
Displaying 201 - 210 of 1200
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward I
… co. Berks. Walter de Wygeton acknowledges that he owes to Cok' son of Aaron, a Jew of London, 100 marks; to be levied, …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward I
… John Hymeke, Richard Hardene, Simon de Insula, Laurence Cok, Thomas Magge, Walter le Fevre, Nicholas le Fevre, Henry …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward I
… de Hegham, Simon son of John, Robert the clerk, Richard le Cok, Bartholomew Adam, Geoffrey le Stobber', Bartholomew …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward I
… Angulo, Ralph le Archer, Richard Waryn, John Aumfray, Hugh Cok, Agnes le Koo, John Edrich, John de Boys, Henry Cosyn, …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward I
… to the abbot of Furneus a palfrey owing to him. William Cok of Tikehull acknowledges that he owes to Master Simon de …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward I
… gold. Whereas Andrew le Gramayr' was lately indebted to Cok, son of Hagin, a Jew of London, in ten marks, and for …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward I
… him [in self defence], etc. Oct. 22. Westminster. John Cok, imprisoned at Sumerton gaol for the death of Robert le …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward I
… that he cannot have maintenance from his lands. William Cok, imprisoned at Notingham for the death of Henry de …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward I
… taken into the king's hands for his default against Alice Cok. This is signified to the justices of the Bench. John de …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward I
… To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to deliver in bail Richard Cok, imprisoned in Oxford castle for the death of John Cok, wherewith he is charged, as the king learns by the …
Displaying 201 - 210 of 1200