
Displaying 131 - 140 of 36109
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… de Warrewyk' to examine and correct an alleged error in an assize of novel disseisin before the mayor, sheriffs … and Hugh Baudry relative to their stopping up a way in that parish to the injury of her free tenement. MEMBRANE … de Segrave touching the persons who broke the subterranean conduit of the Friars Preachers of Lynn, by which water was …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… of Blakemore, co. Cornwall, for a debt of 100 l., in which they are bound to the king, Robert Smalemone, John … him. July 14. Langley. Substitution of John de Certeseye in a commission of assize for the county of Kent, issued to … Grene of Ermeston, with others, assaulted him in the High Street of Armeston, co. Northampton, took away his goods, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… Richard de Gynge to the church of St. Thomas, Wynchelse, in the diocese of Chichester. May 20. Berwick-on-Tweed. … church, had held of the queen and of the late king, in the street called St. Giles, Abbeville, free from rent or … the justices of the Bench and committed by them to the Fleet prison for cutting off a writ from the files of the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… which a fine was levied with the assent of the late king in his court; also of the subsequent grant by the same … reliefs and escheats. By p.s. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Robert de Sefeld (or Shefeld) of a messuage, … Friars Minors of Nottingham to carry their subterranean conduit through the king's lands and parks at Nottingham. By …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… 23. Jan. 25. Westminster. Richard Costantyn, staying in Ireland, has letters nominating Ralph de Hereford and John … of Glastonbury for 100 l. paid by him into the Exchequer, in part payment of a sum of 500 l. in which he is bound to … by the sheriff of the county of York, of licence to pave a street within the wall of that town, extending from the house …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… 10. Nov. 14. Westminster. Licence for the alienation in mortmain to the abbot and convent of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, in part satisfaction of a licence granted to them to acquire … of the king; and also in respect of his houses in the street called Louinthegate, in the city of York, from livery …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… York. Mandate to Payn Tybotot, late justice of Chester, in consequence of his neglect to obey a former mandate of the king, or to his deputy in the castle of Chester, to deliver, under pain of … a messuage with its buildings and appurtenances in the street called 'Stayngate' in York, late of Master Stephen de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… the executrix of his will, for the sum of 12 l. 8 s., in which she is bound at the Exchequer for the arrears of the account of her husband for the time in which he was sheriff of Nottingham. By K., on the … yeoman, of those houses in the city of London in the street which is called Sevyng Lane, which John de Berewico …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… marks a year, to hold until he shall be fully satisfied in the sum of 412 l. in which the king is bound to him, viz. … London, to crenellate a chamber constructed by him in the street called 'Bradestrete' in the city of London. By K., on … and to lead the water from the well by an underground conduit to their house in Lenne. 1313. Nov. 8. Westminster. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… later date.) Afterwards Henry de Lichefeld was associated in the foregoing commission. April 22. Jan. 15. Westminster. … of Southampton and Wilts, late of John Byset, tenant in chief, to hold until the heir should be of full age, … of his at Melmorby, 10 oxen from his plough in the high street of Wathe, co. York, and 4 iron-bound wains laden with …
Displaying 131 - 140 of 36109