. 8. H. 5. Vas. 8. H. 5. m. 7.
Rex Omnibus, ad quos &c. Salutem.
Sciatis quod Nos,
De Fidelitate, Circumspectione, & Industria, dilecti & fidelis Militis nostri, Johannis Tiptoft, Senescalli Aquitaniae, plurimum confidentes,
Eidem Senescallo ad omnes & singulos Inimicos & Rebelles nostros de Ducatu nostro Aquitanniae, qui ad ipsum Senescallum nostrum venire & Gratiae nostrae humiliter se submittere voluerint, ad eandem Gratiam nostram recipiendum, ac eisdem Rebellibus & Inimicis nostris Terras & Tenementa sua propria Concedendum, plenam, Tenore Praesentium, Concedimus & Committimus Potestatem;
Dominico & Domanio nostris Ducatûs praedicti, ac Jure cujuslibet, semper salvis & reservatis.
In cujus &c. has Literas nostras Patentes fieri & Magni Sigilli nostri munimine fecimus consignari.
Dat. in Palatio Regis apud Westmonasterium duodecimo die Junii.
Per Breve de Privato Sigillo.
[June 12.] Power for the same to receive the homage of the count of Foix and others in the duchy.
O. ix. 914. H. iv. p. iii. 178.
De Recipiendo Homagia.
An. 8. H. 5. Ibid.
Rex &c. ut supra usque ibi, confidentes, & tunc sic,
Assignavimus ipsum eique, Tenore Praesentium, plenam Committimus Potestatem & Auctoritatem specialem, tam ad Homagium Comitis de Foys (si Homagium illud nobis facere voluerit) quam ad Homagia aliorum quorumcumque Ducatûs nostri Aquitanniae, hujusmodi Homagia facere volentium, Nomine nostro Recipiendum & Admittendum.
In cujus &c. ut supra.
Dat. ut supra.
Per Breve de Privato Sigillo.
[June 12.] Grant to the same of the castle and town of Sparre.
O. ix. 914. H. iv. p. iii. 178.
De Hospitio assignato pro Senescallo Aquitaniae.
An. 8. H. 5. Ibid.
Rex Omnibus, ad quos &c. Salutem.
Sciatis quod, de Gratia nostra speciali, Assignavimus & Concessimus, Dilecto & Fideli Militi nostro, Johanni Tiptoft, Senescallo Aquitanniae, Castrum & Villam de Sparre pro Mora sua & Hospitio suo, ac ejus Familiae,
Habenda quamdiu idem Senescallus in partibus Aquitanniae extiterit ex Causa Officii sui supra dicti.
In cujus &c. ut supra.
Dat. ut supra.
Per Breve de Privato Sigillo.
[June 12.] The K. grants to sir John Tiptoft and his other officers in Aquitain preference over all others in the payment of their wages.
O. ix. 915. H. iv. p. iii. 178.
Pro Officiariis in Ducatu Aquitanniae.
An. 8. H. 5. Ibid.
Rex Omnibus, ad quos &c. Salutem.
Sciatis quod, Concessimus quod Officiarii nostri, in Ducatu nostro Aquitanniae, praeferantur de hiis, quae ad Officia sua pertinent, & haec imposterum observentur.
Et quod, dilectus & fidelis Miles noster, Johannes Tiptoft, Senescallus Aquitanniae, tempore futuro, prae omnibus aliis Personis specialiter praeferatur, & primo persolvatur de eo quod ad Officium suum pertinet, quamdiu in eodem Officio oneratus existat; & quod Ipse de eo, quod sibi pro tempore praeterito a retro est & debitum, sufficientem Assignationem habeat, & pro eo contentetur.
In cujus &c. ut supra.
Teste ut supra.
Per Breve de Privato Sigillo.
June 12. Power to sir John Tiptoft, the count of Longueville, and the constable and mayor of Bourdeaux, to collect impositions for the defence of the duchy. Westm.
O. ix. 915. H. iv. p. iii. 178.
De Impositionibus in Aquitannia, pro Defensione ejusdem, recipiendis.
An. 8. H. 5. Ibid. m. 5.
