
Displaying 11971 - 11980 of 41729
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Treasurer of the Chamber, 20,000 l.; King's servants and poor pensioners paid in the Exchequer, 20,000 l.: in all … St. Margaret's, Westminster, to be distributed among the poor of said parish as His Majesty's charity. The like for …
Calendar of Treasury Books
Calendar of Treasury Books
… you to pay same speedily to remove the clamour of many poor people, as the buildings for which said money was …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Allhallows, Barking, for an allowance to their parson and poor for [in regard of] the Custom House as being within that … of a minister and schoolmaster and relief of the poor, who without the same cannot be supported or relieved … store to value of 6 l. by the Collector of Southampton to poor women whose husbands were at sea, we allow thereof. As …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… the Dutch, leaving his widow and children in a very poor condition. Ibid, pp. 26-7. Money warrant for 52 l. to …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Grandison ; 100 l. to Sir John Mainey ; 50 l. to the poor of Westminster ; 210 l. to Capt. Cooke. Ibid. Sept. 17 …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… cottages on the barren heath or waste there,whereby the poor are not only much increased, but loose and disorderly …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… out a bill of imprest for 5,000 l. to the Governors of the poor's chest at Chatham, or to whom they shall appoint, to … 500 l. for the Treasurer of the Navy for the use of the poor's chest at Chatham. Same to the Navy Commissioners to …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… detain the usual fees thereon. This is in order that the poor men [Gyde and Templer] may presently be accommodated in …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… be sent to the Emperor of Morrocco; and 75 l. for several poor soldiers. (Money order dated Sept. 5 hereon. To be …
Displaying 11971 - 11980 of 41729