
Displaying 161 - 170 of 48086
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… justiciary of Ireland, to restore the temporalities to the new abbess when elected. April 20. Westminster. Protection, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… John de Haveringge, seneschal of Gascony, to introduce the new currency which the king on his late visit to the duchy … to John le Blake, attending to the collection of the new custom on wools, wool-fells and hides in the port of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… between the town of . . . . and Bikerdik', have built new weirs or narrowed or increased the height of old weirs …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… to the custody, during pleasure, of the bailiwick of the New Forest and of all the lands in the Isle of Wyght and …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… of Ireland before Michaelmas, 17 Edward I., and of the new custom for 16 Edward I.; 1,570 l. 10 s. 6 d. of the … Edward I.; 1,480 l. 14 s. 5 d. of both the said issues and new custom for the said year. Et sunt patentes. July 27. … Rockingham. Grant, for life, to Robert de Hastinges of the new castle and town of Balimakenegan, with their buildings …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… Philip le Say ejected them unjustly from their lands in New Merton and took away their goods there: and it is …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… of 85 acres of land in le Rath in the tenement of the New Castle of . . . ., rendering yearly 12 d. an acre. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… in the parish of St. Clement Danes, without the bar of the New Temple, London, and a messuage in the parish of St. Mary …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… of the manors of Lindehurst and Ringewode with the New Forest, and all things appertaining to the said manors, …
Displaying 161 - 170 of 48086