
Displaying 141 - 150 of 66210
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Appointment, during pleasure, of William de Weilond to the office of the escheatry on this side Trent in the form lately … or other requisitions in matters pertaining to his office or enjoined upon him by the king. July 16. Tower of … Exchequer, during pleasure, to maintain him in the said office. Writ de intendendo for the said Philip, whom the king …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… conferred upon Ellis, sometime his chamberlain, the office of door-keeper ( ministerium concerarierectius … the king to France, that brother Simon de Deulacresse, his general proctor in England, so long as he be without the realm, shall be received as his general attorney in all pleas and plaints in any court. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… destruction, of the manors and possessions assigned to his office for a moderate household and his steward, and that the … who may have been appointed; to obtain special and general things for the king, his right, the liberties and … issued touching the castle of Gensac. The like issued in general terms without this addition, touching the castle of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… and Canterbury, and John is too infirm to attend to the office, William son of Richard, citizen of London, is … to John de Gisorz to let the said William have the said office. Pardon to Robert Bussel and Peter his brother for the … amelioration of his realm, and by him published and the general observation of them demanded by his authority. [ …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… with the king's licence with Edward the king's son, in the office of justice of Chester. Mandate to William son of … restored Robert de Arcubus, one of the monks, to the office of subdean of their priory of Leministre, that this … not a coroner at present in that county, to exercise the office of coroner in this case, on condition that what he …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… being disturbed before any justices by occasion of any general summons and from being amerced at any time for such …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… by reason of this mandate in anything pertaining to the office of the said sheriff. Mandate to Fulk de Rycote to … upon but not to intermeddle in anything pertaining to the office of sheriff. July 6. St. Paul's, London. Whereas by the … monks of Fountains, going with the king's licence, to the general chapter of the Cistercian order in parts beyond seas; …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… king, in consideration of his long service, granted that office to Thomas Burnel his son for life, on condition that he should fill that office, and receive the said 3 d. a day, but the said Thomas is not a carpenter, whereby he cannot fill the office; the king nevertheless, in regard for the long service …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… issues. Mandate to William de Wendling to deliver the said office into his keeping. Sept. 25. Reading. Safe conduct, … to hold the said county and to do what pertains to the office of sheriff on that day, as the king has not yet …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Michaelmas and Hilary, so long as he be in the said office. And be it known that the king with his own hand … Ireland, or the said Edward make other order touching the office of justiciary ; the king commands all persons of … to withdraw the spiritualities incumbent upon him by his office. Mandate to the archbishop of Canterbury to compel him …
Displaying 141 - 150 of 66210