
Displaying 11 - 20 of 15453
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Christian de Dixemuth, Master John de Gandak, John Sput and Locinus Croncelyn, fellows of the said Gerard ( sic), going to the countess, returning and going back again. Admission, at the instance of some … Thomas son of Thomas. Walter de Merton, those houses with shops and other appurtenances in the said city, late of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… to hunt with his own dogs the hare, the fox, the badger and the cat throughout the forests in the counties of Salop and Stafford. Confirmation of a grant by Hugh le Fraunceys to … and Agnes his wife, of a dwelling-place ( managio) with shops and other appurtenances, in the parish of St Antony, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Commitment to Thomas de Clare of the castle of Rokyngham and the king's forests between the bridges of Oxford and Stanford to keep during pleasure, rendering yearly at the … Vallibus in the parish of St. Wyburga 2 marks, from four shops of the said Walter in the parish of St. Matthew …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… 28 d. 1279. [Nov. 27. Windsor.] Commission of oyer and terminer to Bartholomew de Suleye and Thomas de Bray touching an appeal which Joan de Buckeby … impleaded Osbert de Suthfolk touching a messuage and four shops in the said city as of the right and inheritance of the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… clause volumus, until Christmas, for Matthew son of John and Henry, parson of the church of Chalvedon, going to … for Baroncinus Walteri, Richard Gwydicionis, Orlandinus and Henry de Podio and their fellows, merchants of Lucca, … to hold the same in mortmain, provided they do not build shops or other houses thereon through which there may be …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… 25 d. Jan. 7. Winchester. Commission to Hugh Saunzavor and Luke Devienne to deliver the gaol of Arundel of William … of Sussex that he had killed one Richard de Garinges, and that on being put in exigent, he gave himself up and is … right John de Northampton touching two messuages and four shops in London, whereupon the said John de Northampton …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… deceased, tenant in chief, extended at 40 l. 2 s. 8 d., and Chalketon, co. Southampton, late of Robert le Estraunge, … l., during the minority of the heirs of the said Margaret and Robert. By K. on the information of Otto de Grandisono. … of St. Paul, London, and all the tenement, with five shops built upon it in the same parish, held of the king by …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… of Henry de Wheteley to the chapel of Winandermer, void and in the king's gift by reason of the lands late of William … which she held in dower, in the counties of Northampton and Oxford; and also of the lands late of Richard de Seiton, deceased, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… as it appears by the inquisition of the sheriff and coroners of the county of Gloucester that he killed him … Normandy, nominating Robert de Gresteno, his fellow monk, and Alan de Kyrk, clerk, his attorneys in England for three … to build on and retain the same, excepting the said five shops near the gate of St. Augustin's. Membrane 20 ( …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… 28. Westminster. Letters for Master Richard de Merewell and John de Possewyk, executors of the will of Master Adam de … seas with the king, nominating William de Eggesclive and Adam de Osegodeby for one year. Dec. 10. Westminster. … going beyond seas, nominating Jerinus de Sancto Egidio and Philip de Burley for one year. Dec. 8. Westminster. …
Displaying 11 - 20 of 15453