
Displaying 141 - 150 of 76000
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… charged, who is conversant in the realm without the king's warrant of pardon of outlawry and grant of peace; and to … to Alexander son of Giles de Lincolnia, for the death of Peter Neyr of Lincoln. Grant and indulgence to all persons … which he held of the king to the day of the Conversion of St. Paul, 40 Henry III, and release to them of the king's
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… for a fine which he made with William Belet, king's yeoman, to whom the king had granted the marriage of … said Thomas entered his service until Tuesday next after St. Scholastica the Virgin, on which day he died. Respite … Fauconer; for a fine. The like, for three years from SS. Peter and Paul, to Robert de Watevill; for a fine. Grant, for …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… like of Guy Pipard. Licence, at the instance of the king's sister Senchia, countess of Cornwall, for Robert de Useburn … licence. Jan. 8. Westminster. The prior and convent of St. Edmunds have licence to elect an abbot, by Roger the … Walter de Kerthington to the vicarage of the church of St. Peter in the East, Oxford, void by the death of Robert, the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Robert Walerand, lately appointed steward of all the king's forests there during pleasure, whom the said Robert has … the king's gift by reason of the voidance of the abbey of St. Edmunds; directed to [bishop] elect of Norwich. Bond to … year, rendering at the Exchequer yearly the same farm as Peter de Nevill used to render for the castle. Licence for …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… sometime earl of Derby, since they came into the king's keeping. [Nov. 8. Windsor.] The like of William le Breton, … to permit the bailiffs of Master Walter, sometime dean of St. Paul's, London, of whom the pope made a provision to the … Guildford. Bond to Raymund Makar, citizen of Bordeaux, and Peter Bariler, burgess of Auvillard, in 1,125 l., to be paid, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… are to meet on Monday after the octaves of Martinmas at St. Martin's le Grand and do justice according to law and the custom of … for the king's profit. Nov. 21. Winchester. Mandate to Peter de Ryvallis that, if the monks of Midelton proceed …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… to the instant fair of Boston; with mandate accordingly to Peter de Gisorciis, taker of the king's wines throughout England. The like on 120 tuns of wine, … papal sub-deacon and chaplain, rector of the churches of St. Peter in the East, Oxford, and St. Cross, with this …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… and damages have been done in his bishopric by the king's guardians of the same and their ministers while the … losses done by the king's guardians of the abbey of St. Edmunds and its liberty and manors. Supplication dated at Dublin, Eve of SS. Peter and Paul, 42 Henry III. to Edward, the king's son, by …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7 MEMBRANE 14. Jan. 1. Merton. Grant to Peter de Percy of 40 l. a year at the Exchequer to maintain … the bishop and also of the complainant shall be the king's, nevertheless the bishop and his successors shall have the … Collation to Henry de Wengham, king's clerk, dean of St. Martin's, London, of the prebend late of Robert de …
Displaying 141 - 150 of 76000