
Displaying 191 - 200 of 332
Journal of the House of Commons
… of the Timber in the Forest of Deane: And that Sir John Wintour be secured, and satisfied what is due to him, …
Journal of the House of Commons
… - - 100,000 - - Deane Forest. Deane Forest, Sir John Wintour being satisfied, and 14,000 Acres inclosed and …
Journal of the House of Commons
… Acres, granted, or pretended to be granted, to Sir John Wintour, or any other his Demesne Lands there, or in or upon …
Journal of the House of Commons
… and 150,808 Cords of Wood. And, upon this Survey, Sir John Wintour did contract with his late Majesty, that in … did then vote to this Effect, viz. "First, That Sir John Wintour, in respect of his Recusancy, and not performing … to the Commonwealth:" "Secondly, That Sir John Wintour offers to surrender his Patent into the Hands of the …
Journal of the House of Commons
… to the same Committee, to which the Petition of Sir John Wintour, was committed; to examine the Matter of the …
Journal of the House of Commons
… from the Committee, to which the Petition of Sir John Wintour, and another Petition of the Inhabitants, who claim …
Journal of the House of Commons
… Chamber: And to send for Persons, Papers, and Records. Wintour's Petition. Ordered, That Sir William Windham, and … added to the Committee, to whom the Petition of Sir John Wintour, is committed: And they are to meet this Afternoon at …
Journal of the House of Commons
… agreed to. The Proviso, on the Behalf of Sir John Wintour, was twice read; and, upon the Question, agreed to. … upon the Debates in the House. A Petition of Sir John Wintour was read. The Question being put, That Sir John Wintour be heard at the Bar of this House; The House was …
Journal of the House of Lords
… Thefts and Robberies are to meet this Afternoon. Sir J. Wintour versus Forest of Dean Bill. Upon Report made by the … within the Forest of Deane," and the Petition of Sir John Wintour relating thereunto, "That their Lordships have perused Sir John Wintour's Articles under the Great Seal of England, and found …
Journal of the House of Lords
… Also, a Petition was presented to this House from Sir John Wintour, which was read; and the following Order made … of Deane;" as also upon reading the Petition of Sir John Wintour Knight, Secretary to Her Majesty the Queen Mother, …
Displaying 191 - 200 of 332