
Displaying 24051 - 24053 of 24053
A History of the County of Somerset
… and two asterisks denote occurrence in both fresh and salt water. TELEOSTEANS ACANTHOPTERYGII *1. Perch. Perca … says Baker, ascend the Parret beyond the reach of tide water, probably to spawn, as the fry of this species are … and the preceding species ascend rivers to spawn in fresh water. APODES **95. Eel. Anguilla vulgaris, Turt. Breeds in …
A History of the County of Somerset
… abundant. Mr. Macmillan found it at Castle Cary. The Great Water Beetle ( Hydrophilus piceus, L.) is plentiful near …
A History of the County of Somerset
… at least as marine species are concerned. So much fresh water mingles with the salt in that part of the Bristol … with which it is captured on the shore and in shallow water, and by the appeal which it makes to the human palate … not in the sense of being able to inhabit both land and water, but as being what is now called 'euryhaline,' …
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