
Displaying 121 - 130 of 30438
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… from the twentieth day of Christmas next until Easter and for one year from that date, for Roger de Mortuo Mari, … Hugh de Trubleville, the knights, esquires ( scutiferos) and others going with them to Ireland with their households, … pleasure to Henry de Aulton of the hundred of Somerton, co. Somerset, so that he render at the Exchequer 10 marks a …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… to the said king to set before him the affairs of himself and the realm, and these, because of divers damages and perils which have … Richard le Provost of Castre, lately found dead at Castre, co. Norfolk, died by his own hand or was killed feloniously …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the king's brother, was taken at the conflict at Lewes and imprisoned for a year and more whereby his lands and chattels were occupied, … daughter of Roger de Sumery, of the manor of Patingham, co. Stafford, and all the lands late of the said Ralph in …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… MEMBRANE 27. Feb. 18. Westminster. Grant by way of grace and humanity to Joan wife of Henry de Hastinges, the king's … in Toteham which the king lately gave to John de Baillol, and which have been extended at 21 l. 17 s. 0 d. yearly, she … and his heirs to enclose a place at his manor of Hertinge co. Sussex, to wit wherever within the manor shall appear …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… court, on condition that he do no harm in the meantime and stand his trial &c. Pardon to Geoffrey de Blechesdon for … it appears by inquisiton made by Master William de Poywik and John le Moyne that he killed him in self defence. … and Hugh le Seynturer, men of the manor of Stanley co. Warwick, which is of king's ancient demesne, certain …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… good will. Simple protection for one year for the prior and convent of Durham. Safe conduct until Easter for Richard … all the king's demesnes of Dylon, Lougwardin, and Mawrdin, co. Hereford, Menstrewrth and Radelee, co. Gloucester, late … Ralph de Chaddesdon, treasurer of Lichfield. Hugh de Gurney. Jan. 24. St. Albans. Notification that J. bishop of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of Gernemuth, Lenne, Gippewic, Oreford, Blakeney, Goseford and all others of the sea coast of Norfolk and Suffolk. Whereas the king lately commanded them to have … which cause the king gave my lands, to wit, Petit Dauby, co. Leicester, and Botindon, co. Northampton, to Sir Geoffrey …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… protection for one year for the following : The abbess and nuns of Polleswurth. The abbot and convent of St. Albans. Master Walter Escamel, archdeacon … and his heirs to enclose his houses of Bassingburn co. Cambridge and Esteleye, co. Warwick, with a dyke and wall …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 36 d. 1266.Nov. 8. Kenilworth. Commission to G. de Preston and Fulk Payforer to enquire touching a complaint by B. archbishop of Canterbury that, whereas he and his predecessors enjoyed the following liberties, to wit … accustomed to have wreck of sea on their fee of Kingeston, co. Dorset, which Luke de Tany, constable of the castle of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Wolway of Grimmesby in self defence. Commission of oyer and terminer to Gilbert de Preston and Geoffrey de Leukenor touching the persons who lately … Richard's men of their animals ( averiis) at Wodestok, co. Oxford. Appointment of Laurence del Brok to enquire by …
Displaying 121 - 130 of 30438