
Displaying 1281 - 1290 of 1529
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… other works of piety; those of religion, continence, and pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Rome, and Santiago [de Compostella] …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… same. Indult that his confessor may commute his vows of pilgrimage, abstinence, and others which he cannot … fulfil, into other works of piety; the vows of pilgrimage to the Holy Land, SS. Peter and Paul, and Santiago …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… Mandate to allow the said Elisabeth to commute her vow of pilgrimage to the Holy Land and to Santiago de Compostella …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… some time the bishop of Winchester, who came thither on pilgrimage, by advice of the patriarch of Jerusalem and the …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… theology, canon or civil law at an university, or going on pilgrimage to the Holy Places. [ Cal. Pet. i. 177.] …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… in those churches in which they have a prebend, unless on pilgrimage or at the university, and to take whatever orders …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… (f. 113 d.) To the same. Faculty to commute the vow [of pilgrimage] to Santiago, of fifty men aged sixty, or women of … in France and England, those of religion, continence, and pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Rome, and Santiago excepted. [As …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… to commute vows, those of religion, continence, and pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Rome, and Santiago excepted. [ As …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… who may commute her vows, those of continence and pilgrimage alone excepted. [ See. Reg. cclv. f. 22.] 17 Kal. …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
Displaying 1281 - 1290 of 1529