
Displaying 18101 - 18110 of 18370
Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers
… Aug. 13 J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. Concerning two soldiers assisting at a seizure of tea in Sussex. Customs …
Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers
… Same to the Secretary at War. Concerning sending 50 foot soldiers to Hawkhurst, Cranbrook, Tenterden, and Goudhurst … 26. May 2 J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. Concerning soldiers repelling force with forcein conflicts with …
Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers
… to the Treasury from Thos. Vaughan and Hugh Vaughan, soldiers. Concerning forfeiture of recognizances for being …
Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers
Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers
… of Morgan alias Martin Nowland. executed for enlisting soldiers for the French King, and referring to the similar …
Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers
… service and of the expense of victuals supplied to the soldiers in America, anno 1741. Ibid. p. 34. Treasury warrant …
Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers
… and remaining there with a serjeant, corporal and 12 soldiers of the American regiment. For 145 l. 9 s. 8 d. short paid on his and the said soldiers' pay computed to 1744, April 24. Referred:To the …
Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers
Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers
A History of the County of Cambridge and the Isle of Ely
Displaying 18101 - 18110 of 18370