Rex, Dilectis & Fidelibus suis, Johanni Tiptoft, Militi, Senescallo Aquitanniae, Comiti de Longville Constabulario, & Majori Burdegaliae, Salutem.
Sciatis quod Nos,
De Fidelitate, Circumspectione, & Industria vestris plenius confidentes,
Assignavimus vos, ac vobis, Tenore Praesentium, Committimus Potestatem, ad quascumque Impositiones, super Civitates & Burgos nostros, aut aliam bassam Patriam nostram, in Partibus Aquitanniae positas, concessas, & receptas, vel imposterum rationabiliter ponendas, concedendas, & recipiendas, pro Defensione Partium illarum, & pro Resistentia Inimicorum nostrorum, de avisamento Concilii nostri ibidem, Percipiendum, prout vobis & dicto Concilio nostro melius, juxta sanas discretiones vestras & ejusdem Concilii nostri, pro Commodo nostro & Salvatione Partium praedictarum, videbitur faciendum;
Et ideo vobis Mandamus quod circa Praemissa diligenter intendatis, ac ea faciatis & exequamini in forma praedicta:
Damus autem universis & singulis Ligeis & Subditis nostris Partium illarum, Tenore Praesentium, firmiter in Mandatis, quod vobis, in Executione Praemissorum, pareant, obediant, & intendant, prout decet.
In cujus &c.
Dat. in Palatio Regis apud Westmonasterium duodecimo die Junii.
Per Breve de Privato Sigillo.
June 14. The K. orders Henry Somer, chancellor of the Exchequer to insert Hœres regni Franciœ, vel hœredis regni Franciœ, on the seal. Westm.
O. ix. 915. H. iv. p. iii. 178.
De Stilo Sigilli Regis innovando.
An. 8. H. 5. Com. de Termino Sancti Mic. in scac.
, Dei gratiâ, Rex Angliae, Haeres & Regens Regni Franciae, & Dominus Hiberniae, dilecto sibi, Henrico Somer, Cancellario suo de Scaccario, Salutem.
Volumus & vobis, de avisamento Concilii nostri, Mandamus quod visis Praesentibus, cum omni Festinatione possibili, de Stilo Sigilli nostri in Custodia vestra existentis, hanc Dictionem (FRANCIAE) deleri, & loco ejusdem istas Dictiones (Haeres Regni Franciae, vel Haeredis Regni Franciae, secundum exigentiam Sigilli illius) Imprimi & Insculpi faciatis; Et hoc nullatenus omittatis.
Teste Humfrido Duce Gloucestriae Custode Angliae apud Westmonasterium decimo quarto die Junii, Anno Regni nostri octavo.
June 14. Proclamation of the treaty of Troyes, to be published throughout England. Westm.
O. ix. 916. H. iv. p. iii. 179.
De Tractatu Trecensi & Pace Perpetua Proclamandis.
An. 8. H. 5. Claus. 7. H. 5. m. 12. d.
Rex, Vicecomitibus Londoniae Salutem.
Mandamus vobis, firmiter injungentes, quod quandam CONCORDIAM PACIS PERPETUAE, inter Regna Franciae & Angliae initae & firmatae, in quadam CONVENTIONE, inter Praecarissimum Patrem nostrum Karolum Regem Franciae pro Parte Franciae & Nos in propria Persona nostra pro Parte Angliae habitâ (cujus quidem Concordiae Tenorem vobis mittimus in forma Patenti) in locis infra Civitatem praedictam & Suburbia ejusdem, ubi magis expediens fuerit & necesse, publicè ex parte nostra proclamari faciatis, ut dilecti Ligei nostri, pro eorum Consolatione, inde veram Notitiam habere, & eam, quantum ad ipsos pertinet, observare valeant Juxta Vim, Formam, & Effectum ejusdem:
Et hoc nullatenus omittatis.
Teste Humfrido Duce Gloucestriae Custode Angliae apud Westmonasterium decimo quarto die Junii.
Per ipsum Regem.
Consimilia Brevia diriguntur singulis Vicecomitibus per Angliam ac Cancellario Comitatus Palatini Lancastriae, ad CONCORDIAM praedictam in Comitatibus suis proclamari faciendum.
