
Displaying 201 - 210 of 40735
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… by reason of the rebellion of the said Nicholas. By p.s. March 28. Westminster. Confirmation, at the supplication of … The king ordered it in his parliament at London last March. Mandate in pursuance to the sheriff of Surrey to cause … until that date for the security and defence of the Scotch march. Oct. 8. Holme Cultram. Licence, in consideration of a …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12 MEMBRANE 21. March 28. Westminster. Confirmation of a grant in frank … William of his mills in Marleberg, held by him in chief. March 30. Westminster. Simple protection, for one year, for … attorney in Ireland for one year. Membrane 20 ( Schedule). March 14. Westminster. Appointment of Taldus Janiani and …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… at London and maimed him. By fine made at the Exchequer. March 7. Northallerton. The like to John de Haveringge and … and Hubert Burre his brother for the death of her husband. March 7. Northallerton. Commission to Roger Brabazun and … of his goods, and to correct the error, if any, therein. March 5. Darlington. Commission of oyer and terminer to Roger …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 MEMBRANE 20. March 26. Evesham. Power to John Wogan, justiciary of … by the king of France, and for their households. By K. March 28. Evesham. Protection for the same, if by any chance … should be detained beyond Whitsunday, while so detained. March 28. Evesham. Power, until Whitsunday, to William le …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… and that the horse men should pass the Twede in the March to go with the said John, for eight days at their own … and destroying the lands of the latter in the Welsh March; for which he was condemned to prison. By K. Jan. 8. … the short notice, and of some of them being in the Scotch march, defending their lands. If they do not appear, the king …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… Cumberland, for Richard le Brun, appointed keeper of the march of Scotland. The like to knights and others of the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… of St. Mary the Virgin. By fine made at the Exchequer. March 5. Darlington. Letters for John son of Thomas, going to … for the death of Robert le Peyntour of Kent. By p.s. March 5. Darlington. Richard Fulk of Saham, for the death of … son of Hugh, and of his outlawry for the same. By p.s. March 7. Northallerton. Presentation of John de Bento[n] to …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… &c. This charter was renewed and corrected at Carlisle, March, 35 Edward I. In the first charter was contained "for …
Displaying 201 - 210 of 40735