
Displaying 131 - 140 of 414
Calendar of Treasury Books
… the King's pleasure that, upon the application of Thomas Fotherby, esq., Commissary General of the said Forces, or any … Ibid, pp. 50, 73. April 20. The Treasury Lords to said Fotherby, informing him of the above arrangement. Out Letters …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… l. 5 s. 3 d. to said Fox to be by him paid over to Thomas Fotherby for the balance of his account relating to the …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… to Mr. Herwart 500 0 0 to the Earl of Ranelagh for Thomas Fotherby, esq., Commissary General of the Ammunition etc., … to authorise the Earl of Ranelagh to pay 200 l. to Thomas Fotherby for equipage as above. Out Letters ( General) XIII, …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Treasury Lords, the 1,600 l. which you have paid to Mr. Fotherby is to be incl[uded] of [in] the 4,000 l. which you … to Mr. Williamson. The 1,600 l. which you advanced to Mr. Fotherby for the Danish Forces is to be exclusive (not … you have already paid you are to pay 4,500 l. to Thomas Fotherby for the Danish Forces, 500 l. thereof at Berwick, …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… for a Company of Danish Foot at Chester 200 0 0 to Mr. Fotherby to be paid to the Duke of Wrtemberg for recruits of … Jephson to Mr. Williamson concerning the payments to Mr. Fotherby for the Danish Forces, ut supra, pp. 75-6. In reply … l., thus making 10,600 l. in all. And if you can pay Mr. Fotherby for the said Forces, or get him credit for any …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… provisions, ammunitions and stores, to which post Thomas Fotherby, esq., is appointed, who is also to do the duty of … Regiment on Jan. 1 last. Ibid. The Treasury Lords to Tho. Fotherby, esq., Commissary General of the Forces intended for …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… contingencies for the West Indies 500 0 0 to ditto for Mr. Fotherby 100 0 0 to Mr. Fox for a week's subsistence to the …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… s. a day as Physician to the Army. Ibid. Henry Guy to Mr. Fotherby. There has always been an allowance of 2 s. 6 d. a … enclosing an extract [missing] of a letter from Mr. Fotherby concerning the charges for wood and fresh water for … out of the head of Army contingents. Signify same to Mr. Fotherby. Out Letters ( General) XIII, p. 432. Same to the …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Greenhill for Whitley ; 3,100 l. for bills drawn by Mr. Fotherby, payable to Mr. Williamson for the Danes. Ibid. Same … l. to Mr. Edward Thompson for so much paid by him to Mr. Fotherby at York for the Danish Forces and 300 l. to same for … Jan. 31 last you promised my Lords to pay 5,000 l. to Mr. Fotherby at York by the 17th inst. for the use of the Danish …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… a bill for 170 l. drawn upon you (Blathwayte) by Mr. Fotherby. You are to accept same. It is payable to Thomas Fox … The bill for 2,000 l. drawn by Col. Fairfax and Mr. Fotherby upon Mr. Herriott shall be complied with. Out … to answer several bills drawn by Col. Fairfax and Mr. Fotherby for the use of the Danish Forces 2,000 0 0 to ditto …
Displaying 131 - 140 of 414