
Displaying 20811 - 20820 of 20864
Survey of London
… Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, in exchange for the Duke's house in Southwark. This grant preserved the rights of … 10 cottages, 4 stables and 7 gardens in the parish of St. Martin in the Fields." Thenceforward "Suffolk Place" became … Earl of Chesterfield, and the banns had been read at St. Martin-in-the-Fields for the second time, but Buckingham …
Survey of London
… death, he granted to his cousin, William of Ely, the King's treasurer. The monks of Westminster were the lords of the … 8 his houses and grange which he held within the latter's two gates, namely, "those houses which are adjoining the … about 1230 12 he transferred to trustees (Walter of St. Martin's, minister of the Cross of Christ; Laurence of St. …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… Thomas Atkynson and Alice his wife Lands in Hiperome. Martin Tweyng, Edward Hylyerd, and Thomas Blake John Dalkyn … Dalton and Ann his wife hold for the term of Ann's life. William Calverley, kt. John Rodley 5 messuages with …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… kt. Thomas Tempest, esq., and Elizabeth his wife, Martin Boynton and Ann his wife 7 messuages with lands in …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… and Bothumley, and the advowson of the chantry of S t Mary, Barton. John, James and Ralph Dodsworth hold a … land in Louersall. Thomas Lutton, esq., and Alice his wife Martin Kylborne and Alice his wife, and John Wensley and …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… with lands, and of the advowson of the chapel of S t Mary de Barton, in Bargh, Shelley, Lepton, Shepley, … Johanna his wife Messuage in Beuerley. John Rudston, kt., Martin Hillyard, Edward Dymmok, Arthur Dymmok, Nicholas …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… and Dodworth, and of the advowson of the chantry of S t. Marie, in Dreton Church. John Sheffeld and Johanna his … Almondbury. William Holgill, clerk John Norton, esq. 106 s 8 d rent issuing from the manor of Frykkeley. Roger Browne, … church, and the fifth part of a chantry in the church of S t Mary, Spenythorne. Edward Gower, kt., Robert Constable de …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… HENRY VIII ** The King Robert, Prior of the Monastery of S t Pancras, Lewes Manor of Halyfax and 4 messuages with … of a messuage with land in Goldthorp, and Bolton on Derne. Martin Hastyngs and Ann his wife Hugh Hastyngs, kt., and … The King William Gryffith, Prior of the House or Priory of S t Katherine, near Lincoln, of the Order of St Gilbert …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… of Warlaghby, and 3 messuages with lands there, of 9 12 s rent in Bylton, and of the advowson of S t Martin's church in Mykylgayt in York. ** William Dacre, kt., … 9 12 s in Bilton in the Ansty, and of the advowson of S t Martin's church in the city of York. Stephen Newton George …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… Smerlstye, Scolcrofte and Holden Cloughe, and the knight's service, homage, fealty, and rents issuing from the lands … father of William Gascoign, junr., has a life interest. Martin Rosse Richard Jaklyng and Elizabeth his wife Messuage … Hothom, gent., Hugh Hungaite, gent., and Peter Anne, gent. Martin Anne, esq. Lands in Frykley, Garettynge, and Frykwell. …
Displaying 20811 - 20820 of 20864