Cujus Tenor sequitur in haec verba,
Henry, by the Grace of God, Kyng of Englond, Heire and Regent of France, and Lord of Irland, to PERPETUAL MYNDE, to all Kristen People, and to all tho that bene undir our Obeissaunce.
We Notifie and Declare that,
Thofe ther hath bene here afore divers Tretees, betwyx the most Excellent Prince Charles our Fadir of France and his Progenitours, and Uus and our Progenitours, for the PEAS to be had betwyx the two Roiaulms of France and of Ingland, the Whyche here afore hath borne no fruyt,
We consyderyng the grete harmes, the whyche hath noght oonly y falle betwyx this two Roaumes, for the grete division that hath bene betwene haim, but to all holy Chyrche,
We have taken a Tretye wyth our forsay'd Fader; in the whiche Trety, betwix our forsayd Fadir and Us, it is CONCLUDID and ACCORDID, in the forme after the maner that folewyth,
First it is ACCORDID, betwene our sayd Fadir of France and Us, that, for as much as, by the Bond of Matrimonie, maad for the good of PEAS, betwene Us and our most dere and moste belovyd Kateryne, the Daughter of our sayd Fadir and of oure most dere Moder Isabell his Wife, thoo same Charles and Isabell bene made our Fadir and Modir, thairefore thaime as our Fadir and Modir we shall have, and worship, and, as it fittih suche and so worthy a Prince and Princesse, for to be worshipped principally to fore all other Temporal Persons of this World.
Also, that we shall not Distourbe, Disase, nor lett oure sayd Fadir, bot that he holde and possede, as long as he lyveth, as he holdeth and possedith at this tyme, the Croune and the Dignitee Roialle of France, and Rentes, Fruytes, Proffitz of the same, to the Sustinance of his Estate and Charges of the Roiaulme; and our forsayd Modir also hold, as long as she Liveth, the Estate and the Dignitie of Quene, after the maner of the sayd Roiaulme, with convenable and convenient part of the sayd Rentes and Profitz.
Also, that the forsayd Katerine shall take and have Douer in our Roiaulme of Englond, as Quenes of Englond hedir toward were wont for to take and have; That is to saye, to the Somme of forty Mill. Scutes be Yere; of the whiche Tweyne algates shall be worth a Noble Englysh.
Also, that we be the Weyes, Maners, and Menes that we may, wythowten Transgression or Offence of the Ooth maad be Us for to kepe the Lawes, Custumes, Usages, and Ryghtes of our said Roialme of Englond, shall do our labour and purvoye that the sayd Katerine, al so sone as it may be doon, be maad suere for to take, and for to have in our sayd Royaulme of Englond, frome the tyme of our Dethe, the sayd Douer of xl. Mill. Scutes Yeerly; whereof Tweyne algates shall be worth a Nobill Inglysh.
Also that, if it happe that the forsaid Kateryne over lyve us, sho shall take and have in the Roialme of France, immediately from the tyme of oure Dethe, Dower, to the Somme of Twenty Mill Francs Yerly of and opon thoo Landes, Places, and Lordshippes that held and had Blaunche, some tyme Wyfe of Phelipp Besaiel to our sayd Fadir.
Also, that, after the Deth of our sayd Fadir, and from thens forward, the Coroune and the Roialme of France, wyth all thare Ryghtes and Appurtenauntz, shull Remeindre, and Abyde, and be of Us, and of our Heires for evermore.
Also, for alsmych as our sayd Fader is holden wyth divers Sekenes, in sych maner as he may not entend in his owne Persone for to dispose for the nedes of the forsayd Roialme of France, tharefore, duryng the Lyve of our sayd Fader, the Faculte and Excercise of the Governance and Disposission of the Good publique and commune Proffit of the sayd Roialme of France, with the Consaille of Nobles and Wise Men of the same Roialme, that be obeyssant to our sayd Fader, and that lovyth the Proffit and the Worship of the same Roialme, shull be and abide to Us; so that, frome hens forwarde, we moue Governe the same Roialme by Us, and also by other, whiche, wyth the Counsaill of the sayd Nobles, we list for to Depute: the which Faculte and Excercise of Governance, thus beyng toward Us, we shull labour and purpose us spedefully, diligently, and trewely to that, that may be and ought for to be to the Worship of God, and of our sayd Fadir and Modir and also to the commone Good of the sayd Roialme; and to that Roialme, wyth the Counsaill and Helpe of Worthy, Grete, and Noble of the same Roialme, for to be Defendid, Pesid, and Governed after that Ryght and Equite wolle.
