
Displaying 151 - 160 of 414
London Hearth Tax
… London 1666 St Botolph without Aldersgate : Red Lion Yard Redd Lyon Yard: Title Forename Surname Total Hearths Listing …
London Hearth Tax
… Westminster 1664 St Margarets Westminster : Red Lion Yard Redd Lyon yard Title Forename Surname Total Hearths Listing …
Parliament Rolls of Medieval England
Parliament Rolls of Medieval England
Parliament Rolls of Medieval England
Parliament Rolls of Medieval England
Parliament Rolls of Medieval England
Parliament Rolls of Medieval England
… in the weke att e lest, that is to seie on the Wednesday, redd byfore e counsaill, and ere ansueres endoced by the same … which is e porest suyturs bille, and that first to be redd and answered; and the kings sergeant to be sworne trewly …
Parliament Rolls of Medieval England
Parliament Rolls of Medieval England
Displaying 151 - 160 of 414