
Displaying 111 - 120 of 1256
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… to William Blathwayt. Enclosing a list of Captain Wright's squadron. p. Annexed, 1,343. I. List of ships under Captain Wright's squadron. Mary, third-rate, 280 men, 54 guns. Fourth-rates, … Jamaica. The suspension of Sir Francis Watson and Thomas Ballard signed. Peter Beckford, John Towers, Andrew Orgill, …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… Board of Trade. New England, 6. Nos. 34, 35.] March 1. H.M.S. Conception, Boston. 142. Captain Fairfax, R.N., to Mr. … County. William Armistead Elizabeth City County. Thomas Ballard York County. Daniel Parke York County. John Lyddall … County. William Cary Warwick County William Leigh King's and Queen's County. The burgesses present were sworn, …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… do send them. [ C.O. 29, 7. p. 488.] March 21. St. James's. 229. Lords Proprietors of the Bahama Islands to the … 5, 1289. p. 392; and 5, 289. p. 90.] March 21. St. James's. 230. Lords Proprietors of Carolina to the Council of Trade … Hansford, Daniell Taylor, Tho. Nutting, E. Jenings, Tho. Ballard, Wm. Buckner. 1 p. 237. xx. Similar Address of the …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… last, relating to the state of defence of your Majesty's Plantations in America, we have received letters from Coll. Nicholson, your Majesty's Governor of Virginia, wherein he gives us an account, that … James Blair, Peter Beverley, Speaker; Miles Cary, Tho. Ballard, James Bray, George Marable, Edwyn Thacker, Tho. …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… Islands, Dec., 1701, considered, with Mr. Attorney General's opinion thereon. Directions given for preparing a report … loss, their Lordships ordered copies of the said Mackenin's case and of that part of Mr. Attorney General's report, … abstract under date. March 20. H.E. appointed William Ballard Messenger and Macebearer to attend this House. …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… to Governor Sir Beville Granville. Mr. Attorney General's opinion upon an Act of the Leeward Islands for naturalising … presented his answer to the extract of Lord Cornbury's letter of Dec. 12, together with an invoice of the … Warwick County. Capt. Thomas Barbar and Lt.-Col. Thomas Ballard, York County. Benjamin Harrison and George Marable, …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… the peace, applied to me for protection, and in the King's name I did protect them from the French. The only expense … Morgan, F. Watson, Rob. Byndloss, Charles Whitfeld, Tho. Ballard, Tho. Freeman, John Webb, Hder. Moleworth, Wm. Ivy. … Regiment of Horse, commanded by Colonel Thomas Ballard: A. His Excellency's particular Troop of Guards, 3 …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… I delivered your letter of 30th September, and the King's commission for me to be Secretary and Clerk of Council. On … their meeting in March, I had a waste book of the Council's Acts and Orders delivered to me to transcribe and keep; the … which in all humble duty is certified by ( signed) Thos. Ballard, F. Watson, H. Moles- worth, Charles Modyford, Jo. …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… to the Earl of Sunderland. Thanks for his lordship's thoughts amid the pressure of great affairs. Signed, … Willymot. The Council resolved to comply with his Lordship's commands therein. Order for a writ of error in the case of … Assembly of Jamaica: St. Catherine's Samuel Bernard Thos. Ballard, jun. William Bragg St. Thomas Richard Risby Edward …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… said) three passages to Canada, viz. Cadaraqui, Canada's path, and the sea coast. We do not wish the enemy to escape … company. ( Marginal note. Sir Francis Watson and Colonel Ballard dissent.) We are in as good a condition as can be … him ( Marginal note. Sir Francis Watson and Colonel Ballard dissent), and we have put Mr. Charles Bouchier in his …
Displaying 111 - 120 of 1256