
Displaying 12611 - 12620 of 70390
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry IV
… Kyavene and Leton half a fee held by the prior of Bath, the fourth part of one knight's fee held by the master … and meddle no further with two tenements in the parish of St. Nicholas at the Shambles London in 'Pentecostlane,' …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry IV
… Order by mainprise of John Taunton of the parish of St. Mary 'atte Stronde' without New Temple bar London … of London 'cordwaner,' Nicholas Rotelande of the parish of St. Clement Danes without New Temple bar esquire and John … John de Plumpstede. Dated 'Tounbernyngham,' Tuesday after St. Peter and St. Paul 10 Henry IV. Memorandum of …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry IV
… hanaper, has respited his homage until the quinzaine of St. Martin next. Aug. 11. Westminster. Order to the sheriff …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry IV
… Sept. 9. Westminster. To the abbot and convent of St. Benedict Hulme. Nomination of Robert Allerton to receive … 'Tounbernyngham.' Dated 'Tounbernyngham,' Thursday after St. George 12 Henry IV. Memorandum of acknowledgment of the … of lands etc. called the 'Fresshewarf' in the parish of St. Botolph London, and a statute staple to the said Henry …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry IV
… the lands and possessions in England of the alien abbey of St. Nicholas Angers, and other letters patent concerning the … Order for particular causes to give the bishop of St. Davids and other the feoffees of the lands which were of …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry IV
… of the manor of Newenton Longeville and priory of St. Faith Longeville, and the issues thereof taken; as it is … of 10 l. to be taken of divers tenants in Wechyngham St. Mary, Westone, Corpsty, Botone, Northereppys and Wychyngham St. Faith, and concerning a water mill in Landwade, pensions …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry IV
… in his company at the late king's wages from Monday before St. Martin 1 Richard II until Monday after St. Matthias then next, that because he did not certify in …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry IV
… abbot of Westminster to be in chancery in the quinzaine of St. Hilary next, which day the king has given to Thomas de … Molet, John Mery, John Roulande 'forbour' of the parish of St. Clement Danes without New Temple bar London and Richard …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry IV
… of his diocese, to be in chancery in the quinzaine of St. Hilary next, which day the king has given to the said …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry IV
… in favour of William Byngeley 'mynstrall,' John Shaylle of St. Albans, John Frysowe and John 'Cokservant Byngeley' at …
Displaying 12611 - 12620 of 70390