
Displaying 111 - 120 of 1251
Register of the Freemen of the City of York
… Comylton, mynstrell Willelmus Staveley, merchaunt Johannes Couper, barbour Robertus Harland, milner Willelmus Kelsoo, … Ricardus Wilson, horse marshall alias ferrour Willelmus Couper, saddiller Radulphus Willot, cornchapman Johannes … Fysche, arasman Thomas Coke, grocer Ricardus Henrison, couper Franciscus Foster, payntour Ricardus Roke alias Price, …
Register of the Freemen of the City of York
… Pennok, fletcher Crist. Warde, taillour Johannes Walker, couper Ricardus Metham, sporiour Thomas Duddyng, baker … Denom, foundour Robertus Duddyng, salter Thomas Sherburn, couper Robertus Parkyn, cordwaner Ricardus Awgre, yrenmonger … tanner Rogerus Hertley, parchementer Georgius Leppyngton, couper Thomas Hude, tapitour Willelmus Noleson, cordyner …
Register of the Freemen of the City of York
… de Helagh Johannes de York, wever Thomas Waryner, couper Robertus Warde, webster Thomas Wodecotes, milner … Will. de Burghbrigg, marshall Robertus de Esyngwald, couper Johannes del Boure, boucher 6 RIC. II., SIM. DE … de Menston, wright Willelmus de Welbiry, barbour Johannes Couper, carnifex Thomas Todde, boucher Will., fil. Roberti de …
Register of the Freemen of the City of York
… Thomas Stok, skynner Thomas Riche, stringer Johannes Couper, carpenter Johannes Watton, fishmonger Johannes … sadler, nup. appr. Milonis Grenebank Thomas Brokden, couper, nup. appr. Ricardi Rae (?) Thomas Davell, merchaunt, …
Office-Holders in Modern Britain
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… of one Mr. Brabant, master of a vessell belonging to Mr. Couper the Agent Victualler at Plym., I have advice that it …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
History Theses 1970-2014: Historical research for higher degrees in the universities of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland
… Comata, Britain and the Germanies, 26 B.C.-A.D. 284. Couper, James Grant Ph.D.(Hist.). Supervised by Dodge, Hazel …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Anne
Acts & Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland
… of Sanctandrois, and Mr Alexander Spens, Minister of Couper, anent thair pretendit right of the parsonage of …
Displaying 111 - 120 of 1251