
Displaying 181 - 190 of 21141
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… Great Jernemuth that they have not wherewith to pay their farm, to enquire whether it would be to the king's damage if … the town, and arrent the houses so built in aid of their farm, and hold them to the commonalty of the town and their …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… before Michaelmas for the Great Wardrobe, of the whole farm of the city and all the issues as in tallages and aid … until they have received the said 500 l., and the said farm and issues are not to be allocated to any other payment … the said fifteenth, he will allow them the amount in the farm and the issues of the city, and likewise in the issues …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… in enlargement of the grant to him, of 100 marks, the farm of the half-hundred of Ludinglond, co. Suffolk, which … of his will, be allowed the prior and convent in the said farm; and saving to the king wards, reliefs, escheats, … the hands of the sheriffs of the city of London out of the farm of the city. By K. Vacated because surrendered and …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… ( sic), and the hundred of Ludinglond, co. Suffolk; the farm of the honors of Boulogne and Peverel, in the counties … renders for the manor of Lechelade, co. Gloucester; the farm of the city of Chichester, co. Sussex; the manor of … cum Hevetre, the manors of Wyke and Suthtenge, and the farm of the city of Exeter, co. Devon, of the value of 1,000 …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… Licence, for Almaric de Sancto Amando to let to farm, for six years, to Gilbert de Knovill, his manor of … Edenham and Lange Benyngton, with their members, a farm of 40 l. from the manor of Boulton in Airedale, which … 15. Westminster. Licence for John de Ripariis to let to farm, for five years, to John de Sandale, king's clerk, the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… to pay to Robert de Crevequer 65 l. out of the farm of the said town and they shall have due allowance at … of the mills and bridge of Chester, 20 l. out of the farm of the town of Hereford, and 20 l. out of the farm of the hundred without the north gate of Oxford, yearly …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… II. by charter granted them the said hundred at a fee farm payable at the Exchequer by the hands of the sheriffs of … the earl attorned to the said Gerard for his fealty and farm, as appears in charters of the earl and Gerard which the … the manor of Kenton with Hevetre, Wyke and Suthtenge, the farm of the city of Exeter, which are of the value of 100 l., …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… that march; so that the bishop could not levy the said farm and answer for it at the Exchequer. By pet. of C. Jan. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… with the king on his service in Scotland, to let to farm his manor of Fulburne, co. Cambridge, which is held in …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
Displaying 181 - 190 of 21141