
Displaying 1821 - 1830 of 1903
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… by the deprivation made by John, bishop of Ardfert, of Gerald Fitzmoris for his faults and demerits, and therefore … consecration, or by the resignation of the said bishop or Gerald, or in any other way: and notwithstanding that Edmund …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… Rome. (f. 100 d.) To the precentor of Limerick and Gerald Mahycseayn ( sic) and John Doudun, canons of the same. …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… cxlii.). 4 Seeing that, however, as the recent petition of Gerald de Geraldinis, clerk, of the diocese of Ardfert, … moreover, that if the said tithes, etc., which the said Gerald with consent of the abbot and convent at present … the said monastery, to grant the said tithes etc. to Gerald for life. Romanum decet pontificem. ( L. Dathus. | xx. …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… from the executors of their respective mandates, viz. Gerald, abbot of St. Mary's, Monasteranenagh ( de Magio), O. Cist., in the said diocese, and Gerald Macuoyd, canon of Cloyne ( Clonen.); and that, …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… facto reserved to the pope's gift, by the resignation of Gerald de Geraldinis, made this day to the pope by his …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… Mandate, as below. The pope, has been informed by Gerald 4Omolcorkara, priest, of the diocese of Limerick, … Geraldus Geraldi de Geraldinis, clerk, accused the said Gerald Omolcolkara [ sic], then archdeacon of Limerick, … judge delivered a definitive sentence against the said Gerald Omol(corkara), 5 by which he deprived and removed him …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… John Baptista de Ferrariis, a canon of Modena, and Gerald Machoeid, a canon of Cloyne ( Clonen.). Mandate, as …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… ( de Castro dei), in the diocese of Cloyne ( Clonen.), and Gerald [son] of the White Knight ( militis albi) and Gerald Machoyd, canons of Cloyne. Mandate to grant in …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… of Limerick, that Thomas Rucel, priest, bargained with Gerald de Geraldinis, then dean of Lismore, that if he would … etc.; that in consequence of the said bargain Gerald resigned the deanery to the present pope; and that the … who under pretext thereof obtained possession, and paid Gerald the said sum. The said provision being therefore …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… 103 r.) Monition, etc., as below. The recent petition of Gerald ( Ghieraldus), bishop of Cork and Cloyne, contained … of Cloyne and its cemetery, and that he took the said Gerald once before he became bishop, 1 and again thereafter, … in the said diocese, substituted by James's proctor, Gerald de Geraldinis, perpetual vicar of Killronayn in the …
Displaying 1821 - 1830 of 1903