
Displaying 161 - 170 of 72686
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… III, by the hand of John de Meperdeshale, monk of that house, of 100 s. whereby he made fine for the confirmation of … without clause, for three years, for the lepers of the house of St. Mary Magdalene, Luton. Whereas John de Gissors … sell their hides in the markets and fairs near to their house. Exemption for life, at the instance of Master Ralph de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of Faversham, for a fine of 50 l., of the keeping of their house in the instant voidance; saving to the king advowsons … of churches and knights' fees, and the keeping of the house in other voidances. Jan. 14. Westminster. Simple … at the king's request, to an exhibition for life in their house that the king will not charge their house with another …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Cecily de Nevill and Gundreda de Wintonia, nuns of the house of Wilton, coming to the king with letters patent of the chapter of the house announcing the death of Maud de la Mare, their abbess, … sons and heirs of Joceus son of Copin of a moiety of a house in that parish; by Duceman son of Ursell and Benedict, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Philip de Clare and John de Gatesdene, canons of the house of Raveneston, coming to the king with letters patent … to Aaron son of Vives, Jew of Edmund the king's son, of a house in 'Melkestrete' within the city of London, and the … crenellate his houses within his close of Worcester and a house of his within his manor of Widindon, co. Gloucester, to …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… yeoman, to Thomas de Hul[rip] of Bliburg for burning the house of Maud Bacun of Estbirg and of any consequent … provision Henna late the wife of Aaron, Jew of York, let a house in the street of Coningstrete, York, to Robert de … grants to the said Robert that he shall retain the said house until the end of the term. Acknowledgment that the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… and to whom the king has restored the temporalities of the house. Jan. 25. Tower of London. Pardon, at the instance of … and almoner John de Colescestre and his heirs of that house which Wrsellus de Colecestre, Jew, had of the pledge of … de Haye, in the parish of St. Peter, Colecestre, which house adjoins his house in the said parish. Pardon, at the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… like of William de Middelton to enquire who entered the house of William Golding in Len, co. Norfolk, and carried … of Oxford. Brother Robert de Scaldewell, cellarer of the house of Seleby. Henry de Ospring, merchant of Winchester. … St. Martin's, Dover, and the sub-prior and convent of that house appointed him and brother Robert de Cantuaria and two …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… has appointed John de Tyeford, monk, to be prior of their house, as the king has learned by letters patent of the prior … whom the said Miles has appointed to be prior of their house. Like writ de intendendo to the tenants. Nov. 14. …
Displaying 161 - 170 of 72686