
Displaying 111 - 120 of 5103
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… the heirs male of his body, and in default of such issue, or in case of such heir dying without such issue, with … the sum of 1000 marks. Dec. 10. Westminster. Licence for Payn Tybotot to grant the manors of Netlestede and Langar and … below. Grant, in consideration of a fine of 100 l., to Payn Tybotot of the marriage of John son and heir of Vrian de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… 13, 12, 11 MEMBRANE 22. 1312. Jan. 25. York. Mandate to Payn Tybotot, late justice of Chester, in consequence of his neglect to obey a former mandate of the king, or to his deputy in the castle of Chester, to deliver, under … of his forests and parks in those parts. The like to Payn Tybotot, or his lieutenant in the castle of Rothelan. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… July 20. Berwick-on-Tweed. Commission to Robert son of Payn, Matthew de Furneus and Richard de Chiselden, whom the … By K. Aug. 20. London. The like to Robert le fiz Payn and Nicholas de Langelond on complaint by Cicely de … broke the pond of her mills at Netherlym of Lanynton (or Lavngton), co. Dorset, carried away the stones, piles and …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… of 20 s. By the Chancellor. Commission to Robert son of Payn, Robert de Kendale, constable of the castle of Dover and … d. March 25. Berwick-on-Tweed. The like to Robert son of Payn, Matthew de Furneaus and Richard de Chiseldene, touching … in the county of Stafford that no one can obtain law or justice therein; that he has made himself more than a king …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… on both sides of the Trent which are in the king's hand, or which shall first fall in, at the appraisement of the … James de Peruche of 3,050 gold florins, either in florins or their value in sterling, which he had lent to Bertrand … Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford. Payn de Tybotot. William le Latymer. John de Warenna, earl of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… horses in the castles were appraised at their true value, or the reverse; if they retained the wages in their hand, or removed the armour and dead stock from the castles, or did … king, as well to William de Bernefeld as to Robert son of Payn, Robert de Kendale, constable of the castle of Dover and …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… of Ralph de Sheketon, from being put on assizes, juries, or recognisances; and from being made sheriff, coroner, … resumed from him, and had then granted to Robert son of Payn, to hold during pleasure. By K., on the information of … Edmund de Malo Lacu. Mandate in pursuance to Robert son of Payn to deliver to Hugh le Despenser, the rolls, memoranda, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… custody thereof, so that no harm may happen to the king, or the men of those parts. Without special command he is to … from livery of stewards, chamberlains, marshals, or other ministers of the king. Licence for him to erect … Sept 16. Westminster. Grant, for life, to Robert son of Payn, of the manor of Kyngesbury with the rent of assize of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… upon fine made by Letitia, late the wife of William Payn of Norwich, for the alienation in mortmain by her of a … of full age, then the king would make to Hugh le Despenser or his assigns in that behalf a due and reasonable … of Frome, co. Somerset, held in chief, to Robert son of Payn, and for him to re-grant the same to the grantor and …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… same rights, liberties, possessions and customs which he or his predecessors used and enjoyed in times past. By p.s. … Somerset. John de Erle, John de Bello Campo, Robert son of Payn, the elder, co. Dorset. John Mautravers, the elder, … Roger le Sauvage, Henry Trogoz ( sic), Robert son of Payn, in the counties of Somerset, Dorset, Wilts, …
Displaying 111 - 120 of 5103