
Displaying 161 - 170 of 301
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… 1224, 1373, 1396. -, letters dated at, 1313, 6712, 6741. Perugia, 1197, 3123, 3266, 3329, 5222, 5228, 5640, 5676, …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
… Johan de, 472. -, Nicholas Johan de, of Florence, 472. Perugia, Perusia [Italy], 473. Perusia, John de, 474. …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
… Peronel, Thomas, 589, 602, 612, 613, 617. Perouchez. See Perugia. Perpount, Richard son of Thomas le, 50. Perrot, … 101, 110, 199, 355, 463. -, -, the king's yeoman, 124. Perugia, Perouchez [Italy], 53. Peruzzi, Peruches, merchants …
Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice
… the feudatories of, to Philip, 617. -, revenues of, 586. Perugia, 347, 676, 685. -, fortress of, 685. -, governor of, …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
… society of the Peruzzi, 445. -, Thomas de, 117, 224, 236. Perugia, Peruchia [Italy], 445. Peruzzi, merchants of the …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… Persian war, 373. Persians, the, 672. Persone, Nic, 118. Perugia, in Italy, 17, 145, 233. Perusins (Perugians), the, …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… John, letter from, 1137. Perth, letter dated at, 80. Perugia (Perusia, Perosa, Peroscia), in Italy, 202, 249, 268, …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… de, 13. Pertoneti, Raymond, 296. Perty, William de, 181. Perugia, 292. -, letters dated at, 326, 479, 534. Pesce, …
Calendar of State Papers, Spain
… with Alessandro de' Medici, 281. -, -, intrigues of, at Perugia, 342. -, -, disputing Camarino, 318. -, -, Paul's …
Calendar of State Papers, Spain
… 216. -, v. Baglione (Ridolfo). -, a fuoruscito from Perugia, joins the rebellion against Pope Paul (Nov. 1540), …
Displaying 161 - 170 of 301