
Displaying 211 - 220 of 476
Journal of the House of Commons
… the former. As to the Words, by the Time of Mr. Penistone Whaley's Case, His Majesty perceives, that if they had been …
Journal of the House of Lords
… from the Committee, the Ordinance concerning Colonel Whaley, as fit to pass, with some Alterations, which they …
Journal of the House of Lords
… in them;" and to that Purpose wrote a Letter to Colonel Whaley, that Day the King went from Hampton Court, intimating … which Letter was presently shewed to the King, by Colonel Whaley. "That, about Six Days after, when it was fully known …
Journal of the House of Lords
… Conveniency, * concerning Matter of Religion, and Colonel Whaley's Ordinance. The Answer returned was: Answer to the H. …
Journal of the House of Lords
… in which they desire Concurrence." and Colonel Whaley's Ordinance. "2. They agree to the Alterations in the Ordinance concerning Colonel Whaley, excepting to the Word ["Heirs"]; to which they do not … Ordinance to settle the Lordship of Flawborow on Colonel Whaley, for 1000l. and in Lieu of his Arrears. "Whereas there …
Journal of the House of Lords
… and was read: " Die Mercurii, 7 Die Junii, 1648. Col. Whaley to pursue those in Arms in Essex. "At the Committee of … at Derby House. "Ordered, That the Letter from Colonel Whaley be reported to the Houses; and to desire the Houses to declare their Opinion, whether Colonel Whaley may pursue those in Arms in Essex without the …
Journal of the House of Lords
… Waller. Valentine Walton, Esquires. Tho. Harrison, Edw. Whaley, Tho Pride, Isaacke Ewers, Lord Grey of Graby. Sir Jo. …
Journal of the House of Lords
… King. Jo. Bradshaw.x Tho. Grey.x Oliver Cromwell.x Edw. Whaley.x Michaell Livesey.x John Okey.x John D'anvers.x Jo. …
Journal of the House of Lords
… of Lancaster, late in the Tenure of Richard Latus, James Whaley, and Robert Eccleston, for their Lives, were …
Journal of the House of Lords
… as they think fit. Marquis of Newcastle Privilege in Whaley's Suit against him. Upon the Oath of John Hutton, … Newcastle, made this Day at the Bar; shewing, "That John Whaley makes Claim to all or Part of the Manor of Sibthorpe, … Sir Henry Springett and Two other Trustees of the said Whaley have brought Four Actions against Four of the Tenants …
Displaying 211 - 220 of 476