
Displaying 14871 - 14880 of 54932
Calendar of State Papers, Scotland
… in these pretended purposes, presently shown as well by the effects of this journey of his own, entered into, … the information and assurance given that the King as well refuses to follow such propositions as have been put to … of your later letters to me in that and think them too well dealt withal, seeing no better security neither for …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… about the taking away of the new custom of currants, as well in England as here . . . which will constrain them to … into the hands of a prince so little practised, as well in the wars as the world," especially as the sending of … and Zeelanders, and seeing that their fortresses are not well furnished of soldiers, the Duke of Parma will attempt …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… letters were intercepted, there are some who might not be well pleased to read the truth of what passes in this … the coming of the deputies ; after which, all will go very well. Her Majesty may rest assured that the good or ill of … no question but there be great treasons conspired here, as well to deliver the countries into the King's hands as to …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… which the Duke hath, both for the sea and land were not well known to her Majesty, her commissioners should not stay … more time. For this we do assure you, and so you shall do well to avow it to the Duke upon our honours, 2that her … your Excellency's advertisement touching the enemy was well liked, and all endeavours used to prepare against his …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… the sea with all haste, and that her ships be thoroughly well manned, as well with soldiers as mariners. "This enterprise towards … man. He hath taken this morning a medicine. It yet proveth well ; God send it to take good effect, and keep you as well
Calendar of State Papers, Scotland
… with victual, but are not able to possess her, for she is well furnished with shot and men. "If there be anie shipes of … in hand, and the King urgeth nothing that I have offered, well accepting of my being here, I crave that I may stay till … ere now. Further than I wrote in my last I cannot All is well here; the King content; the Chancellor guides all. Since …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… the States are said to pretend. Probably the men meant well, but if nothing be done for them except the writing of … they will acknowledge only her Majesty, it was thought well not to discontent them by delivering to them her last … his wife's death, and his own ill-health, it would be well for her Majesty to recommend Drury to the States who …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… in peril of his life. Executions and banishment of those well affected to her Majesty have recently been frequent. … any money, for he says that Menninck had promised to come well provided therewith, and that Duke Julius will not pay … them to move from their guards. At daybreak, "every street being quartered with sufficient squadrons to stop all …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… Norreis' enterprise seems the surest human means, if well directed, to avoid any danger from Spain. Middelborgh, 2 … alienate his master from him. At present "nothing is well done but what passeth through his hands," neither the … to spend more on this place, she must send skilled men, as well as money, for if her money were employed by their …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… soldiers here. Craves his honour's furtherance herein, as well as for the licence he wrote of in his last to bring over … William Standly, who has sold all he had in Anwarpe as well as a bed and some sheets belonging to Gylles, certainly … the Company." They have always had there their own agent, well known to all, from whose hands, or by his order, all men …
Displaying 14871 - 14880 of 54932