
Displaying 18141 - 18146 of 18146
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… the longest liver; payable on 20 th day of November and 23 rd day of June, between 1 st and 3 rd hours after midday, at the house of William Foster, esq., …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… and the fair held at Brandesburton yearly on the 3 rd May. William Cecill, K.G., Ld. Burghley, and High …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… Thomas Shakylden, 2 nd son, and Christopher Shakylden, 3 rd son of Jeffrey Shakylden James Ridealghe and Jenetta his …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… land in Burghwalles, Ovston, and Thorpe. John Bonwicke, 3 rd son of Alexander Bonwicke John Jenkienson and Everelda his …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
Dictionary of English Furniture Makers 1660-1840
… [GL, Sun MS vol. 576(?), ref. 1335] Zuraghi, Felix, 9 City Rd, London, looking-glass, barometer and thermometer maker …
Displaying 18141 - 18146 of 18146