
Displaying 11651 - 11660 of 40814
Cumberland Lay Subsidy
… Brampton, for John de read John de Crousane. " 30, Walton Wood, for Patricuis Celereman read Patricius. " 61, …
Magna Britannia
… END OF THE THIRD VOLUME. Strahan and Preston, Printers-Street, London, …
Calendar, Committee for Compounding
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… Bulkeley. 144, 10th line from the top, for Steete, read Street. 148, 163, for H. Goffe, read St. Goffe. 149, 175, …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… does 1. 8, insert King after French p. 308 No. 402, for wood read woad passim [ cf. No. 525] p. 309, 1. 22, for a …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… for "Desmond" read "Diamond." " 196, line 12, for Thomas Street read Thames Street. " 211, line 24, for William Brereton read William …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… said Sir Thomas). 691, line 12 from bottom, for Inshamble Street read Fishamble Street. 697, 21, for p. 683 read p. 663. 701, 17 from bottom, …
City of London Livery Companies Commission. Report
… omitted from Vol. I. Armourers' Hall, 81, Coleman Street, London, E.C., 16th February 1883. Sir, I am … City of London Livery Companies Commission, 2, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., 24th February 1883. Sir, I beg to … of frontage in Oheapside purchased by them to widen the street, 22,000 l., and for sale of old materials and sundries …
Calendar of wills proved and enrolled in the Court of Husting, London
… read Juliana. P. 106, note 1, for "le Poor" in Broad Street read Paul's Wharf. P. 174, line 9 from top, for …
Displaying 11651 - 11660 of 40814