
Displaying 17181 - 17190 of 17804
Calendar of Treasury Books
… l. for raising and subsisting [recruits for] Lord Mordaunt's Regiment, for which bills of exchange were drawn by [? … and faithful services performed by said Methuen, and by Paul Methuen his son, as well in divers negotiations as our … whereof the Queen is pleased to bestow said plate on said Paul Methuen and to discharge him from [accounting for] the …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Attorney and Solicitor General to report on Lord Ossulston's petition for certain rents received by the Sheriff of Co. Derby sold to petitioner's father by the Trustees for Fee Farms. Can they be legally … of the petition of Thomas Allen, master of the ship Paul, praying discharge of a malicious prosecution for taking …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Episcopal Church at Rotterdam as royal bounty. Queen's Warrant Book XXV, p. 457. Royal sign manual for 26,000 l. … Dec. 3 hereon.) (Money order dated Dec. 7 hereon.) Queen's Warrant Book XXV, p. 459. Money Book XXII, p. 376. Order … Lieutenants Abraham de Frangfort, William La Grange, Paul Randon, Gaspard Pandin; Ensign James Dauger. Out Letters …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… November 1714, 1-10 Nov. 1. Royal warrant dated St. James's to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal dormant for 570 … for the Master of the Jewel House], for the delivery to Paul Methuen, Ambassador Extraordinary to the King of Spain, … to the Master of the Great Wardrobe for the delivery to Paul Methuen, Ambassador Extraordinary to the King of Spain, …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… 1,500 l. as equipage and 100 l. per week as ordinary to Paul Methuen as Ambassador Extraordinary to the Catholic King. King's Warrant Book XXVI, p. 253. Royal warrant dated St. James's … II, pp. 143, 144. Nov. 12. Money warrant for 2,800 l. to Paul Methuen, Ambassador Extraordinary to the Catholic King, …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Jan. 171516 hereon: to be satisfied out of the late Queen's Civil List arrears.) King's Warrant Book XXVII, p. 208. Money Book XXIV, p. 35. Order … of Taxes): the new Commissioners to be Nicholas Vincent, Paul Burrard, John Williams, Anthony Dawley, Brian Fairfax …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… hereon). (Letter of direction dated Nov. 20 hereon). Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, p. 95. Money Book XVIII, p. 319. Order … to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of William Paul and Christopher Clitherowe, executors to John Paul, shewing that as executors they are entitled to the Duty …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… late Paymaster of the Forces Abroad, to pay 124 l. 19 s. 0 d. to Paul Methuen for the charges and expenses he was at in … arising before 1714 June 12: and is intended to be paid to Paul Methuen for the expense he was at in passing his …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… dated 1714 Oct. 13 thereof is hereby determined. King's Warrant Book XXVII, pp. 1823. Same appointing same to be … Ibid., pp. 1234. Oct. 13. Royal warrant dated St. James's to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to … Money Book XXIV, p. 153. Money warrant for 1,300 l. to Paul Methuen for 13 weeks from June 14 last to Sept. 13 last …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… IX, p. 143. Oct. 21. Letter of direction for 6,821 l. 16 s. 6 d. to Henry, Earl of Lincoln, Paymaster of the Forces: … Disposition Book XXIII, p. 103. Same for 9,555 l. 5 s. 7 d. to Robert Walpole, late Paymaster of the Forces, 30 … Court and the said Uzardi has been recommended thereto by Paul Methuen, Ambassador Extraordinary in Spain. (Money order …
Displaying 17181 - 17190 of 17804