Also, that, we, to our Pouer, shull doo that the Court of the Parlement of France be keped and observed in his Auctoritee and Superioritee, and in all that is dewe to hyme, in all manner of Places that now, or in tyme to come, is, or shall be, suget to our sayd Fadir.
Also, that We, to our pouer shull defende and kepe all and everith Peres, Nobles, Citees, Tounes, Comunaltees, and Singulers, nowe, or in tyme commyng, suget to our sayd Fadir, in hir Ryghtes, Custumes, Priviles Fredoms, and Franchises, longyng or dewe to thaime, in all manere of places nowe, or in tyme commyng, suget to our sayd Fadir.
Also, that we diligently and trewely, to our Pouer, sholl Travaille, an do that, that Justice be administred and doon in the Roialme of France, after the Lawes, Custumes, and Ryghtes of the same Roialme, wyth outen personell acception; and that we shull kepe and holde the Sugettes of the same Roialme in Tranquillitee and Peas; and, to our Pouer, we shull Defende thaime ayaynes all maner of Violence and Oppression.
Also, that, to our Pouer, we shall Purvoye and do that Able Persones and Profitable be taken to th'Offices, as well of Justice of Parlement, as of Baillages, Seneschalsies, Provostries, and other Offices, longyng to the Governance o the Demayne, and all other Offices in the sayd Roialme of France, for the good ryght, and paisible Governance of the same Roialme, and for the Administracions that shall be committed unto thaime; and that they be sych Persones that, after the Lawes and the Ryghtes of the same Roialme, and for the Utilitie and Profite of our sayd Fadir, and that forsayd Royalme, oght for to be taken and deputed to the same Offices.
Also, that we, to oure Pouer, and also sone as it may commodiously be doon, shull travaille fo to put into Obedience of our sayd Fadir all maner of Citees, Townes, Castelles, Places, Countrees, and Persons, wythin the Roialme of France, Inobedient and Rebell to our sayd Fadir, holdyng the Partye, beying, or the which bene, of that Partye comonely called Dalphin or Ermynak.
Also, that We mowe the more commodiously, surely, and freely Doo, Excercise, and Fulfill thes thynges aforesayd, it is Accordid that the Worthy, Grete, Nobles, and Estates of the sayd Roialme of France, as well Spiritual as Temporell, and also Citees, Notables, Comunialtees, Citezenes, and Burgeys of Townes, of the same Roialme, that be Obeyssant at this tyme to our sayd Fadir, shall maak this Othes that folowe.
First, that to Us, beryng the Facultye and Excercise of Disposition and Governance of the forsayd Comune Profit, and to oure Hestes and Commaundementz, yeu shull mekely and obediently Obey and Entend, in all manere of thynges concernyng th'Exercice of Governance of the same Roialme.
Also, that yoo Worthy Grete Nobles and y Estates of the sayd Roialme, as well Spirituell as Temporell, and also Citees, and Notables Comunialtees, and Citezins and Burgeis of the same Roialme, in all maner of thynges well and trewely shull kepe, and to here Pouer so shall Doo be keped of all other, as mych as to hem longeth, or to ony of hem, all the Thynges that be OPPOYNTED or ACCORDED betwene our foresayd Fadir, and Modir and Us, withe the Counsaill of thame whome Us list for to call too.
Also, that, continelly frome the Deth, and after the Deth of our sayd Fadir Charles, they shull be oure trewe Liegemen, and oure Heires; and they shull resceyve and admitte Us fore here Liege and Soverayne Lord and verray Kyng of France, and for suche Obeye wythowte Opposission Contradiction, or Difficultee; and that they, but to our sayd Fadir duryng his Lyve, never after thys, shull Obeye to no Man, as Kyng or Regent of France bot to Us and oure Heires.
