
Displaying 121 - 130 of 235
Calendar of letter-books of the city of London
… John de Oxon', Simon Fraunceys, John Hamond, Richard Lacer, Richard de Hakeneye, Ralph de Uptone, John de … and his partner, 100 s.; John Dynbegh, 100 s.; Richard Lacer, £100; Richard Costantyn, £10; Thomas de Worstede, £10; … raising and dispatching the force, viz.: Aldermen: Richard Lacer, Richard de Rothyng, William de Brikelesworth, Richard …
The Aldermen of the City of London
… Mercer. N. de Farndone, in margin, for 13234 read 1323. R. Lacer, Mercer [a person of the same name is described as a …
The Cartulary of Holy Trinity, Aldgate
… Hakeney, William de; Ipswich, Robert de; Kemesyng, John; Lacer, Richard; Scot, Laurence; Travers, Walter; … Maiden Lane Kyssere, Gilbert le, 767 Kytell, John, 285 L Lacer (Lac) Adam, 776 Agnes, 590 John, 590 Richard, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
General Index - L
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward III
… [Landes, France]. See Lebret. La Bruere. See Bruerne. Lacer, Richard le, of London, 117. Lacheford. See Latchford. …
General Index - L
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward III
… See Brooke. La Carrua [Gironde, France], elm of 101. Lacer, Richard, of London, 76, 239, 578. , , Juliana his …
General Index - L
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward III
… La Batude in Aquitaine. See Batude. Labbe, Walter, 111. Lacer, Richard le, 392. Lache, William le, 496. Lackenby, …
The Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the fifteenth century
… the Counte of Pountyf. Symon Swanne, Mayre of London Ric. Lacer Anno iiij. Ric. Gysers Ande that same yere the fryste … saye, [th]e ordyr of the Knyghtys of the Gartyr. Ricardus Lacer, Mayre of London Edmounde Hemnale A xx. John Glouceter …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
Displaying 121 - 130 of 235