
Displaying 151 - 160 of 471
A History of the County of York East Riding
… The arable land included, in the extreme north-east, Seward How field. Some land in the fields already belonged to …
Magna Britannia
… demesne. Aisse Ash, in South Tawton Oluric The King. Aisse Seward Ansger, under Baldwin the Sheriff. Aissecoma Ashcomb … Edmar Ricardus, under the Earl of Moreton. Crabecombe Seward Ansger, under Baldwin the Sheriff. Cravelec Alwin … Baldwin. Crawecome 45 Almer Alured Brito. Crawecome 46 Seward Ansger, under Baldwin. Cressewalle Ordric Girard, …
Magna Britannia
… Erm., on a chevron, Az., 3 stags' heads cabosh'd. Or. Seward, of Comb in Teignhead Before 1600 Chase and Furlong G. …
A History of the County of Leicester
… Wilmot, 445 n. Pippin, Thos., 85 n, 100, 101 n. Pitefrid, Seward, 382. Pitt, Wm., the younger, 135, 136, 137. Plungar, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
General Index - N
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… of, 35. Nottage ? Shirevesneuton [co. Glamorgan], William Seward, presented to, 239. [Newton Regis, co. Warwick], …
General Index - S
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… Evesham, parson of, 174. Sewal, John, 68. , Nicholas, 68. Seward. See Siward. Sewer's End, near Saffron Waldon, … 450. , Richard son of Ralph de, 155. See Silsoe. Siward, Seward, Syward, John, 20, 26. , William, presented to …
General Index - S
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward III
… in Hatfield, co. Essex, 130. , Sewale, Thomas, 284, 374. Seward, John, 388. Sewel, John, 499. Sewelde, Edmund de, 158. …
General Index - S
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward III
… of pontage at, 22. Swarre, John, of Boston, 228. Swart, Seward, 282. Swavesey, Swasethe [co. Cambs], 338, 340, 342. , …
Displaying 151 - 160 of 471