Also, that thei sull not be in Counsaille, Helpe, or Assent, that we leise Lyf or Lyme, or be i take by evyll Takyng, or that we suffre Harme or Diminucion in Person, Estate, Worship, or Goodes; but, yf thei knowe ony suche thinge for to be Cast or Ymagined ayenys Us, thei shull Let it, to her Pouer, and they shull do Us to wyt therof, as hastely as thay may, by Thameself, by Message, or by Lettres.
Also, that all maner of Conquestes, that shull be maad by Us in the Roialme of France opon the sayd Inobediencer, out of the Duchie of Normandie, shall be doon to the Proffit of our sayd Fadir; and that, to our Pouer, we shull doo that alle maner of Landes and Lordshippes, that beth in the places so for to bee conquered, longyng to Persons Obeyng to oure sayd Fadyr, the which shull Swere for to kepe this present Accord, shull be restored to the same Persones to whom they longed.
Also, that all maner of Persones of Holy Chirche, Beneficed in the Duchie af Normandie, or any other places in the Raialme of France, suget to Us, obedient to our sayd Fadir, and faveryng the Partye of the Dukes of Burgoyn, the whyche shull Swere for to kepe this present Accord, shull Reioise peisible here Benefice of Holy Chirche in the Duchie of Normandie, or in the places a foresayd.
Also, that lykewise all manere of Persones of Holy Chirche, Obedient to Us, and beneficed in the Roialme of France, in places suget to our sayd Fadir, that shull swere for to kepe this present Accord, shull Rejoise peisible here Benefices of Holy Chirche and Places next above sayd.
Also, that all maner of Chirches, Universitees, and Studies Generalles, and also Collieges of Studiers, and other Collegges of Holy Chirche, beyng in places nowe, or in tyme commyng, Suget to our sayd Fadir, or in the Duchie of Normandie, or other Places of the Roialme of France Suget to Us, shull Reioise here Ryghtes, Possessions, Rentes, prerogatives, Libertees, and Franchises, longyng or dewe to thaime, in ony maner of wise, in the sayd Roialme of France; savyng the Ryght of the Croune of France, and of every other Persone.
Also, by Gode's helpe, when it happeth Us to come to the Coroune of France, the Duchie of Narmandy, and also all other Places, conquered by Us in the said Royalme of France, shull be under the Commandement, Obeissance, and Monarchie of the Croune of France,
Also that We shull enforce us, and doo for our Pouer, that Recompence be I made be oure sayd Fader, wythouten Diminucion of the Croune of France, to Persones Obeying to hym and favoryng that Party that is sayd Burgoyne, to whom longyd Lordshippes, Londes, Rentes, or Possessions in the sayd Duchie or Normandie, or other Places, in the Roialme of France Conquered by Us hedir toward, Gevyn be Us, in Places and Landes Geten, or to be Geten, and Overcome in the Name of our sayd Fadir, upon Rebelles and Inobedientes to hym; and, yf it so be that such manere of Recompence be not maade to the sayd Personnes in the Lyf of our sayd Fadir, we shull maak that Recompence, in suche maner of Pla- ces and Goodes, whenne it happeth Us, by Godes help, to comme to the Croune of France: and, if so bee that the Londes, Lordshippes, Rentes, or Possessions, the whiche longen to such manere of Persones in the sayd Duchie and Places, be not Gyven by Us, the same Persones shull be Restored to thayme wythouten any Delaye.
Also, that, duryng the Lyve of oure sayd Fadir, yn all Places nowe, or in tyme commyng, Suget to hym, Lettres, of Comune Justice, and also of Grauntes, Offices, Benefices, and Yiftes, Pardonnes, or Remissions, and Privileges, shull be Write and Procede under the Name and Seal of our sayd Fadir:
And, for as muche as some singuler Cases mywe falle that mowe not be forseyne be Mannes wit, in the whiche it myght be necessaire and behoveful that we doo write oure Lettres, in syche manere of Cases, if ony hape, for the Good and Suretee of our sayd Fadir, and for the Governance longyng to Us, as it is before sayd, and for to eschewe Perilles and Disseases that otherwyse likly myght swe in place suget to our sayd Fadir, to write oure Letters, be the whiche we shull Commande Charge and Defende, after Nature and Qualitee of the Nede, in our Fadres behalf and oures, as Regent of France.
