
Displaying 12091 - 12100 of 12171
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… appear at the King's Bench to give evidence against Henry Paris, the newswriter. [ S.P. 44. 348. pp. 601.] Aug. 22. … St. Germain: another, who had the same commission, died in Paris: and they are hatching some dangerous plot in this …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… Admiralty: enclosing advices of French naval preparations. Paris, Aug. 26, N.S. M. de Chteau Renaud is sailed from Brest … Admiralty, enclosing advices of French naval preparations. Paris, Aug. 29, N.S. Advices from Brest, Aug. 21, N.S., say …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… [ Ibid. 344, p. 588]; and for Aubry and Langlois, now in Paris and going to serve the King of Sweden, to go from Paris to Stockholm [ Ibid. 346, p. 489.] Dec. 8. Kensington. …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… embassy, told me to-day they should be going in a month to Paris. The Irish Countess of Longford is dead, which brings … England. Many people here are much offended with the late Paris gazettes, which, speaking of the late King and Queen, … of this instant December, an order came from the court at Paris to stop their ships, which were accordingly seized and …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… seems to confirm the news of it that we had first from Paris. I find the Emperor's resident here does not like it. …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… and with letters of credit for a considerable sum in Paris for arms and accoutrements for horse. The said capt. … Hooke at St. Germains, 25 Nov.: the same to the same at Paris 24 Nov.: the same to the late King James 25 Nov. 1700. … Rotterdam, and never drew a bill on Sir Daniel Arthur in Paris. He never wrote to col. Charles O'Brien (called lord …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… in col. Row's regiment. [ S.P.57. 18. p. 53.] Dec. 3. Paris. Lord Montgomerie to Sir David Mitchell, one of the … the Admiralty: enclosing advices of French naval affairs. Paris, Dec. 16, N.S. Advices from Dunkirk say they are going … the Admiralty: enclosing advices of French naval affairs. Paris, Dec. 26, N.S. Letters from Cadiz, Nov. 22, N.S., say …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… marchand banquier au cul-de-sac de la rue de Bourdonois, Paris, for Mons. Dolson. A private letter reporting the … lord. Holograph. [ S.P. Ireland 385, No. 8.] Feb. 29. Paris. An anonymous account of the designs entertained in …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… has not yet had so much as an account of his arrival in Paris. The Admiralty sends word they will have an advice boat … for carrying his Majesty's packets between Calais and Paris. [ Ibid. p. 440.] Feb. 2. Kensington. Royal warrant to … Earl of Portland, giving an account of his reception in Paris. Also that Goodman was taken up by an order of the …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… at Versailles at my coming away, 18: going post from Paris to Loo, thence to The Hague and Rotterdam and back to …
Displaying 12091 - 12100 of 12171