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Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth, Addenda
… country's sake. I did the best I could in going from home, or meeting him abroad, but he waited his time, and came … us the most substantial men that dwell near any haven or creek within this county, whom we examined, but cannot … service into those parts, will relate all our proceedings, or I would write more largely. I believe before Candlemas or
Calendar of State Papers, Spain
… the Regent of the Low Countries, to suggest such additions or amendments in them as she considered necessary for the … 5. "Addressed to Councillor de St. Moris." This St. Moris, or St. Maurice, as elsewhere written, was a connexion on the … avancement des dites affaires le dit sieur roy m'a faict prier de non partyr d'auprez de luy (ou ay tousjours est dois …
Calendar of State Papers, Scotland
… laysseray a me lamanter pour ne vous inportuner, et pour prier Dieu quil vous deint en sante tres heurheuse et longue … de repare et amander cete erreur qui sen est ensianuie? Or jay despesche mi lord Heris mon fidelle et bien ayme … pour plus seuremant nouer ce neud si a vous ne tient or pour ne fayt tort a la sufisance de ce porteur au quel …
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… may be sent with the money, viz. Sir Valentine Browne or some such, to take a perfect account of the pays &c. The charges of him will be 20 s. or 30 s. by day for a month or two, which his lordship will … nous sommes induictz et comme contrainctz de vous prier afin que, comme nous faisons le semblable de notre …
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… le fruict esper de ceste resolution. Qui me faict vous prier tres affectueusement de vouloir croire comme moymesmes … may move his Majesty to embrace any foreign friendship, or to break in any ways with England, notwithstanding of the most part of all his nobility has been dealing or are to deal with his Majesty in the contrary; so that you …
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… we might see whether the Spanish commission were come or no; whereby at least your honour might be thus saved, that … we warmed him so well as, whether it were his physic, or our message, Monsieur Le Grand was fain to fetch drink for … it unfit by temporising to give him any leisure to study or advise with others for his answer. We have therefore …
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… nees ont a coutume de fayre, qui est de se faire un peu prier she will condescend to what she has promised and … Lire that he had been 10 weeks in garrison without money or meat for his soldiers who lived pocrly by roots, their own … of the Guilds) any further contributions of the tenth or fifth penny, asking for an account of the money hitherto …
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… to Robert Barton to transport, from some port in Norfolk or Suffolk, approved by Burghley, into Holland, a thousand … incontinent un de mes seruiteurs vers my lord Doun pour le prier d'advertir le Roy vostre filz de mon arrive. En … il me monstra en Pune de ses mains cent ou [ sic] pieces d'or, la plus part angelotz, nobles a la Rose et Portugueses, …
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… doth write, I desire the letters may be sent unsealed or that you would write the copies of them, that I may take a … for Roger Parker, her servant, for the value of 30 l. or thereabouts, of such lands as he shall think fit to be … have no other means to rely on but either on your lordship or the King's help, I should have communicated with your …
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… nothing more than to come to answer all that can be laid or objected against me; but in respect of the Count Hollock's … pleasure, and so proceed accordingly; either there or anywhere else where her Majesty shall appoint. And yet I … my reasons of not going to Holland, but rather in England or Zealand, where deputies may be appointed to examine all …
Displaying 1 - 10 of 214