Also, that, duryng our Fadres Lyve, we shull not Nempe or Wryte Us Kyng of France; but utterly we shull abstayne Us from that Name as long as our sayd Fader Lyveth
Also, that, our sayd Fadir, duryng his Lyf, shall Nempne, Call, and Wryte Us in France in this manere,
Notre Treschier Fitz Henry Roy d'Engleterre, Hereterre de France;
And in Latyn, in this manere, Praecarissimus Filius noster Henricus Rex Angliae, Haeres Franciae, &c.
Also, that we shull not putt noon Imposicions or Exaccions, or doo to be putte, to the Sugetes of our sayd Fadir, withouten cause reasonable and necessarre, nor otherwise than for the comune Good of the sayd Roialme of France, and after the Seyng and Askyng the Laws and Custumes resonable and approved of the sayd Roialme.
Also, that, we shull Travaill, for our Pouer, to th'effecte that, be th'Advis and Assent of Three Estates of ayther of the Roialmes of France and of Ingland, all manere of Obstacles doon awey in this partye, ther be Ordined and Provided that, frome the tyme that We or ony of oure Heires kome to the CROUNE of France, both the CROUNES, that is to sey of France and of Englond, perpetuelly be togedyr, and be in Oone and in the same Persone, that is to say, Oure from thens Terme of our Lyf, and thens foreward in the Persones of oure Heires, that shull be oone after and other and that both Roialme shull be Governed from that tyme, that We or ony of oure Heires come to the same not severally, under divers Kynges in oone tyme, bot undir oone and the same Persone, the whiche for the tyme shall be Kyng of either Roialme and Soverayn Lord, as it is before sayd: Kepyng ne the les, in all maner other thynges, to ayther of the same Roialmes here Ryghtees, or Custumes, Usages, and Lawes; not makyng subget in oony manere of wise oone of the same Roialmes to th'oder, nor puttyng under, or submittyng the Ryghtes, Laws, Custumes, or Usages of that oone of the sayd Roialmes, to the Ryghtes, Lawes, Custumes, or Usages of that other of the same.
Also, that hens forward perpetuelly shull be Stille, Reste, and, all maner of wise, shull Seece all maner of Dissencions, Hates, Rancours, Enemitees, and Werres betwen the sayd Roiaumes of France and of Englond, and People of the same Roialmes, drawyng to th'Accord of the same Peas: and thare shall be, from hens forward, for ever more, and shall follow Pees, Tranquillitee, Good Accord, and Commune Affeccion, and Stable Frenschip and Stedfast betwene the same Roialmes, and here Subgittes befor sayd: and the sayd Roialmes shull help thame self, wyth here Counsoilles, Helpes, and Commune Assistence, ayens all manere of Men, that enfore hem for to do, or for to do ymagine, Wronges, Hermes, Diseases, or Grevances to thaim, or ayther of thayme; and they shull be conversant togeder frely and surely, payng Custumes and Devotrs due and accustumed.
Also that all yo Confedered and Allied of our sayd Fadir, and of the Roialme of France aforesayd, and also our Confederates and of the Roialme of Englond aforesayd (the whych in Eght Moneths from the tyme of this Accord of Peas y notified to thayme, woll declare by here Lettres that they woll drawe to this ACCORDE, and woll be comprehendid undir the TRETEE and ACCORD of this PEAS) be comprehendid undir the Bondes, Surtee, and th' Accord of this PEAS; savyng na the les ayther of the said CROUNES, and also all manere of Accions, Ryghtes, and Remedies that longeth to oure sayd Fadir, and to his Subgettes, and to Us, and to oure Subgettes, ageynes such manere of Allyes and Confederattes.
Also, that nother oure sayd Fader, ne We, nor our Brother the Duke of Burgoyne, shull begynne ne make with Charles, beryng hymself for the Dolphin of Viennes, any Trety of PEAS or ACCORD, bot of the Counsaill and Assent of all and ych of us Three, and of the Three Estates of ayther of the sayd Roialmes.
