
Displaying 161 - 170 of 17424
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… Cressy and Thomas de Burnham to enquire touching vagabonds in the counties of Lincoln, Nottingham and Derby. By K. and … earl of Warwick, touching the persons who, while he was in Scotland on the king's service and under his protection, … persons who, with Thomas Foliot of Ludelaw, carried away a bond of Walter de Shekenhurst, which was in the custody of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… and his fellows, justices of pleas before the king, in a commission directed to the latter touching trespasses against the peace in the counties of Surrey and Sussex. Nov. 22. Caversham. … at Buckyngfold, co. Kent, cut down the trees, fished in his stew and carried away fish and other goods. By p.s. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… 3, 2, 1 MEMBRANE 14. 1305. March 15. Westminster. Licence, in consideration of a fine made by Peter Saverey in the chancery, for John de Arderne to enfeoff him of 10 … Cantebrigg to deliver to the said John de Sudleye a like bond for 111 l. 2 s. The like to the treasurer and barons of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… converted to his own use goods and merchandise obtained in the name of the late king from English and foreign … with Walter, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, both in the lifetime and after the death of the late king, applied … highway, or on the common way at Cornburgh and Sutton in Galtres, co. York, and drove them without the county into …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… 11. Waltham. Pardon to Simon le Fanner of his outlawry in the county of Surrey, for non-appearance in the court of King's Bench when impleaded by the prior of … attorneys for the same period. By p.s. July 28. Stamford. Bond to Henry de Percy for repayment in the quinznine of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… 21. 1308. July 10. Windsor. Henry de Raleye, staying in Ireland on the king's service, has letters nominating … 10. Windsor. The prior of Cartmell ( de Kertmele), staying in England, has letters nominating William de Notingham, his … le Engleys her attorneys for two years. June 14. Langley. Bond for the repayment to Doffus son of Bartholomew de Barde, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… Bachiler, Simon Bachiler, William Scot and John Colbarne, in breaking down the close of the abbot and convent of … to John de Nevill and Roger de Scoter, touching the appeal in the county of Lincoln of Elena, late the wife of William … iron, and kept him bound for some time until he signed a bond for 100 l. payable to Richard de Weleweton. Nov. 24. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… volumus, until Easter, for William Paynel going to France in the company of John de Warenna, earl of Surrey, with the … By K. Cancelled by surrender and otherwise below. Mandate in pursuance to William de Brikhulle, the keeper of the … from a recognisance and illegally attaching it to another bond, for which he was convicted before William Martyn and …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… of Blakemore, co. Cornwall, for a debt of 100 l., in which they are bound to the king, Robert Smalemone, John … him. July 14. Langley. Substitution of John de Certeseye in a commission of assize for the county of Kent, issued to … assaulted him and carried away a charter and deed, also a bond for 300 l., in which the same John de Mounteney is bound …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… Gilbert North of Aspe, on account of his good service in Scotland, for breaking Guldeford prison. By p.s. Ralph Sketer of Crathorne, on account of his good service in Scotland, for the death of Henry Carl of Corp. By p.s. … the prior of Coventry. By p.s. Dec. 16. Berwick-on-Tweed. Bond for repayment in the quinzaine of Easter to Manettus …
Displaying 161 - 170 of 17424