
Displaying 141 - 150 of 414
Calendar of Treasury Books
… bills for money paid [to] Col. Fairfax and Mr. Fotherby for the Danes 4,800 0 0 to Mr. Shallett's five bills …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… accounts [missing], which they have received from Mr. Fotherby, of money received and paid for the use of the …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… furnished by the Customs collectors in the North to Mr. Fotherby for the use of the Danish Forces ; and of the … 200 0 0 Monsieur Van Lone for medicaments 400 0 0 Tho. Fotherby, esq., for subsistence [money to the] Danes [Forces] … College of Physicians for drugs for the Army 1,417 0 0 Mr. Fotherby for the Duke of Wurtemberg. 510 0 0 subsistence …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Scotland. Out Letters ( General) XIII, p. 193. Same to Mr. Fotherby for a like particular account forthwith. Ibid. Same …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… from the 22nd to the 29th inst. 7,600 to ditto for Mr. Fotherby in part of 288 l. 10 s. 2 d., being the balance of …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… on [a] bill of exchange from Col. Fairfax and Mr. Fotherby on accompt of pay of the Danes 100 0 0 to Thomas …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Tho. Everatt and wife, Abig. Everatt, Deb. Everatt, John Fotherby, Ann Fotheringham, John Fotheringham, Jose …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… before Robert Hollis and Thomas Langley, esqrs., and John Fotherby, John Wilkinson and William Justice, gents, who …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… of Excise [and of Hearthmoney Arrears]. Ibid. Same to Mr. Fotherby. Bring in your accounts to my Lords forthwith. Ibid. … ship Sara and Anne in the West Indies 234 12 0 Same to Mr. Fotherby. You are forthwith to bring in your accounts as …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… thereon. Out Letters ( General) XIV, p. 213. Same to Mr. Fotherby. You are positively to give in your accounts to the …
Displaying 141 - 150 of 414