Also, that We, wyth Assent of our forsayd Brother of Burgoyn, and other of the Nobles of the Roialme, the which therto oght to be callyd, shull ordeyne, for the Governance of the Persone of our forsayd Fadir, sekerly lovyngly, and honestly, after the Askyng of his Rialle Estate and Dignitee; by the manere that shull be to the Worship of God, and the same our Fadir the Roialme of France, and the Subgettes of the same Roialme: and all manere of Persones, the whych shull be aboute our foresayd Fader, to doo hym Personelle Service (not oonly in Office bot in all other Service, als well Noble as other) shull be shuch as have be borne in the Roialme of France, or elles of the Places of the Longaige of France, good, wyse, trewe, and able to the sayd Service; and our sayd Fader shall Dwell in notable Places of his Obedience, and no where elles.
Wherefore we Charge and Commande our sayd Lieges and Subgettes, and other beyng undir our Obeissance, that they kepe and do kepe in all that longeth to thaime this ACCORDE and PEAS, after the forme and Manere as it is accorded; and that they attempt, in no maner of wyse, thyng, that may be prejudice or contrary to the same ACCORDE and PEAS, opon Peyne of Lyf and Lyme, and all that they may Forfet agens us.
June 16. Order to the wardens of the mints of Rouen and S. Lo to coin groats of 20 deniers tournois. Braye sur Seine.
O. ix. 920. H. iv. p. iii. 180.
Pro Moneta Regis.
An. 8. H. 5. Pat. Norm. 8. H. 5. p. 2. m. 29. dors.
, par la Grace de Dieu, Roy d'Engleterre, Heretier & Regent du Royaulme de France, & Seigneur d'Irland, aux Gardes de nostre Monoie, faite & forogee en nostre Citee & bonne Ville de Rouen, Salut.
Nous vous Mandons que vous facetz faire en nostre dite Monoie Blans Deniers, appelles Gros, ayans Cours pour Vingt Deniers Tournois la Piece, a Deux Deniers Douze Graines de Loy Argent le Roy, & de viiis. iv.d. de Pois au Marc, sur le Pie de Monoie Huit Vintiesme, semblable de Fourme a ceulx que nous faisons de present faire en nostre dit Monoie,
Excepte qu'il y aura Escript devers la Pille, en lieu de Henricus Francorum &c. HENRICUS REX ANGLIAE ET HAERES FRANCIAE,
Aux remedes telx que on fait de present en la Monoie de Paris, faisant donner, par le Master particuler, aux Changeurs & Marchans pour chescun Marc d'Argent Alee come dit est Vingt & Six Livres Tournois,
Et de ce faire vous donnons Povoir & Mandement especial,
Mandons & Commandons a touz noz Justiciers, Officers, & Subgiez que a vous, & a voz Commis & Deputez, en fesant les Choses dessus dittes, & leurs Circumstances & Dependences, Obaissent & Entendent diligeaument.
Donne a Braye sur Sayne le xvi. jour de Juing.
Semblables Lettres, sur mesme le Date, sont adresses a Garde de Monoye de Seint Lo.
June 16. Licence to William Ouo, chaplain of the lord of Nevers, going to England to Charles d'Artois, the K.'s prisoner. Bray.
O. ix. 921. H. iv. p. iii. 180.
Pro Carolo de Artois.
An. 8. H. 5. Pat. Norm. 8. H. 5. p. 2. m. 26.
Rex Omnibus, ad quos &c. Salutem.
Sciatis quod Concessimus & licentiam Dedimus Willielmo Ouo Capellano Domino de Nevers, quod ipse, cum Duabus Personis in Comitivâ suâ, in Regnum nostrum Angliae se divertere, & ibidem Colloquium cum Karolo d'Artois Milite, Prisonario nostro, habere, & abinde ad partes Cismarinas revenire possit, salvò & secure;
Proviso semper quod ipsi quicquam quod in nostri Contemptum vel Praejudicium, aut Populi nostri Dampnum, aliqualiter cedere valeat, non attemptent, seu faciant quomodolibet attemptari.
In cujus &c. per Tres Menses proximò futuros duraturas.
Teste Rege apud Villam de Bray decimo sexto die Junii.
Per ipsum Regem.
June 17. Pope Martin's bull of indulgence for persons contributing to the repair of the priory of S. Laurence, of Mountjoy, in the diocese of Norwich. Florence.
