
Displaying 1541 - 1550 of 7445
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
… 27 Henry VI. Memorandum of acknowledgment, 26 April. Peter Preston yeoman of the crown and William Eland to John …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
… of Margaret who was wife of Walter Assheley, to John de Preston of Westmerland, his heirs and assigns. Quitclaim with … Thomas Broket, William Perkyns, John Vyncent, Robert de Preston, Richard de Preston. Dated 20 May 3 Henry VI. Memorandum of …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
… Thomas Sandes seisin of the manors of 'Northasshele' and Preston Candevere; as it is found by inquisition, taken … is held of the king by knight service, the manor of Preston Candevere of another than the king; and the said …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
… 5 Henry VI. Philip Chetwynde ( as above) to William Preston, and William Hexstalle. Letter of attorney, … to Robert lord Ponynges, John Cornewaille knights, John Preston, William Fynderne, William Sydeneye, John Bolne and …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
… Westmerland for election of a coroner instead of Robert de Preston, who dwells not within that county but in Lancashire …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
… Harpur ought not to be revoked. Membrane 11 d. Wymerus Preston of Wodecroft co. Northampton esquire to William lord …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
… of pasture in Tarent Villers, Tarent Ryssheton, Tarent Preston and Loueton, and of a moiety of the manor of …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
… of the said manor, which manor was sometime of Walter de Preston, and after of Lawrence de Preston. By p.s. etc., and the date etc. Et erat patens. To …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
… the justices of the Bench. Notice, upon petition of John Preston one of the justices of the Bench, shewing that he is …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
… VI. Memorandum of acknowledgment, 26 February. George Preston of St. Albans co. Hertford, to Thomas Percy lord …
Displaying 1541 - 1550 of 7445