
Displaying 121 - 130 of 192
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow
… utheris in their places and rowme and no utheris. Grund at bak of fleshmercat, suggarie. Appoyntis the proveist, … and his pairtiners, als much of the tounes grund at the bak of the fleshmercat as will serve them to build a hous for … recept to be given be their officers for repayment therof bak to the toune on demand, or then that the same sall be …
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow
… Bell and setled with him for ane thousand markis for his bak landis above the croce, and that he is to have ten foot … and set in few; as also the twa Greines and yaird to the bak of the Hie Kirk ar to be rouped the said day for this … and counsell that they should give for that land at the bak of the fleshmercat and hous quhilk sometime perteined to …
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow
… builded grantis him libertie to dwell in that hous at the bak of the fleshmercat quher Robert Broome dwelt. Wallace to … outgiving of the furlotis that the same sall be delyvered bak. Mortificatioune, Doctor Lightoune. There was producit … 2 October 1677. Hors guard. The hous on the landis at the bak of the fleshmercat is ordained to be repaired for keeping …
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow
… being payit conforme to the aforesaid accompt. Land at bak of fleshmercat. There was a right producit, grantit be … that aiker of land and hous bulded therupon, at the bak of the fleshmercat, nixt the yairdis at the heid of … for the bygane rent he is restand, quhilkis war given him bak. 19 November 1678. Letters anent tounes affaires. The …
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow
… for ilk elne of front of the houssis and yairdis at the bak theirof, sall be thrie shilling Scotis yearly, and these … Scotis for ilk elne in foir front, with yairds at the bak therof, yearly; and recomendis to Frederik Hammiltoune to … gild and his bretherin, for that the compleiners having a bak tenement in the heid of the Saltmercat, on the wast syd …
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow
… giving bond ather to build within twa yeares or then pay bak the monye that is agried on for building the gavill. 27 … and therfor remittis to the baillies to give him bak his fyne except some litle thing takin out of it … lether seased on be the toune, it is concluded they gett bak the tounes halfe of the said lether, they paying in …
The Rulers of London 1660-1689
… London property (6) Nonconformist, 1699 (6) Cf John Fearn, BAK, of St Giles Cripplegate, d, 1705, will PCC 89 Gee pr, 19 …
Calendar of letter-books of the city of London
… hit had be a verrey trewe dede and bade me write on þe bak þ'of as it were rolled in þe Kynges benche þe same thrid …
Calendar of letter-books of the city of London
… leather, 8 viz., "calves skynnes raised and fresed on the bak, which thane were sold for bukkes lether, shepe skynnes were raised and frised on the bak and were sold for gotes lether, and Roes lether and also lambe skynnes were raised and fresed on the bak and were solde for cheverel, which lether thus wrought …
Calendar of letter-books of the city of London
… sp'ally of Devenshire comyng daily to this Cite on hors bak which ben brought and & [ sic] delivred into many prive …
Displaying 121 - 130 of 192