
Displaying 14701 - 14710 of 57685
Calendar of Treasury Books
Calendar of Treasury Books
Calendar of Treasury Books
… renewed and so to continue in their employment at the established and additional salaries as therein. Appending : … manors in fee or common socage, with the advowson of the church of Mottrom, the messuages etc. formerly in the …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… late of the Second Troop of Guards, praying to be established at half pay. My Lords desire you to bring the …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… nor Virginia, nor to the Canons or Constitutions of the Church of England : every member of the Senate to take the …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… pp. 103-4. Dec. 21. Money warrant for 136 l. to Anthony Church, Keeper of the Gatehouse Prison at Westminster, in … porter in London port and behaved well therein) as an established weighing porter ibid. loco John Sanderson, lately … lately represented that there never yet hath been any Post established for the conveying of letters within or between …
Calendar of Treasury Books
Calendar of Treasury Books
Calendar of Treasury Books
Calendar of Treasury Books
Displaying 14701 - 14710 of 57685