
Displaying 221 - 230 of 1256
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles I
… [ p.] 12. ii. Joseph Woodgate to his wife Joan. Master Ballard and I parted at Coventry to-day; we have been at Mr. …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles I
… would have paid himself perhaps more. Lieutenant-Colonel Ballard is to be heard to-day before the Lower House, …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles I
… is disbursed, let him know of it. For Lieutenant Colonel Ballard, I know not whether he intend this present month's …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles I
… who have been busy men here. Capt. Legge, Lieut.-Col. Ballard, and Capt. Palms, are sent for by the Parliament, and … as Lord Edward Howard, Mr. Pinckney, Lieutenant-Colonel Ballard, Serjeant-Major Brockett, LieutenantColonel Boles, …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles I
… Sir William Ferfar[?], Sir Wm. Constable, Hampden, Ballard, Essex, and Bamfield. [ p.] Aug. 7, Westminster. 104. …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles I
… Briddeman [Bridgeman], and our late SerjeantMajor General Ballard, profane wretches, but chiefly for want of our …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles I
… p.] 123 Nov. 23. Warwick House. The same The same For John Ballard to be master cook of the "John" in place of the late …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles I, 1625-49
… 197. Bond of Francis Wright, of Witham, co. Essex, Brian Ballard, of Carter Lane, London, and William Edwards, of the …
Displaying 221 - 230 of 1256