
Displaying 171 - 180 of 578
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow
… and leiding of certane stonis for mending of the commoun loche. Taxatioun. The provest, bailleis, and counsall, having …
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow
… bell, conform to the compt red and allowit. Water, commoun loche. Ordanes the thesaurer to haif ane warrand for [137 … debursit be him for the expenssis of the water and commoun loche fra the tent day of Julij to this day at nycht. Fridome …
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow
… presentlie building. 22 September 1632. Silvertounhillis loche. Ordanes the thesaurer to haif ane warrand for the … be him for the consultatioun anent Silvertounhillis loche. Water. Ordanis the thesaurer to haif ane warrand for …
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow
… Extracts from the records 1634 18 January 1634. Librarie, loche, tolbuithe, etc. Ordanis the thesaurer to giv to James … cammand for the tyme, the pains takin be him at Robiestoun Loche and making of ane of the lyouns mouthis at the spoutis …
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow
Displaying 171 - 180 of 578