
Displaying 201 - 210 of 278
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward IV, Edward V, Richard III
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry III
… le, 468. Bulyngham. See Bulingeham. Bundy, William, 287. Bungeye, Reyner de, 253. Bunstok, Bunstoc, Alexander, 379. -, …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward II
… co. Sussex, 185. Bundel, William, 294. Bungay, Bongeye, Bungeye [co. Suffolk], 111, 480. Bungay. See Bungeye. Bungeton. See Buncton. Bungeye. See Bungay. Bungeye, Bungay, Hugh de, 439. -, -, the …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
… de, 151. Bumstede, Robert de, of Norwich, 168. Bungay, Bungeye, co. Suffolk, priory of, 40. Bunwell, Bynewelle [co. …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward I
… 139. Bunecumb, Richard de, 423. - See also Bonecumbe. Bungeye, Matilda daughter of Henry de, 15. Buns, Richard, 64. …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry III
… co. Nottingham, Bestwood in, q.v. Bune. See Bone. Bungay, Bungeye [Suffolk], Joceus of. See Jews. Bungeye, Reiner de, 403. Buniton, Richard de, 28. Burd'. See …
Displaying 201 - 210 of 278