O. ix. 921. H. iv. p. iii. 180.
Bulla Indulgentiarum.
An. 8. H. 5. Ex Autogr.
Martinus Episcopus
, Servus Servorum Dei, Universis Christi Fidelibus, praesentes Litteras inspecturis, Salutem & Apostolicam Benedictionem.
Licet Is (de cujus Munere venit ut sibi a suis Fidelibus dignè & laudabiliter serviatur) de abundantiâ suae Pietatis (quae Merita Supplicum excedit & Vota) benè Servientibus sibi multa Majora retribuat quàm valeant promereri; nichilominus tamen, desiderantes Domino Populum reddere acceptabilem, & Bonorum Operum Sectatorem, Fideles ipsos ad Complacendum ei, quasi quibusdam allectivis Muneribus (Indulgentiis, videlicet, & Remissionibus) invitamus, ut exinde reddantur Divinae Gratiae aptiores.
Cùm itáque (sicut accepimus) Prioratus S. Laurentii, de Monte gaudii, Ordinis Sancti Augustini, Norwicensis Dioecesis, in ejus Domibus & Aedificiis Ruinam minetur, & ipsius Prioratûs Ecclesia adeò Ruinosa existat quòd vix ibidem possunt Divina Officia dignè exerceri, ad quorum Reparationem & Conservationem Christi Fidelium Suffragia sunt plurimùm oportuna,
Cupientes ut Ecclesia ipsa, ac Domus, & Aedificia hujusmodi debitè Reparentur & etiam Conserventur, & ut Fideles ipsi eo libentiùs causâ Devotionis confluant ad eandem, & ad hujusmodi Reparationem & Conservationem Manus promptiùs porrigant adjutrices, quo ex hoc ibidem Dono coeletis Gratiae uberiùs conspexerint se refectos,
De Omnipotentis Dei misericordiâ, & Beatorum Petri & Pauli Apostolorum ejus auctoritate, confisi,
Omnibus, verè Poenitentibus & Confessis,
Qui in praefati Sancti Laurentii,
Nativitatis, Circumcisionis, Epiphaniae, Resurrectionis, Ascensionis, & Corporis Domini nostri Jehu Christi, ac Pentecostes,
Et Nativitatis, Annunciationis, Purificationis, & Assumptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis,
Et Nativitatis Beati Johannis Baptistae,
Ac Petri & Pauli Apostolorum,
Necnon ipsius Ecclesiae Dedicationis,
Nativitatibus & Celebritate Omnium Sanctorum,
Necnon praedictorum, Nativitatis, Epiphaniae, Resurrectionis, Ascensionis, & Corporis Domini, ac Nativitatis & Assumptionis Beatae Mariae, & Nativitatis Beati Johannis, & Apostolorum praedictorum, Festivitatum Octavas, & per Sex Dies dictam Festivitatem Pentecostes immediatè sequentes,
Eandem Ecclesiam devotè visitaverint annuatim, & ad hujusmodi Reparationem & Conservationem Manus porrexerint adjutrices,
Singulis (videlicet) Festivitatum & Celebritatis Tres Annos & totidem Quadragenas, Octavarum & Sex dierum praedictorum, Diebus quibus Ecclesiam ipsam visitaverint, & ad hujusmodi Reparationem & Conservationem adjutrices Manus porrexerint, ut praefertur, Centum Dies, de Injunctis eis Poenitentiis misericorditer Relaxamus:
Praesentibus post Decennium minime valituris.
Volumus autem quod, si alias Visitantibus Ecclesiam dicti Prioratus, aut ad Reparationem & Conservationem hujusmodi Manus porrigentibus adjutrices, aut alias inibi Pias Eleemosinas erogantibus, seu alias, aliqua Indulgentia, imperpetuum, vel ad certum tempus, nondum elapsum, duratura, per Nos concessa fuerit, Presentes Litterae nullius existant roboris vel momenti.
Dat. Florentiae quinto Calend. Julii, Pontificatûs nostri Anno secundo.
S. Garnerii.
T. Batensoen
G. De Laporta.
Sigillo Plumbeo a filis sericis flavi rubeique coloris pendente.