
Displaying 151 - 160 of 4467
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the said Jews. Feb. 5. Westminster. Licence for Roger de Sancto Johanne to fortify ( firmare) his house of Lageham in … and G. de Lezinan, the king's brothers, to Master Peter de Sancto Mario, called archdeacon of Surrey, of his outlawry …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Ores, complainants, and Philip de Cancellis and William de Sancto Eadmundo his father, defendants, that the latter had …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the keys of the castles of Turenne and St. Cr ( de Sancto Sereno) to the king, and two or three men of the king … life, at the instance of Ebulo de Montibus, of Jordan de Sancto Licio from being put on assizes, juries or …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Somery. Humphrey de Boun. Walter de Dunstanvil. Robert de Sancto Johanne. John de Verdun. John de Burgo. William de … Devon. William de Kalne, escheator in Wilts. Geoffrey de Sancto Medardo, escheator in Kesteven. Fulk Payforir, … keeping, to let Robert Wallerand and Nicholas de Sancto Mauro have one tun of good wine apiece. Mandate to the keeper …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… whose election to be abbot, on the cession of Roger de Sancto Valerico, late abbot, has been confirmed by J. bishop … de Aette and others. Dec. 17. Windsor. Grant to Robert de Sancto Jacobo, king's cook, and his heirs, of a virgate of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… and Derby. The like of Reynold son of Peter, Robert de Sancto Johanne, and John de Sancto Walerico in the county of Southampton. Mandate to each …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… a coat. William Belet, the like, with a coat. Nicholas de Sancto Mauro, the like. Bernard Johannis, a habergeon ( … to be fully observed and kept, and he has provided John de Sancto Valerico to be keeper of the peace in the county of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… him. June 27. St. Paul's, London. Commitment to John de Sancto Walerico of the keeping of the counties of Oxford and … to deliver the counties of Oxford and Berks to John de Sancto Walerico, to whom the said counties have been … Bezilles, Gerard la Grue, Robert de Twyt, William de Sancto Leodegario, Richard de Tyllebyry, Geoffrey de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… drawn into a precedent to the king's prejudice. Henry de Sancto Mauro, clerk, coming to the king with letters patent of the … of Thurgarton. Thomas Bek. William de Grancurt. John de Sancto Dionisio. Geoffrey de Scalains. Safe conduct until the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… which purpose they sent the prior of Pyone and Urian de Sancto Petro to the king, as in letters made between the … 3 d. Sept. 18. Canterbury. To John son of Alan, Robert de Sancto Johanne, Franco de Bohun, Robert Aguilun, the knights, …
Displaying 151 - 160 of 4467