
Displaying 121 - 130 of 43825
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… paid in the Wardrobe by the hands of Ralph de Manton, king's clerk and cofferer, for Nicholas de Barbeflete, son and … for entering without licence 2 bovates of land in Little Over ( in Parva Overe), by surrender of John de la … a year in Irtlingburgh, Slipton, Goderstok, Glapthorp, and Little Adynton. June 18. Durham. The like, in consideration …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… York gaol, that he killed him in a fit of madness. By p.s. Nov. 21. Linlithgow. Appointment of Walter de Beysyn, … 2488] Jan. 22. Linlithgow. Peter son of Robert Rauf of Little Farndon for the death of Peter le Bercher and of his … de Alderborou and of his outlawry. By p.s. Roger Gerard of Little Blakenham, for robbery from William de Ros at Little
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… port of Suthwaude, co. Suffolk, while he was on the king's service and under his protection in Scotland, and cut into … of the good men of the said town, touching the men of Little Jernemuth and Gorleston, who at the times of the fairs … the town of Great Jernemuth, that the men of the towns of Little Jernemuth and Gorleston, situated on the confines of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… of Ireland, to present Master Gilbert de Ardern, king's clerk, to the first ecclesiastical benefice of not less … the above persons to Canterbury. Letters for the prior of Little Malverne, staying in England, nominating Robert le … Presentation of Roger de Sutton to the church of Wyke by Little Rysindon, in the diocese of Worcester, in the king's
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… at the instance of Margaret, queen of England, the king's consort, and of Edward, prince of Wales and earl of … to Geoffrey Sherewynd for the death of William Brid of Little Everesdon, as it appears by the record of Henry … in the king's free warren at Brustwyk, Preston, Kayngham, Little Humbre, Burton Pydese, Skipse, Esington, Skeftling, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… a year as soon as one shall fall vacant. By pet. under p.s. Feb. 23. Morpeth. Pardon, by reason of his service in … of Pokelington. April 9. St. Albans. Pardon to Walter le Little, by reason of his service in Scotland, for the death … for the death of Walter le Serjaunt de la Sale of Little Waverton. May 1. Devizes. The like to Bertram de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… for not keeping their promise, which they made at the king's request, to send each a ship in aid of the Scotch war, … simple to the said Henry and Cicely his wife the manor of Little Purle, which is held in chief. Nov. 13. Westminster. … de Broneston, Peter de Fraxino, William de Brokhelle, in Little Chert. Thomas de Pininton, Simon de Bolecompe, Stephen …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… earl of Lincoln, and Otto de Grantzun, knight, the king's proctors, and for the lord of Saqu[ain]vill and Mutoun de … in mortmain by him of a messuage and 60 acres of land in Little Hadleye to a chaplain to celebrate divine service in … and for other trespasses. John son of Peter Joce of Little Hadham for felonies, &c. Elias Dring of Leven for the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… Letters for John le Ussher, going to Ireland on the king's service, nominating William Butyler his attorney for one … aid ( auxilio). April 9. Lenton. Letters for the prior of Little Malvern, staying in England, nominating Robert le … by Robert de Gunwardeby of a messuage and 12 acres in Little Stocton, by William de Wengrave of a messuage and 10 …
Displaying 121 - 130 of 43825