
Displaying 171 - 180 of 2356
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… Indies December 1701 December 1701 [Dec. 9.] 1056. Copy of a Surrender of the rights of Government by the Proprietors of … persons not to yield due obedience persuant to the King's Commission, and giveing warrant to Mr. Vaughan to seize my … would have been a good precident for us. The Assembly at Philadelphia met about the same time, and they also refused …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… Popple to Josias Burchet. Forwarding Lt.-Governor Beckford's views about the health of the fleet etc. for the … allowance of Col. Hamilton to be his Deputy Governor in Pennsylvania shall not be construed in any manner to diminish … i, ii; and (without enclosures) 5, 910. p. 303.] Dec. 5. Philadelphia. 15. J. Moore to [ ? the Council of Trade and …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… Admiral. We unanimously concur with Governor Nicholson's opinion that the fleet from Virginia ought not to be … England, so that I must depend chiefly upon the Boston and Philadelphia posts for conveying my letters to such ships as … Letter from Mr. Penn, enclosing the body of the Laws of Pennsylvania etc. read. [ C.O. 391, 15. pp. 318327; and 391, …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… Indies December 1702, 7-10 December 1702, 7-10 Dec. 7. Pennsylvania. 16. Robert Quary to the Council of Trade and … to perplex the Government, have lately by the Governor's prudence been so exposed and layd open to the Assembly and … 17. i. Minutes of Council in Assembly of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Nov. 19, 1702. Present: Andrew Hamilton, …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… and Plantations to the Earl of Nottingham. Having recd. a letter from Mr. Moor, H.M. Advocate General of Pennsylvania, that Providence, the chief of the Bahama … Robt. Cecill, Wm. Blathwayt, Jon. Pollexfen, Mat. Prior. P.S.We have reason to fear the same attempt upon Carolina, …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… 11, Read March 3, 170. 2 pp. Enclosed, 1407. i. Council of Pennsylvania to William Penn. Philad. [? Aug. 26], 1703. May … Governor, The mournful account of our late Lieut. Governor's decease having by this time we hope reached thee, we think … of the Council and Collector of the Customs of the Port of Philadelphia, as well to the others beforenamed, we called …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… liquors without lycence of the Justices, this Act is by a particular proviso therein to continue for two years from … Act for keeping a dilligent guard at the Castle and Pagitt's Fort for the further incouragement of the watch and guard … trades before the Board in writing on Wednesday, and the Pennsylvania Co. to attend then. Letter to Mr. Burchet about …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… 4. 701. Charles Congreve to Mr. Popple. [I have] received a letter from Mr. Estwick by your order, requiring me to put … subject to your set up worship contrary to the rule of God's Word. (3) Taking from me house and land, even all my living … 153, 9. p. 59.] Dec. 11. 716. Deposition of J. Huett of Pennsylvania, Mariner. Describes the trade of Scotch and …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… Admty. Office. 887. Mr. Burchett to Mr. Popple. Encloses a draught of the Fort which Capt. Taylor caus'd to be made at … ought not to be past if they had any regard to the Queen's interest, to that of the Country, to H.M. Instructions, or … be of the Council, etc. The Assembly of this Government [? Pennsylvania] are run into the greatest extravagancy and …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… willing to venture them all by one conveyance especially a private ship, have therefore sent this pr. Captain Brown H.M.S. Reserve. In my last to Mr. Secretary Popple (Aug. 24) I … As for the Act for regulating party walls and buildings in Philadelphia, it gives to the Mayor and Court of Aldermen of …
Displaying 171 - 180 of 2356