
Displaying 111 - 120 of 62926
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… wardrobe shall pass not to vex those leading it, but to aid them in the safe-conduct thereof. Simple protection for … otherwise below. Presentation of Henry de Wengham to the church of Hedecrume, in the king's gift by reason of a grant … of land in Hedecrum which with the advowson of the said church Roger de Leyburne made to the king for the hospital of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of the manor of Rywehale, except the advowson of the church, as the chirograph made between them witnesses. By K. … By K. Presentation of John de Covintre, chaplain, to the church of Muscelawe in the king's gift by reason of the … By K. Presentation of Henry de Sar [esburia] to the church of Stoke ; directed to R. bishop of Coventry and …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… to maintain and defend the right of advowson of the church of Flamested which the king has, by reason of his … of the land and heir of Ralph de Tong, and to which church he has presented Artaud de Sancto Romano, king's …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… de Mungumery should resign the portion which he has in the church of Rothelan of the king's advowson, to admit Alan de … shall give of their goods and shall deliver to the king in aid of his pilgrimage so much as they would have spent if … service. By K. Presentation of Roger de Messenden to the church of Cumbe, directed to R. bishop of Lincoln. By K. The …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… de Wengham of the prebend which William de Mery had in the church of Hastings in the king's gift by reason of the lands … enjoined to treat of the same matter with the counsel and aid of the clergy. Before that day they are to consider how … they are to induce their subjects to come to the king's aid munificently in his great need and danger, because at no …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… and threaten him of his body, and who gave counsel and aid to the killing of the prior of Campagne ( Campan') and to … touching the king's presentation of Peter Chaceporc to the church of Stoke Goldington, by reason of his wardship of the … estover and pasture as of other easements belonged to the church of the manor of Uphusseburn before it became a prebend …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… de Wengham, king's clerk, to grant to the said Hugh the church of Rameseye, which he had granted to P. Chaceporc … defend them; and commands them to give their counsel and aid herein as the said Geoffrey shall inform them. Mandate to … to Peter Chaceporc, king's clerk, of the prebend of the church of Bannebyry, in the king's gift by reason of the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… By K. Presentation of Henry de Wengham to the church of Grimesby, void by the death of Master Henry de … to permit P. de Abbuzun, the king's kinsman, rector of the church of Lampatermaur in the bailiwick of Kardigan, to be … the keeping thereof to him, and to give him counsel and aid in keeping the rights and liberties of the stannary. By …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the king gone to the court of Rome on the affairs of his church, the king wills that he be quit of all pleas and … used to have their dies at Durham ; to hold to the church of Durham as his predecessors used to have them. June … they may be fashioned or made in England, and writ of aid for him directed to all constables and bailiffs of the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of Stanford : and all to be intendant to them. Writ of aid for them to the mayor and bailiffs of Northampton. Nov. … son in Gascony. Presentation of Roger de Messendene to the church of St. Thomas, Winchelese; directed to J. bishop of … Dec. 20. Dover. Presentation of Henry de Wengham to the church of Worefeud; directed to the bishop of Coventry and …
Displaying 111 - 120 of 62926